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Everything posted by SooToo

  1. Not sure what lousy business deals and obsession with the AC have to do with cajones.
  2. Wow. Talk about conjecture. To assume that the second game in this low-ball contract constitutes the first game of a renewed series stretches rational thought. It doesn't matter if someone talked with their neighbor who knows a coach at the AC who said it will be OK, what you've got is what's on paper; a bargain basement deal for two games on the road stretched out over FIVE years. Anxious to resume the rivalry and want to appear above the petty bickering? Why not agree, as Faison suggested in an email, to go to FU for free next year and wait to negotiate further games with their new AD, who some here seem certain will be open to a home and home. What's done is done, I guess, and UND will move forward. Here's hoping Thursday's game is the start of a bright future for Sioux football. But the apparent desperation to schedule something -- anything -- with the AC suggests a lack of vision/lapse in judgment by Faison and, yes, Bub a Schweigert. Anxious for relevance? Put a capable team on the field and make some noise in the BigSky, the preeminent FCS conference in the west and the home we' ve chosen. A reasonable deal with the AC can wait for their new, more reasonable AD. Instead we feed the perception of inequality by grasping at a one-sided offer intended as an insult and persist in defining our success on an opponent we no longer play in a conference we don't' t belong to.
  3. Seeing reports now that UND will get $120,000 for game 1 of this scheduling debacle and $140,00 for game #2. Incredible. The AC has found NOBODY willing to come to town for that kind of money, even from D2 ranks. If you're going to be a whore, Mr. Faison, at show enough self respect to not be a cut-rate one.
  4. Too bad a minority of UND fans seem unable to get by the fascination/obsession with the AC. Win against the premier teams in the Big Sky and UND will have established its credibility without accepting a one-sided deal that is an insult to the institution, its fanbase and its players.
  5. Extremely disappointed to wake up to this news today. As a student and alumnus/fan, I've enjoyed 40 years of battles with the AC on the field and court. But when you have their president and media stooge on the radio proclaiming that neither the AC faithful or administration are really interested in this game, why is UND so desperate to get it scheduled? Want relevance in ND and the RRV? Put a disciplined team on the field and win some marquee football match ups in the Big Sky, a superior conference, IMO, for UND sports. By accepting this two-game road contract -- something no other FCS team is willing to do -- Brian Faison leaves area residents/casual fans with the impression that either (A) UND owes something to the AC for the treatment it received when it bolted from the NCC a decade ago, hurting all of the teams that remained, or; (B) the AC really is at a higher level and can demand from UND any terms it likes. It's hard to see how this deal benefits UND in any way, especially as there have been no reports of agreement - either contractually or informally -- on resuming any type of regular home-and-home schedule for this game. Agree with Bin on this one; this is a slap in the face for UND alumni and athletic teams.
  6. This thread still alive? I thought it was crystal clear long ago, to anyone with a modicum of intelligence and objectivity, that Taylor won't agree to a resumption of this series in any fashion because his feelings were hurt a decade ago. He's just not man enough to say it publicly.
  7. In North Dakota, all bills are guaranteed a vote on the floor -- no killing bills in committee.
  8. Still disappoints me some, but hear what you're saying. A tired subject. I sincerely hope Faison's working hard to fill the holes in upcoming schedules and not waiting for this debacle to come to fruition. It's clear, on this subject at least, Taylor's not a reliable negotiating partner and has no real interest other than covering his ass for PR purposes.. Long past time to move on to other options. This one's dead.
  9. Thanks for the day-brightener!
  10. Mr. Sunshine. Gotta love the endless spin. LOL when I read that gem.
  11. It's early, but yours has to be odds-on favorite for moronic post of the day.
  12. Thanks for being the voice of reason on this thread, albeit a lonely one. No basketball genius here, but I find it laughable the number of experts on this site who "guarantee" Jones can never win the big one after just two years of conference play -- with second-place and third-place finishes to show for it -- and "know" an assistant's departure reflects impending staff dismissal instead of the lure of a $30,000 pay raise. Like the previous football staff, basketball has been handicapped by limited resources to hire and retain quality/experienced assistants in the D-1 era. This team's inconsistency was troubling over the last couple of seasons, but as you noted, the next couple of years should provide better evidence whether or not the problem is coaching.
  13. I have four tickets in section 114 available for Friday. $25 per ticket. Text 701 866-3872
  14. Lower bowl tickets still available for tonight, 3/8/14.
  15. TWO tickets available for Saturday, 3/8/14. Section 114, Row H. $45 per ticket. Call or text 701 866-4075.
  16. No offense to Beebsb010, but I think it shows how a small minority of posters, both here and in the football board, cannot escape their fixation with the AC.
  17. I believe coach Schweigert said the other day that 3 more prospective 2014 recruits would be on campus this weekend. No names, but I see over on the AC fanatics' recruiting thread that they just offered a Kansas all-state safety who had an earlier offer from SIU but didn't sign. Also, DT Brandon Hines, who UND offered at one point but was reported here to be going to a prep school, now may be looking to sign a college LOI, according to their board.
  18. Hope you're right on this one. Given lack of offers, recruiters obviously see something I don't (speed?), but hard to imagine a down side to a 6'3", 235-pound running back who was good enough to put up big rushing numbers in the top class of Minnesota HS football. If he didn't work out at RB, seems there would be a lot of options on defense for this guy. Anyone know anything more about late offeree Luke Elsner, DE from Wisc? Coming for a visit? Still in the mix?
  19. Curious observation of the "obvious:" From respective rosters: Garrison Goodman 6'2" 226 Grant Olson 6'0" 228 Travis Beck 6'0" 214 Carlton Littlejohn 6'1" 216
  20. SooToo

    Fire Muss

    This. This is the type of serious insight that keeps me coming back to Siouxsports. I now better understand your appreciation of the head coach at the AC, where I would guess this hasn't been a problem for many years
  21. More than just a great talent on the field, he seemed like a young man of great character off of it. He came from an FBS school and I never once heard a hint of arrogance in any public comment. He demonstrated poise and polish beyond his years when dealing with the media. He credited his teammates when things went well and shouldered the blame when the game didn't goes as we all hoped. I can't imagine he'll be anything but a great success in anything he chooses to do with the rest of his life. I'd love to see him stay around for a year or two as a GA or assistant to mentor our young QB's but best of luck to him where ever his future leads him.
  22. SooToo

    Fire Muss

    Really? Miller's longest field goal of the year was 50 yards, and he hit on 50% of attempts (1 of 2) from that distance for the season. From 40-49 yards, he was 100% (3 of 3). I don't understand running your 170-pound scat back into a stacked line (where's Hedrickson on a roll out, or your 240-pound H back on the dive?), but it doesn't seem unreasonable to think you can get a 1/2 yard on the ground to allow your team a much better shot, statistically speaking, at a winning field goal. In its first year out of transition -- its first in perhaps the toughest conference in FCS -- UND goes 5 and 6. Doesn't sound like a record that warrants dismissal to me. Yet we have geniuses here calling for Mussman's head due to perceived poor play calling and yet crying that we'll "be eff'd" if the offensive coordinator -- who presumably made many of those play calls -- moves on to another position. Somehow the answer always is a retread coach from the old days or a regional coach with no experience outside of D2. UND didn't struggle because Mussman -- or his O coordinator -- opted to try to get 0.5 yard on the ground instead of attempting a 50-50 field goal. It struggled because it couldn't stop any team from running the ball all year long and couldn't -- despite an o line averaging over 300 pounds -- create running room inside for any of UND's running backs. Blame that on coaching, too, if you want to, but who among the experts here anticipated that kind of ineptitude against the run after last year's defensive performance? And when a team lines up and gashes you for 10, 15, 20 yards on successive rushing attempts, I dont think its the scheme that is the problem; it's the personnel on the field.
  23. Like I thought ... delusional.
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