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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Hey, hey, hey...this is MY thread, I make the rules...Vanek is gone!!!
  2. That's a tough call...I think that the main reason Roloson was pulled was because the Avs had 2 goals on 4 shots, and Lemaire knew that Fernandez is just about as good as Roli and was think ing at that point he might have to be pulling him anyway, so why not while Manny is still warm. If it were me I would have stuck with Roloson, but Jacques does know what he's doing. You're right, Roloson has been playing unbelievable in the playoffs, he's just getting outplayed by Patrick Roy, which happens a lot, I mean it's Patrick Roy...not many can say they are just as good, much less better, than he is.
  3. Actually, for AA, Tech, and Wisco, I looked at their top scorer that was a Fr, So, or Jr...I really don't think that it matters if they stick around or not Did any one else see that 13 AA players will be suspended for 3-7 games? The NCAA is letting them spread it out so they can still play. They supposedly bought books that they didn't need for class. I didn't even know they could read!!
  4. Here's who needs to leave, or has already left, by your theory...which I agree with Sioux: David Hale MSU: Grant Stevenson CC: Perter Sejna Gophers: Thomas Vanek Denver: Connor James BADgers: Rene Bourque Tech: Colin Murphy Alaska: Ales Parez SCCC: Matt Hendricks Duluth: Junior Lessard
  5. Around the Horn is on ESPN...Woody Paige is actually one of my favorite people on the show. Not because he has something intelligent to say, but because he also hates that little weasel Max Kellerman (Kellerman hates hockey and thinks it is a worthless sport where all they do is fight...this coming from a boxing analyst).
  6. USCHO.com reports that Minnesota State's Grant Stevenson has signed with the San Jose Sharks as a free agent. I for one am glad that Stevenson signed and wish him the best of luck. I think that this has to hurt the Mavs quite a bit. Stevenson was one of their leading scorers this season. With the loss of Stevenson it will be interesting to see how the Mavs will respond, seeing how there is already a lack of depth on the team.
  7. Just hit the quote button, then you can edit it in the edit box.
  8. Ugly Truth is Wild no match for Avs This article gave me yet another reason to hate the Colorado Avalanche and most of thier fans. This article was brought to my attention by a friend of mine at Minnesota State-Mankato as well as WPoS. Kiszla is obviously unaware that the Wild play a defensive style of hockey. To quote Barry Melrose, "When the Wild score the first goal, they are one of the best teams in the NHL." The New Jersey Devils play the same style of hockey and it has won them a couple Stanley Cups (One of which was under current Wild head coach Jacques Lemaire). The Avs have never had a bad team. Thier fans have been very spoiled. They were built in Quebec and moved to Colorado, won a Cup straight out of the gate. Kiszla was obviously stunned that the Wild, a third year expansion team, could come into the Pepsi Center, and beat the all mighty Avalanche in the playoffs no the less. Calling Kuba and Mitchell thugs for standing up Forsberg (yes, it can be done) who, I'm sorry but it's true, isn't known for his sportsmanlike play. I've seen Forsberg take more stupid penalties than any other scoring forward in the NHL (by scoring, I don't include guys like Tie Domi and Donald Brashear). I can't wait for the year when the Avalanche are a sub .500 team that doesn't make the playoffs, and Colorado fans know what it is like to sit and watch their team get annihilated by the oppostion. Mr. Kiszla, the Wild do belong on the same ice as the Avs. They've played them tough all four games. Patrick Roy was the main reason that Minnesota wasn't within less than a few goals, and in my opinion why it is 3-1 Avs instead of 2-2 or maybe even 3-1 Wild. I realize that Dwayne Roloson has played outstanding in the series as well, but you and I both know he is not the quality goalie that Roy is. I didn't really expect the Wild to win as Colorado has a lot of offensive weapons (especially the AMP line), but I didn't expect Anaheim to beat (much less sweep) the Red Wings either. Now I want to make a point to the Avs fans on this board (leif, elmdf (sp), etc...). I do not include you guys with the majority of Avs fans, I want to make that very clear. I forgot which one of you said that Kiszla is not a very good commentator, and that is good to hear. My roommate is an Avs fan too, and he agrees that Kiszla was out of line with the article. OK, I am done ranting, Go Wild!! IF Colorado ends up winning the series, I hope that they get absolutely destroyed in the second round. Most likey St. Louis or Anaheim.
  9. I think you might be overestimating about the traffic, but I could be wrong (Driving home for Thanksgiving...I don't think it's that busy). Being from the Cities, I am willing to guess that what you call a lot of traffic I call normal, or a little more than empty. The way that the parking lot is at the end of the game, is the way that 394 is after a Twins, Vikings, Timberwolves, or Wild game is (I haven't been to a Gopher game recently, so I don't know how it is after those games) for most of the way. Who knows I might be wrong, I'll check it out next year.
  10. Eddie went above and beyond to give the Leafs a chance to win. Sundin, Roberts, Tucker, etc...didn't get it doen up front. Belfour stopped 72 shots...the man got tired, I don't blame him a bit for letting in the soft one for the game winner. The blame should be put on the guys up front, who didn't shoot the puck, much less get it in the net
  11. I think either way the top three rows will be blocked off like in the lower bowl student sections the past couple years.
  12. The Mighty Ducks did not outplay the Red Wings...they played WITH them. There is one reason they won... Jean-Sebastian Giguere...plain and simple He had over 150 saves in four games with something like a .960 save percentage. Even Rucchin stated yesterday after he scored the game winner that JS was the reason they won in four.
  13. I will never cheer for the Dallas Stars, EVER (except for Mike Modano)...The year they won the cup was doubly bad for me, as the Buffalo Sabres became my team after the North Stars left. Also, at that time I was in my Gopher to Sioux fan transition phase, so being a UND alum wouldn't have had an effect on who I cheered for (I also didn't know that Belfour was an alum, he was just a former Blackhawk to me...an even better reason to cheer against Dallas at the time). Also, hearing your opinion on Kiszla makes me feel a whole lot better. It's good to know that even Avs fans think he is a jacka$$.
  14. Yep, Murphy got sent back down to Houston yesterday. I would imagine it has something to do with he's not playing and the Aeros started their playoffs tonight against Milwuakee
  15. Ah, Ah, Ah...not so fast boys...there is a bit of misinformation on the link... "...and the magazine deems it highly unlikely that, when asked "Where's the strangest place you ever made whoopee?" a "Newlywed Game" contestant replied, "That would be in the butt, Bob." " I've seen the clip on America's Funniest Game Show Moments...so there is still hope on Cindy Brady
  16. You're both wrong...looks more like a mutated worm on steroids and crack...he's obviously suffering from roid rage and withdrawl at the time of the picture. Flatspin...what's up with you and sasquatchs recently (you taking a page out of Jeff's book or what?)?
  17. I think that within the next two years Duluth will have a tougher NC schedule, Sandelin has just started rebuilding the program, and as they get better (as I assume they will) more quality NC opponents will want to face them.
  18. I agree...who doesn't like to drink beer ...don't forget we all like hockey too Long Island Darts...That must have been an interesting game, but I think beer darts would be more fun
  19. Gotcha...Thanks, I like being on the "inside" ...ah yes, Mankato as a clueless little girl who thinks they are better than they are (or am I way off base?). And a good "fight" is right...UNH/Ferris style I hear I also like the fact that no one can say our record is watered down because of cupcake NC opponents.
  20. You'll have to forgive Goon, Greyeagle...arguing with Gopher fans like yellowdog takes a lot out of you, it can make you have short term memory loss, and cause temorary insanity. Hell, I've been up all night checking this board, and I only read it!!! Actually I was doing a 30 page outline (more or less) that is due for a class today and my lazy ass put it off until this weekend
  21. I should hope not, playing a bunch of consecutive games on the road is very demanding on players, the best way is to spread the schedule out. A few here a few on the road ond so on.
  22. Yellowdog- We at the Sioux board welcome opinions from opposing fans as long as they have something intelligent to say, like Greyeagle, WPoS, MavsFan, and a few others. I think that under all the jibber jabber in your posts you do. The minute someone disagrees with you, you get very defensive about your opinion, which is fine. Just stay away from personal attacks (yes, I know there are some sioux fans that do it too, but try to remember that this is our board...Sioux fans who do this (you know who you are) stop it), and there is no need to repeat yourself 80 billion times. You have potential to be among the ranks of WPoS and Greyeagle as Gopher posters we like over here. There's no need to defend your opinion to the death here, make it, read the response, make a rebuttle, etc...when stuff starts to get repeated on both sides, agree to disagree and move on. Watch the way that the aforementioned posters post, and how peaceful this board can be when everyone is civil. It is hard for anyone to be objective on this board since we ALL have biases.
  23. If that isn't the most random thought I've ever heard. Where did you think this up, becuase I know you drive a Subaru, not a Nissan so you have think about it (driving). Just About Remember Every Arena in the World Has Black netting (If they have Nets) I Think it's So it Blends into the Crowd ....That's all I have to say about that!!! They're not out to satisfy you Just kidding, bud...you know I had to do it.
  24. Beer Darts is a game invented by WPoS Go to BeerDarts.net for rules as well as a description of how to play Though I have yet to play myself, it looks like the shiznit Good job WPoS!!
  25. Thank you...that makes sense. I could have figured the explantion on my own as I am quite the Brady Bunch afficianado (actually, I made the horrible mistake of seeing the movie...They owe me 7 bucks for that), but thanks anyways
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