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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. As of yeterday (at least during the games) it appeared the Wild would be playing Vancouver and the Avs would be facing off St. Louis. So, I might be wrong. So I will ammend my statement (I just confirmed) COLORADO will be going down in 7 (They have Roy, it'll go 7) GO WILD!!!
  2. Damnit...oh, well good luck Dave (are you telling me I have to root for the Devils? ) Congrats to Murphy being called by the Wild (Stanley Cup Champs, I'm tellin ya) Go Wild!! Vancouver WILL go down in 6...Mark my words
  3. None (as far as I know, the closest is Lubomir Sekaras of the Wild...he's 6-0 about 187 pounds...correct me if I am wrong). The college game isn't as physical as the pro game, Bina can do just fine in college, but I think he will have to be a forward to make it in the NHL.
  4. They have...They're forming a new NCAA D1 hockey team...unfortunately, They're going to be in the CHA, On paper they'll kick the Gopher's ass. But their coach, Satan, says the Sioux scare the bejesus out of him.
  5. I could careless where a player is from, if he's good I want him in green and white.
  6. Size doesn't matter as much in college as it does in the NHL. Sure the kid is small, but if he is a good player, why shouldn't we want him here.
  7. The only thing that can keep Spiewak out of the NHL is his size. Not saying he won't (I think he's like a foot taller than Brian Gionta, so it can happen) play in the NHL, but size does matter in the NHL. Best of luck to him, and I hope one day he does make it to the bigs.
  8. Both played pretty good games...Bayda netted Corolina's only goal. Good luck to Blake in the playoffs...until they play the Wild.
  9. Yep...like I said, $7.99 at Barnes and Noble
  10. That'd be a pretty damn good line. Though I do think that Pohl is overrated, great player...just a little overrated (Gopher fans, this goes back to his high school days at Red Wing, not because he was a Gopher).
  11. yeah...$7.99 at Barnes and Noble, what a rip off ...I think it was on sale too.
  12. Sounding like a Travis Roche. We need a skilled defenseman who can handle the puck well and get it up to our forwards. My guess is Siouxrock's problem with him is that he went to Central.
  13. toher = other (don't worry, I only figured it out by luck).
  14. Definately...Sejna was in the right place at the right time for St. Louis. Got to feel great scoring your first NHL goal against Roy. At least he is no longer a thorn in the Sioux's side. Great player.
  15. No I am from the Minneapolis area...There is a Part 141 school down there that I would like to instruct at if UND doesn't hire me. Being from a metropolitain area, I would much rather live near a big city than where other 141 schools are (Spokane, West Lafayette, Prescott).
  16. To be honest I know a lot of Sioux fans that don't want to live in Grand Forks. As for myself...unless I get hired by the university, I'm headed south to St. Louis...try to get hired down there, after I graduate
  17. I think that Connelly will step up next year. He was a good fourth line forward this year. He may not have produced a lot in points, but he played pretty well. Don't forget the kid missed a lot of last season due to a shoulder injury and I believe he had surgery on it this summer. Canady DOES need to stop the stupid behind the play penalties. I thought that we would be done with that this year as he had some experience and developed as a player, but obviously not. Genoway needs to step up next year as well, as he did not live up to the hype on him last year. Not that I expected him to, but he still played below the level I expected him to play at.
  18. Glad to hear it...Good luck Leinie, keep the puck away from Goehring...any one have any news on who Notes and Spiewak signed with, or if they even have yet?
  19. Not only that...Englestad only seated around 5 or 6 thousand if I remember correctly
  20. Being born and raised in the Cities, Minnesota definately has a lot of fair weather fans, though it has decreased in recent years. I remember Viking games being blackedout because of lack of ticket sales. I've also seen a Packer section in Target (where I work at home) that was always running low on merchandise. The only sport here that doesn't seem to have a lot of fair weather fans is hockey. Now to throw a little history at ya. The reason the North Stars left Minnesota was becuase the Met Center wasn't making enough money for them to stay (The Civic/River/Xcel Center would have, but Norm Greed wasn't having it). We do need to cut JWG and the Gophers some slack about the attendance. Marriucci is a smaller arean than the Ralph. That was the problen with the Met, it only had around 15,000 seats. Give them a bigger arena and the fans will turn out, as was seen at the Final Five this year. By the way...there are fair weather fans everywhere
  21. I would really think that the Devils would want Hale to play another year because of his health problems, but hey they know what their doing. I would like to see him back for another year, but frankly I'm not counting on it. If he's not, I believe that Scheider will have to step up a play a huge role on D, along with Jones and Greene. Jumbo Rulz...have I played pick-up hockey with you and Tex, Ike, Woody, Cy, etc. over at Lake Agassiz...If I'm right...your 'canes avatar gave you away.
  22. Notes has always been my favorite player on the Sioux because he played the game the same way I did (unfortunately I wasn't nearly as good). He had speed and the most determination of any Sioux player I have seen, and always seemed to be a leader on the ice. Before every game flatspin and I see if we can guess the correct scoring combo for the Sioux...I always took Notes from Jones (we added the assist to make it more difficult...it was more fun that way too.), while this never actually happened the main reason was Jones wasn't on the ice at the same time, otherwise this had a very good chance. Best of luck to Notes, Spiewak, and Leinie in thier future hockey careers. I wish we could have them back next year, but rules are rules I guess Thanks a lot guys!!...ZachAttack, my sentiments exactly.
  23. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3.5???...I graduated high school with a 2.9 (Yeah, I can admit it, it's not that I couldn't have done better, I'm just lazy), ND high schools must have some low standards. (No offense to those that went to ND high schools) That is of course IF this is true, which I am willing to bet it isn't. I'm still laughing..... hahahahahahahaha
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