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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Don't get me started on Title IX or "equal" rights. Where do you see a thread on here discussing who's the hottest female hockey player? Take these polls to POI Happy Hour or USCHO Cafe. And before you say anything...I'm not middle-aged.
  2. True, goalies can be quite valuable...but, Brandt is our #1, with JPar as a solid backup. The things Zach brings to the team are unmatched by just about everyone. He's the playmaker, does the dirty work, gets Bo and everyone else the puck, and even puts a few in himself.
  3. Ryan does need to step up, but there's a reason he plays instead of Palmo.
  4. I don't see Denver and Wisco playing each other first round. The NC$$ doesn't like conferece opponents doing that. However, with how bad the East (minus a few teams) is this year...might have to happen.
  5. Holy sh*t!...a thread about..........HOCKEY!! Lundy.
  6. Here's an article in the Star Trib. The US lost to Mexico 4-0 in soccer, therefore we won't be at the Olympic games in Athens. Who cares? It's soccer. This is the part that ticks me off about it... I say we just go down there and turn it into a glass-bottom parking lot. I think the Houston Texans need more spaces.
  7. Are you saying I'm not good-looking enough to get her eye on my own?
  8. Hey, hey, hey...they're fun to look at
  9. 1) Sioux Hockey 2) NCAA Hockey 3) NHL 4) Football 5) Baseball 6) GGW 7) Spice Channel 8) Sorority "sleep overs" 9) Wet T-shirt contests, especially during Mardi Gras (what's a T-shirt?) 10) NCAA College Cheerleading Championships
  10. DISHMAN...I don't care if you hate the Sioux and post here, but respect that this is our board and not POI...even airmail posts with respect over there. If all you're going to do is b*tch about the Sioux...go back to POI, and stay there.
  11. Yes!...great one for Saturday night.
  12. I'd say 0-7 . Long live the streak!! The Edge isn't that great except Thursday nights (LAIDies night) Hate to tell you this, but you won't get many direct flights anywhere. It's called the hub and spoke system. All airlines (except Southwest and JetBlue) use it. And the chances of clearance delivery clearingyou direct anyways are slim to none.
  13. They are aware that we average 5 goals a game (around that), aren't they. The only people who really concern me on this team are McElhinney (maybe Zaba? they're other goalie) and Brett Sterling.
  14. Lucky b@st@rd...you mean that "airplane" that the Johnson Creek highway officers use didn't get you like it did me? Ain't that the truth!!
  15. We're playing well, just falling into the trap like last year where were not finding the net. Everyone's tune will change when we sweep CC this weekend.
  16. Nice job ladies!!! Way to pound the Beavers!! In hockey terms of course.
  17. I'd like to see Ziggy get a chance against Tech or MSU-M. I think he can be a pretty good goaltender, but JPar just played better in practice.
  18. You mean our 3rd best in the WCHA 21% PP? Or is it the 89% PK your worried about? Inquiring minds want to know.
  19. I don't see how they can think that marketing merchandise with the name is a bad thing. Notre Dame sells shotglasses with their log on it, I'm sure. Should I take it that they are calling me (I'm Irish) an alcoholic, or making fun of where I come from...NO, they are promoting their football, basketball, hockey, etc... teams. Which is what we are doing with our shotglasses and Sioux-perdogs. And I believe the bookstore did stop selling shotglasses...not because they felt they were embarrassing the Sioux, but they felt it promoted drinking. The Sioux pro-shop at REA still sells them, I believe.
  20. I like the NHL rule of it can't be a kicking motion, but a rediretction of it is fine. Either way...it needs to be cut and dry.
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