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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Bo gets 6 this weekend, to come out of the slump.....Mankato's defense has been MIA for the majority of the year.
  2. No, just Bison1234. Didn't even Woog and Mazzacco admit that they got beat by a better team...maybe even Sonmor
  3. I second that. When is said group meeting with RT and the others? I'd like to be involved as well. Did they go to the Denver series? So if mother's are not fair game...are sisters?
  4. Maybe we could get the goalie who lead the greatest NHL team that no longer exists to the Stanley Cup Finals in 1991..... Jon Casey!!
  5. smarta$$ There I fixed my post...better? Seeing both this and Sioux/Bison personally, I have to respectfully disagree. Wacker had playoff chances?
  6. That sucks...I've gotten hit with a puck on the top of the foot before (blocking a slap shot...I swore it was Al MacInnis that took the shot), thought I broke it. Needless to say, I couldn't put any pressure on it for almost a week. As I have been saying. But I think Brandt will be it down the stretch. It is nice to know that we have a solid backup in JPar though.
  7. Sic...I agree, there is way too much advertising going on over the PA. I haven't heard any other arena that has as many advertisements as REA does. I don't recall hearing advertisements at any other arena either... Question for Gopher fans...Does this happen at Mariucci? Is the Gopher PP sponsered by the Strib, or Penalty Kill by BK?
  8. You want Brandt, so we can play you in the Final Five. That way you actually have a chance to win...given that we're you REAL #1 rival Not that it matters who plays against you...we'll smoke you anyways
  9. Does the music drown out the fans? -No. Most of the fans sit on their hands and don't make noise period. That's because Bucky has great fans, and their student body is given a little leeway on what they can and can't say...oh and they can stand because they are not blocking anyone's view.
  10. I actually like Marvin as a forward. He has the potential to be a good energy line guy, or possibly even a 3rd liner. I too was surprised by McMahon playing the wing. This is what I, personally would love to see as line combos. Parise-Murray-Stafford Lundbohm-Bochenski-Porter Fylling-McMahon-Prpich Genoway-Hale/Massen-Marvin/Canady/Fabian/Palmiscino I'd rather Blais send a message to some players now, and having them learn from their mistakes, instead of them making the mistakes when it is one and done.
  11. Yep. Minnesota/Bucky is a bigger game. Doesn't mean more to either state than Sioux/Bison means...er, meant...to ND, but it's still a bigger game. Destroying UMC will leave us better off in the playoffs than playing the Bison. Ask UNA how scheduling a D1 opponent can affect your playoff run. How's that for the big picture. Don't cry that it's our fault you're going to lose money next year, you made the decision to leave. I'd rather we play Winona or GVSU, get a game against a possible playoff team. And you didn't have to tell us you are/were a NDAC student...we could tell by the impressive grammar. Are you Siouxrock's evil stream yellow twin? Have fun being the UMC of DI-AA next year
  12. It's because he was a Goopher troll who was just rubbing Wisconsin sweep in because the Goophs swept them the weekend before...he would look pretty stupid if he came back and started to talk smack after the pounding they took in Duluth, a team we've beaten 3 times. I doubt we'll see him again unless we pull a JBSU and swoon hardcore...or the is a (Zach forbid) 3-peat *shudder*
  13. I'll check with a friend of mine who may or may not be in town.
  14. OK, nobody played well vs. Wisconsin...except a few of the usual guys. CC didn't have a lot of quality chances on Friday...JPar played good, but it wasn't his best performance. On Saturday, he should have had 2 of those goals. You can't base this decision on these past two weekends. They have both been hung out to dry by poor defense. IMHEO Brandt is the better goalie. Right now I don't know who will play in the playoffs, they are both capapble of having big games. I only give Brandt the nod over JPar at this point because of his proven experience (Denver and UMD last year)
  15. Parise has only played 4 more games than Brandt has, one of which because Brandt was serving a game suspension. So to say he hasn't gotten a chance to prove himself is just wrong. They've both had some great outings and a few not so great ones. I still think Brandt is our go to guy right now, but neither has proven they are that much better than the other. Why Brandt didn't get a start against CC, only Blais knows. Maybe Jake looked shakey in practice, or he might be nursing an small injury we don't now about. I'd expect him to play against Mankato this weekend, but only Blais can make that decision.
  16. I agree...who else is getting "screwed"? BTW...my vote goes to Brandt.
  17. CB was also still deciding on a number 1 goalie. But, didn't want to mess with Brandt's hot streak. I'll agree that Blais doesn't know how to handle goalies...but he still knows when one is playing well and one isn't. If one is playing well in practice, it will give him more confidence in him to play well during the game, why can't people understand this simple fact. Oh, and Brandt will be here next year.
  18. No, that's what WE do afterwards
  19. Blais has been rolling only 3 lines recently, I believe. Might tire them out from Fri. to Sat.?
  20. There's nothing wrong with using that...I'd expect Lennon to use it if we were moving up as well. My point is that if NDSU thinks that just because the players that get the scholarships don't come in until next year, they're already getting better recruits based on that. That's almost as good as a scholarship.
  21. I'm really getting tired of the attitude that Zach is running this team. This is DEAN BLAIS' TEAM, always has been, always will be. To even suggest that CB would listen to a 18 year-old kid on how to coach a NC caliber team is obsurd. It doesn't matter how good Zach is, if Jordan was not good enough to play here, he would not be playing here...end of discussion. When Blais says that JPar has been playing better than Brandt in practice, I believe him. I don't see practice and neither do any of you. Blais knows what he is doing and has 2 rings to prove it.
  22. So anything other than...... F*ck, sh*t, c*ck, c*nt, c*ocks*cker, motherf*cker, and t*ts. (Carlin's 7 dirty words you can't say on TV)
  23. Hennen mentioned it to Parise as well...and Parise said that they did on Friday night and it was still dead.
  24. I agree, I had trouble getting the "Separated at Birth" and "2:00 for checking out our cheerleaders" signs in on saturday night...Yane, did you have trouble with either of these? Of course the security guard (female) had a problem with "Has Parise Envy" during one of the series The only reason they let me in with both was the other sides were good. They said I was not allowed to show the "Seperated at Birth" one and should use extreme caution when using hte "Cheerleader" one.
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