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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. I believe it was 4 with 10 shots total...minus the two in the first that means 4 goals on 8 shots... .500 SV%. Not exactly stellar.
  2. Still not a Badger fan, but a great story none the less. Great to see teams doing stuff like this for the community and people in that situation.
  3. I agree with that...especially the one about Mutrie The women do deserve a ton of credit, are there any more home games left? I'd like to make it to at least one, see how well they've improved from last year.
  4. Don't you just love when these things come full circle? And you can't tell me that Babich or Bohl didn't use "We're moving to D1" as a recruiting tactic.
  5. When Parise makes it there...he can center the midget line Gionta (5'7") Parise (5'9") Gomez (5'11")
  6. IF Blaiser says poor practices...I believe him. I'm hoping to see Brandt play one game this weekend, as well as JPar, so they can get some confidence back for our run to Championship #8!!
  7. Hmmmm...I must have sent that out before you joined the board. No harm, no foul
  8. I don't remember him saying that. IMHO Brandt is still our #1. Numbers don't mean a whole lot when they are as close as JB and JP's are (Jake's SV% is .001 higher and JPar's GAA is .05 lower). One thing about JPar I've noticed (that I don't like) is he is a little active with his stick a al Adam Hauser. Not as bad as Hauser was, but it's still something I don't like to see, especially when you have guys like Greene, Jones, and Schneider that have your back.
  9. Not sure on the number, but both bouncyball coaches, Glas and Roebuck, are on as well.
  10. Toga Party?.... Toga Party. (With appropriate head nod)
  11. George Lopez, Married to the Kellys, Hope and Faith, and Life with Bonnie Not bad shows, but definately not even close to the same entertainment we'd get with the games.
  12. I heard that too, apprently they can no longer start the "Beat the Traffic" chant at Mariucci.
  13. I'm sure we all remember the one of Rebecca Romijin-Stamos where the suit is hanging on a clothesline some 2 feet away.
  14. Count me in. I volunteer to take that picture too...does she really need the thong? The legislature needs to stay out of this...they will agree with the decision, when we are fiscally in the black and are laughing at NDSU...who is in the red.
  15. The McNaughton is UMD's to lose, I think. They've played well and certainly do deserve it. I would like to see two (maybe 3?...if Minny plays well, and Mich struggles a little?) WCHA teams with top seeds. Show the Hockey Least, and the Eastern punks that we are THAT good.
  16. neither of which can hold a candle to Matt Jones
  17. This brings me to another point...they (the cheerleaders) should stay in the sections which cheer (108 and 109)
  18. I remember the first CC series at The Ralph...there was an announcement made during the Friday night game (apparently...I was too busy making some noise and cheering) for the students to sit down, which we did not. Before the game Saturday we were told to stay seated. During warm ups, Blais comes out of the runway in the Sioux penalty box and says soemthing like "keep standing"...which got a roar from the student section...and we stood that game too. This prompted those meetings. CB and the players are obviously on our side. They recognize the value of a highly energized student section.
  19. PCM, you're finally gettin' it.
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