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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. BUUUUUURRRNNNN Imagine that Huskies679...enforce our laws...what's this country coming to?
  2. First of all, I see no problem with them doing this...they should just cheer while they're there. Whitey's after?...why not before?...and the El Roco after If I recall, they're administration was mad at them for cursing as well. What if I told you there were security guards down every aisle in the student section, and a kid almost got booted for using the word "butt." That is absolutely asinine. We weren't loud because it seemed that anything other than "Let's Go Sioux!" would get us kicked out. It's the proverbial rock and a hard spot.
  3. Jones is solid. Very underrated. Very good on his feet, and doens't get burned very often. Great on the PK, good trasistion player as well. I think him and Matt Greene are one of the top defensive pairings in the country. Phoenix made a great choice, I'm really looking forward to seeing him play at the next level. I've said it before......... JONES FOR HOBEY!!
  4. OK, who voted AFTER the series...fess up.
  5. No. But I think there's 38 people who might.
  6. I think if this happens we can surely get the atmosphere up as high as it's ever been at The Ralph. upurrsioux....here's the sieve chant, not much to her: ooooooooohoohoohohhhhhhh.....SIEVE, SIEVE, SIEVE, SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE SIEVESIEVESIEVE, etc..... (with appropriate arm motion)
  7. The thing is that Kupchella doesn't care about the hockey team. He cares about making UND the "Ivy Leaguer of the North." I'm sorry, but UND never has been, and never will be Harvard, Cornell, etc... Rumor has it...(I say rumor because I read it on the USCHO boards)...that Zach more or less called Chuck out, saying that it was his fault the students were so quiet, and it affected the team. Can we support the team without swearing? Yes, of course we can, but the administrators can't expect this to happen overnight.
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself. The University will not be seeing a dime (which, might be all I can afford for a while ) of my money in donations until Kupchella is out. The best season of Sioux hockey I've seen has been my freshman year. The last year at the old Englestad. I have so many great memories from that place. Probably more in that one season than the last 3 at the Ralph.
  9. To those who are curious...here's one of the anti-Chucky cheers that were handed out: Gimme a Kup: Kup! Gimme a Chel: Chel! Gimme a La: La! What's that spell?...Kupchella! What's that mean?...Sellout! Sellout! Sellout! I agree with Diggler (apocalypse)...RT and REA seem to want to work WITH the students, Kupchella just wants the excitement at UND to rival that of a chess match.
  10. Pretty "loud" atmosphere this weekend. Loved the involvement form the rest of the crowd that "would be better" if we just stopped swearing. I hope the morgue found where all the bodies were misplaced. mksioux...performance in 4 games seems a little low to be calling a swoon.
  11. Agree...a little. CC is a better team than their record shows. I give them credit for coming out and playing hard tonight. Believe it or not I think we outplayed CC tonight. Stuart, Cnazanello, and the rest of their D-corps didn't let us get a lot of chances and those we did get, we didn't capitalize on. Woog is right about not having an offensive defenseman, that is it. JPar was hung out to dry on at least 3 of the goals tonight (a few nice one-timers). Broken down coverage was the reason for them. We played with no heart after their 2nd goal in the 2nd. In the third, CC sat back and played defense. And swooning? Are you kidding me? This is not like last year. Blais said so himself in the postgame. CB said there's great leadership in the locker room, and we've played great the last 4 games. Just haven't gotten the breaks. Bochenski had some great chances tonight, but couldn't finnish.
  12. I love watching bigger guys try to line Bina up and drop him. Half the time they get dropped, and the other half...it's like running into a brick wall.
  13. Unless you count the cheerleaders and the Meghan Mutrie interview (wow, did she look amazing )
  14. Best player of the game...Matt Jones. Great defensive plays and a goal!!!! ZPar actually had a great game, just didn't put any points up. JPar had a good game too. He was left out to dry for the first goal. On the second...I had a perfect line of sight from the puck to the net. Barely saw his glove. Good job by CC using a screen. He also came up with some pretty good saves throughout the game.
  15. It was 5-1...and it did remind me a little of the Bunny Ranch. UNH and UMass have a shot, but I don't think they will. depending on regions, I believe that UND, UM, UMD, BC, Mich, and Maine have the best shot at the FF.
  16. Bribes are always welcome as well.
  17. Not necessarily, Bill Clement, Brain Engblom, Darren Pang, Barry Melrose, et al, still need to earn their way at ESPN. What better way than covering college hockey? Can you really see The Mullet King covering bouncyball? ...At least in a perfect world.
  18. What Bina lacks in size, he makes up for in hustle, grit, and determination. I've loved his play so far this year, and hope it continues.
  19. You'll get some good info on Sioux Hockey here. A lot of us are pretty knowledgable about the game. BTW...what did you and your roommate fly, if you don't mind me askin'?
  20. Maine, BC, UMass, and UNH all have a shot. HE isn't the least powerful conference, the CHA is, followed closely by Atlantic Hockey. Then the ECAC. I will even put HE ahead of the CCHA. I think you mean The NC$$oesn't want the WCHA to own the NCAA
  21. You don't know me...that said...true
  22. Actually, I don't remember it...and can't seem to find it. But, I'm everybody's hero!!
  23. I haven't heard of it either, so you're not the only one.
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