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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Totally being facetious. If RWTD's driver's license is revoked, it's most likely for using her vehicle during the commission of a felony, not for drinking and driving.
  2. OK, at the risk of being called 'buckysieve,' am I the only Sioux fan who agreed with the Oshie 'no goal' and thought that it appeared that Porter had already lost an edge at the time of the penalty with 1 second left in the game?
  3. Cue the Bob Uecker line from Major League: Uecker: Isn't RWTD a convicted felon? Stat Boy: Uh...I don't think so... Uecker: Well she oughta be!
  4. Maybe they aren't allowed to participate since the DQ in Bemidji is closed from November thru April?
  5. Was that your 2nd or 3rd DWI of the weekend, RWTD?
  6. I guess we agree to disagree Coteau.
  7. I agree. At Senser's on Saturday, after the OT goal to win it for Minny went in, some Gopher fans jumped up and cheered (obviously). I quickly yelled out "one step closer to the DQ cup!" and most of them laughed out loud. Funny stuff. Good OT win for Goldy and a beauty of a back-hand goal to do it.
  8. Having personally met Doug Woog and spending about an hour chatting hockey with him, I can honestly say Doug is a pretty good guy. He went out by himself last year to Joe Senser's in Bloomington to watch the Sioux/Mankato Sunday night WCHA playoff game not to help out Donny Lucia but to observe various lines at work, key players, and pronunciations of names (yes, he mentioned that, I'm not making it up). I was sure that after two hours of fans haranguing him about the Gophers, he'd be in no mood to spend a few minutes talking hockey, but we talked for most of the third period of the game and beyond. He was very interested in my comments about his broadcasting style and when I mentioned that he is a nice counter-measure to ultra-homer Frank, he smiled and replied "good, I like hearing comments like that," and went on to say that its hard for him NOT to root for the Gophers but he really does try to downplay that during the broadcasts. We continued to talk about other subjects including the Sioux nickname issue (his stance, you ask? He doesn't have any feelings one way or the other, but feels that it's UND's business and not the NCAA's to choose its nickname) and the national championship race. Had I had my camera there, I told Doug I'd let him put on my Sioux jersey for a quick photo and he laughed and said something to the effect of 'how long would THAT take to be circulated around the internet?'. Doug wished me well and said that he appreciated Sioux fans who stopped to say 'hi' and chat hockey. Doug Woog coached the Gophers and of course, they're still in his blood. However, he has an extensive knowledge of the game and I enjoyed getting the opportunity to talk with him. For a second, I almost wished that the puck had bounced the other way in the Harvard game. If Doug's such a Sioux-hater, he certainly wouldn't have taken the time to chat with me, come out on a blizzardy night to watch the Sioux play, or make some of the comments he does about the Sioux. I'm talking about the Sioux/Gopher third place game two years ago where he mentioned something about "pride" and also the Spirko goal in that game where he was certainly complimentary of the play that had just been made.
  9. After downing 8 beers in 3 hours, I'm not sure RWTD was aware she even ordered fries!
  10. Sioux 7>5 and Smoggy...thanks for allowing me to join your table last night. Pleasure meeting both of you.
  11. I'm flyin' solo tonite (as if that's big news...I always am)...anyone got a table for me?
  12. Yea, usually by the second period, RWTD has been 86'd from whatever establishment is serving her.
  13. WOW! Minnesota intentionally knocks the goal off the peg and Adam awards a face-off OUTSIDE the Bulldog zone? You're kidding me!
  14. I couldn't agree more. Every new grade school or combined school system in North Dakota is known as Prairie something or other.
  15. Anyone going to the games this weekend care to give the bobblehead nerds on the board the 4-1-1 on this "list"? I'm on it and if I don't get my bobbleheads, heads will roll (pun intended).
  16. What was that, SiouxPride0303? I kind of drifted off after the first seven words of your paragraph... The interlocking ND logo is noted around the country as Notre Dame. Only in North Dakota is it associated with UND. Similarly, everyone in Minnesota refers to the U of Minnesota as the "M" or the "U of M." I get a kick out of that, too, because everywhere else in the country, whenever anyone hears "U of M," they're thinking the one and only Michigan. Cue "Hail to the Victors," DaveK. Sing it with me!
  17. Sorry, AZSIOUX, I won't let you down again...
  18. You can't even see my Sioux tattoo, can you?
  19. Sorry, I misread "quality" as "fans that like boobs."
  20. I don't see my name in your list.
  21. PCM, I couldn't agree more with you on this. Hockey fans like hockey for various reasons. We've seen the NHL slip from a major sport to one where people couldn't care less about it. Two seasons ago, Calgary drew more fans meeting the losing Flames at the airport than Tampa Bay did in its own victory parade (an estimated 20,000 fans watched the Lightning Stanley Cup parade). That's barely more than watched game 7 in the St Pete Forum! If the idea is to expand the base of hockey fans, the questions shouldn't be posed to people who are already fans, they should be posed to "potential" fans. I know my current RiverCitySports.com catalog has many pages of hockey clothing and articles geared toward women. Yes, it's true. One can easily see the marketing campaign trying to do what the NBA and MLB have done for years...marketing individual players. "Come see Sidney Crosby and the Pittsburgh Penguins as they take on Peter Forsberg and the Philadelphia Flyers," etc. Plus you've probably seen players in TV ads minus the hockey helmets so people can actually see their faces. You certainly don't see the NHL marketing "come see the fights." The TV ratings rival those of Texas Hold 'Em, bowling, and the International Dart Championships. So for those of you who think there is nothing wrong with hockey, go ahead and keep your head buried in the sand. Do I love the game? Yes. But I also want it to SURVIVE and not go the way of the USFL.
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