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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. No doubt a classic bit, but my personal favorite is the SNL cork soaker skit with Janet Jackson. SNL Cork Soakers
  2. Same thing with Belfield and South Heart. Some of the older townspeople don't want to combine all the sports programs. A fairly recent proposal was shot down a few years ago. I'm guessing a few years of 70-25 thumpings at the hand of Dickinson Trinity (why are they Class B again?) in boys basketball will hopefully change some minds. The kids all want to co-op...they feel its the only way to be somewhat competitive.
  3. Just please tell me Dickinson Trinity isn't playing this Saturday and make my day. What a joke that a school in the neighborhood of 400 students co-ops with another school (New England) to continue the domination of schools like Belfield, Killdeer, etc.
  4. Here's another goodie...this is in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (north unit) about 5-10 miles south of Watford City... Highway 85 north of Grassy Butte and south of Watford City Highway 85 was re-done sometime in the late '70's or early to mid 80's...instead of the road maintaining a relatively manageable incline and going to the left once you crossed the bridge heading north, it uses to snake around the mountainside before heading over the hill. I took many a trip that route in the winter...talk about white-knuckling...
  5. I forgot one! Belfield and South Heart were HUGE rivals in basketball back in the day, but they did the co-op venture for football. On the way to the 1987 Class B playoff game is Des Lacs to face the Des Lacs-Burlington Lakers, two of the three South Heart players on the team started spouting off on the bus about how Belfield wouldn't be going anywhere without those three players. Words were exchanged, and before long, the coaches were breaking up a rumble akin to FIU/Miami minus the player swinging a crutch. ESPN Classic...Belfield-South Heart goes on to defeat the Lakers before getting throttled by Watford City the following weekend.
  6. Seemed? I am pretty sure it's a city ordinance in Killdeer so residents are REQUIRED to own a 3/4 ton pickup (purchased from Dean Bender Chevrolet...he's got the sharpest pencil in town) with installed gun rack.
  7. Satans...best high school nickname EVER!
  8. Minnesota? I think the original poster wanted to know what recruits were being looked at by D1-A teams.
  9. I fixed my post, UND92,96. I meant to imply that when I was a kid, my dad told me the story. My first implication was that the game was in the 50's...I knew it was sometime after I was born, which was 1970. I was guessing 1973 or 1974. Thanks for the link...great article. It's unfortunate hearing about those great small town basketball teams (and schools, for that matter), that have fallen by the wayside. In about 1985 or 1986 I caught the Alexander Comets/Watford City Wolves basketball game on radio. Alexander's gym was rockin', but the team blew a late 4th quarter lead and lost in OT. The last time I drove by Alexander High's gym...it wasn't a gym anymore. The school has long since closed and now it's a museum. Kids bus to Watford City for school now. Reeder High School...great story...administrators announced the school closing at the end of the school year (1989 I think) and the boys basketball team proceeds to go on a run that takes them to the state high school tournament for the first time ever. They wound up finishing 0-3 at the tournament but I'm sure it was a thrill just winning the regional and advancing to the big show. Golva...I went to basketball camp with players from Golva. Their 3rd & 4th, 5th& 6th, and 7th & 8th grade teams often had only 6 or 7 players. The Golva Tigers merged with Beach and eventually, Golva was closed and the school and gym torn down. I stopped in Glen Ullin this summer just for the fun of it (I used to date someone from there when I was in high school) and found out that the mighty Rattlers aren't even the Rattlers anymore. Hebron isn't the Brickmakers either. They're the Glen Ullin-Hebron Bearcats. My favorite was the Woodworth-Pettibone-Robinson Wolfpack. Robinson High School graduated five students in 1988...and two of those were foreign exchange students! It's a shame that more of these schools and towns keep getting smaller and smaller but nothing ever stays the same.
  10. My dad talked about when I was a kid, the Epping Eagles either went to the state Class B boys basketball title game or won the whole thing (forgive my fuzzy memory of his story). North Dakota's version of "Hoosiers," apparently. Can anyone find a note of this somewhere? I take the Amtrak back fairly often to visit my parents in Fairfield. A great way to see small towns dotting the North Dakota prairie...
  11. Even though I hated small town USA when I was growing up, I have come to appreciate the memories of Belfield and growing up on a ranch twenty miles north of there. Sneaking out of grade school during the noon hour to spend my lunch money on baseball or football cards, then trying to remember what I was SUPPOSED to have eaten for lunch in case my mom asked me when I got home from school... watching the Bantams beat #1 ranked Glen Ullin in the 1986 Region 8 championship game the night after I'd watched the Rattlers defeat the New England Tigers by 30+ points (New England was 4-0 against Belfield that year)... playing pick-up football in the snow before basketball practice...well, at least until our JV coach happened to drive by the vacant lot where we were playing one night and then yelling at us for endangering basketball season by playing football... getting to know my grandparents better than most people know their own parents... a local rancher breaking his leg not long after his daughter passes away due to a brain tumor...several neighbors and friends, including my dad, bringing their machinery to his ranch at night to work 8-10 hours cutting his hay and baling it...in addition to cutting and baling their own crops during the daytime... the 4th of July and getting up at 5:00 am to hoist the Stars and Stripes on a six-foot-high pile of rocks right next to Highway 85... my mom's full-blooded Italian parents moving to Dickinson in 1982...and to this day still sounding like they're tourists visiting from Barrington, Rhode Island... Our never-swearing freshman basketball coach calling a time-out one minute into the big game...after the pre-game pep talk in the locker room, we're down 10-0 before the bleachers are warm...and all he can say it "gosh darnit guys"...I still remember sitting on the bench and the team started chuckling at how mad he was and how he REFUSED to swear...we wound up winning in OT... Whether it was 6:00 pm or 10:30 pm, stopping in at Grandma's house where the first words out of her mouth were "I was just getting dinner started...are you hungry?"... Cutting hay and stopping every hour or so to turn on the am radio in the pickup to find out the score of the Detroit Tigers game...yea, 1984 was awesome... After about 6:00 pm when the Fairfield Country Store closed...there's about a 40-60 mile gap between gas stations starting with Belfield and ending with Watford City or Killdeer...and my dad never saying 'no' to any stranger who pulled into the driveway because his or her vehicle was running on fumes and they needed some gasoline... The annual "Hunter's Supper" at St. Peter Canisius Church in Grassy Butte where the population of the town couldn't be more than 50 people, Saturday evening mass regularly had about 20 people in attendance, yet the women of the community would feed what seemed like thousands of locals and hunters every fall with the best dinner around... My grandpa buying a lawnmower after he volunteered to take care of the local Lutheran and non-denominational cemetaries, which were in poor shape...and listening to the stories he'd tell while he was out there watching me mow them...I think the guy killed in a shoot-out on Main Street back when he was about seven was probably the best one... Driving to Lemmon, South Dakota for a basketball game and back in a nasty blizzard and temps of probably -20...and a bus that was leaking anti-freeze the whole way back...I swear the temp inside the bus never got above -10 on the way home... Yea, living in a small town wasn't so bad...living 20 miles north of a small town wasn't so bad either. Sometimes when I go back home, it feels like 1977-1988 all over again.
  12. Good point. It's much more fun to watch the Gophers blow the Friday night game anyways, then have to come back at 2:00 pm for the Saturday 3rd place game.
  13. I am looking forward to this trip to Grand Forks more than any trip I've made west and north in recent memory (excluding last year's western regional). I've seen Maine play in person twice now, both against Minnesota, and they're 0-2 in those games. I'm glad I stayed away from the X a few weeks ago.
  14. You know, why does buckysieve always start something, then when the going gets tough, it's "buckysieve...hello...buckysieve?". Um...buckysieve...we have a problem.
  15. What fun would that be? Just trying to compare apples to apples. When almost 74% of that "win differential" can be atttributed to the years before the Sioux even had a hockey program (or just 72.5% if buckysieve still wants to date UND's program using 1929-30 as the benchmark), it's hard not to find the flaws in his thesis.
  16. Cmon, Dan Rather. Reporting the facts is something to be proud of, too. By my count, Minnesota has 321 more wins than the Sioux (and I'm counting the late 1920's up to the mid 1930's too). Of that number, 237 of those wins were accumulated before UND had an official head coach. Since 1945-46, Minnesota has 84 more wins than North Dakota. 84 wins over a 60 year span, an average of 1.4 more wins by the Gophers per year than the Sioux. Clearly, the superior program, in U of M.
  17. Cmon, buckysieve, at least know your facts. During the time-frame 1929-30 to 1935-36, UND played without an official coach and accumulated a record of 4-12 during that time. Let's look at the records: 1929-30: 1-1-0 1930-31: 0-1-0 1932-33: 1-8-0 1935-36: 2-2-0 The Gopher program proudly lists 1921-22 as its official birth year and the team compiled a 6-3-1 record for coach I.D. McDonald that season. After the 1935-36 season, UND went on an extended spring break and didn't resume playing until 1946-47. Let's see...1946 minus 1921...yep, 25 years on the button.
  18. That's the first well-put comment I've read of yours in quite some time. Your other comments? It's pretty easy to have 400 more wins that UND when you've been playing hockey for 25 years longer. What other brain busters do you have? I've got one for you: UND 1-0 against Holy Cross in the post-season and Minnesota is 0-1 against the Crusaders. Clearly, UND is the best program based on that statistic.
  19. Maine has a very good reason to hate Minnesota and their fans have a good memory. Several of their fans that I met in 2005 mentioned the Hauser non-calls. Everyone hates the best. Your arrogance is almost laughable. Unfortunately, your Gophers can't even compare with the titles won by North Dakota, Wisconsin, Denver, or Michigan, let alone the 26 of the Yankees. It's a good thing the Gopher football team will never be compared with the Yankees or we'd never hear the end of it.
  20. I was talking primarily about the Friday night semi-final games of the past few years. I would dispute your thinking that 40% of the arena was cheering for anyone not wearing the mighty "M" jersey in those games, particularly the 2005 game with Colorado College. You're right, though, about one thing: With 14,000+ fans for the 2005 third place game and 16,000+ for last year's third place game, you're talking about a likelihood of 8-10,000 Gopher fans for 2005 and more like 10-12,000 for 2006.
  21. Cmon, GeauxSioux, everyone knows that when you come into the OB, you're gonna get your a** whooped. I was about set to run down the stairs and mix it up myself.
  22. I didn't pick 1997 for that reason...just wanted to stay somewhat current in the common poster's memory and not harken back to the days of Brian Bonin and Dave Snuggerud and cause Gopher fans to wonder when those two are getting called up to the NHL.
  23. There must be some sort of mistake. PCM, AZSIOUX, sioux-cia, and I were supposed to be inducted into the HOF this weekend as well.
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