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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I was at that game and remember that pass and goal! Glad someone else does too!
  2. I just got an e-mail from the UND Alumni Association regarding the Saturday game being shown at Joe Senser's in Roseville. Is anyone from "the board" going to that event or going to the Bloomington Senser's?
  3. The result is apparently anything BUT a consensus.
  4. I don't think I was arguing that the other leagues are better than the WCHA. Your point was basically to scoff at Notre Dame's record. All I said was that their team and their head coach deserved some credit for righting the Irish ship. I'm hardly a Notre Dame fan, but their record is impressive.
  5. So since they have the 10 most-difficult schedules in the country means they're the 10 best teams in the country?
  6. Good point. Let's move the other college hockey conferences down to D2 status because clearly Michigan, BU, and Maine have no hope of winning a playoff game. Hey, didn't someone say that about Holy Cross last year too?
  7. So since North Dakota was spanked by AA twice this season on the road and the Gophers pounded AA while on that same road trip, clearly the Gophers should pummel North Dakota when they play each other. Oh wait...nevermind. Good luck with your circular argument. Notre Dame could win 30 games this year. Clearly mediocre.
  8. buckysieve, I never thought I'd see the day...
  9. Yea, from 13-19-4 last year to 24-5-3 thus far this season including a 7-1 win at BC, a 4-1 win over Michigan State at home, and a 7-3 win at Michigan followed two days later by a 4-3 home win against the Wolverines. C'mon, Goon, give Jeff Jackson and the Irish some credit. I'm not predicting an NCAA win or a title for the Irish, but their turn-around is impressive. I'm not sure how you can label that record 'mediocre.'
  10. Cupcake schedule or not, what Jeff Jackson has done for Notre Dame's program this year can't be understated.
  11. Overrated Beanpot is right. I heard whispers that next year, Elk River and Holy Angels Academy will take the place of Harvard and Northeastern. Cheer for BC? Cmon, AZSIOUX, you know better than that. I hate BC just about as much as Minny. In fact, here's a snippet of a conversation with a friend of mine from a few years ago when I was cheering for Maine against Goldy in the 2002 title game. I pretty much feel the same way about BC whenever I see them playing... Friend: Scott, you've lived here for 10 years...how can you not cheer for the Gophers as a second-favorite team. Scott: Kenny, let me put it to you this way. If the Soviet Olympic team from 1980 was reunited for a game against the Gophers, I'd sit proudly in the stands wearing my CCCP jersey and screaming my head off for the communists. Friend: Wow, you really hate the Gophers, huh? Scott: Yep. Like I said, I feel pretty much the same way about BC.
  12. After my 9 goal performance in four broomball games yesterday, I'm stunned that my name doesn't appear on the Hobey Baker ballot!
  13. I don't know about you, AZSIOUX, but I need that retro-style Bulldogs jersey added to my hockey jersey collection ASAP!
  14. SiouxSports.com players...the green Pizza Factory jerseys have finished up their last game of broomball for the season (9-0 record in the Shoreview Sunday night league...regular season and playoff champions) so let me know if they are again needed for the battle against Gopher Puck Live. I'll be happy to loan them to the team again this year.
  15. MafiaMan

    O Sid

    Just a couple of points... Sid is on drugs. The NHL changed its attendance policy to now reflect not just tickets sold but also tickets given away. Of course "attendence" is up when you look at it that way. In terms of actual fans in the seats...uh oh. As far as the commentary about the Columbus Blue Jackets being "in trouble." I've seen their arena first-hand and if that organization ever gets its act together, it'll be one of the best venues in the NHL. It's a beautiful facility and its the only game in town. What else are you going to do in Columbus in the winter, go watch 35 year old college freshman Greg Oden play bouncey-ball?
  16. Of course it could have been worse. At least UNO's players were smart enough not to offer an Austin Powers-esque reward in exchange for freedom... Belfour "Offer"
  17. Youtube.com is a wonderful thing.
  18. That's funny...you don't look like Dirk Nowitzki!
  19. Please, TRIOUXPER, no one needs to hear your wisdom on porno movie titles.
  20. I happen to play broomball in St Paul and recognized Drunk Hockey Guy when he was in the warming house on Tuesday night. I'll be sure to give him a piece of my mind rather than a simple "hello" next time I see him. What a first-class prick.
  21. This is Hans...and I am Franz... And we're here to... GIVE YOU HERPES!
  22. The "Q" Gets a New Venue It's funny how quickly people point out $100 million REA and all of its bells and whistles, yet a brand-new D-1 hockey program and a small-time basketball school spends $52 million and nobody bats an eyelash...
  23. I can't even believe that Gopher fans have their grannie panties in a bundle over an AD doing the "sieve" chant during a hockey game. Take a look at Tennessee men's basketball coach Bruce Pearl as he attended a women's game about a week ago and sat in the student section...
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