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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Yea, we all know coaches stick to their schools, especially during recruiting season. Just ask Houston Nutt and Rich Rodriguez.
  2. Lake Superior State and (to my knowledge, anyways) Boston College do a stick salute to the fans after EVERY home game, win or lose. I've always thought that that was a great tradition. No matter what the game result is, the players acknowledge the fans for their support.
  3. I always preferred Natalya On-a-top from the Pierce Brosnan days.
  4. Oh crap. Now I might have to show up.
  5. Pardon me for asking, but what the hell is a 'bond fire'?
  6. Merry Christmas and safe travels to everyone on the road, in the air, and on the train this holiday season.
  7. I'm trekking to GF for this series as I've never seen UNH play UND before. Let's hope it turns out better than the first series I ever witnessed between the Sioux and Black Bears! Anyone up for The Italian Moon after Friday night's game?
  8. I kinda miss Machinehead by Bush.
  9. They get to live there tax-free, too. I'm sure Russell has a plan to set up a police force, armed forces, schools, government, courts, etc., too. He's been planning since 1974, right?
  10. Last chance! Schwan's fund-raiser ends tomorrow!
  11. Are you implying that Doug says things derogatory about Sioux hockey because he's mad that he never won an NCAA title? That's quite a leap to be making.
  12. Well, he did support something like 85% of Bush's judicial nominees, right? Doesn't that make him 'moderate'?
  13. aleah, I haven't seen a grade/section code. I guess I'll have to re-order too and see if that rings a bell. I just remember filling in the campaign ID number at the beginning and Shawn's name at the end.
  14. Hmnnnnn...didn't one of those 'hockey east' guys pick North Dakota to win the whole thing last year?
  15. Yea, no doubt. If I asked my six year old how to spell 'goombah,' he'd at least start off with "g" then "o" and "o" before losing it. G-u-m? What the hell was that? I chuckle at names like that. However, I triple dog dare you to call my grandpa a 'goombah' and see what kind of reaction you get.
  16. Diggler, were you tryin' to say 'goombah'? I think I'm actually offended...I'm Italian!
  17. Ahh...yes...DHG...I vividly recall him yelling "They're people...not mascots" during the Final Five two years ago.
  18. I'm trying to remember, but can't...I was entertaining my six year old, too, so didn't really keep track of time. During the discussion, they cut to commercial and when they came back, Frank followed up on a thought he had before the break (something he usually forgets about by the time FSN gets back to live feed). They basically stated that out of all the Sioux logos, they feel this is the one handled the most delicately and with utmost respect. They further discussed that there hopefully will be some positive discussions with Indian tribes which will allow UND to continue use of the nickname. FSN also listed UND along with St Cloud and Minnesota as "best jersey crest" in their text-in competition. A more PC network might have left the Sioux logo off entirely.
  19. In the early 1990's, Pitt was playing host to West Virginia in football. In one of the all-time classic moments in PA announcer history, the Pitt PA guy (in the middle of the Mountaineers blowing out Pitt, by the way) broadcasts to the entire stadium a polite reminder that the "NO SMOKING" policy in the stadium includes corn cob pipes. Later in the game, he announces that there is a John Deere tractor in the parking lot with West Virginia license plates reading "E-I-E-I-O" with its lights on. A hilarious stunt...but the West Virginia president took exception and mailed a letter to the Pitt president and the football announcer was removed from his position. ESPN CLASSIC!
  20. If it hadn't been for a four-minute flurry last year, the Gophers would have been eliminated by Air Force. Good call...any given tournament game, anything can happen, whether it be Ferris State, Mercyhurst (who almost upset Michigan several years ago in Yost), Holy Cross, or Niagara.
  21. Did you pay any attention at all to the five minute discussion on Saturday night between Frank and Doug regarding the Sioux nickname? Doug and Frank were very complimentary of the nickname and logo and offered some insightful thoughts. Yea, they're homers and yes, Frank is blinded by his maroon goggles, but they do offer some good points sometimes.
  22. I agree 100%. Had the score been 4-2 Gophers, you wouldn't have heard that remark from the PA announcer.
  23. Sioux came out hard in the 3rd and Frazee let in a couple of goals from tough angles that should have probably been stopped. Let's hope the goal production is back tomorrow night as well! Nice work, Sioux!
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