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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Ish! What you do with your man-boobs is your own business and has no point being on the board!
  2. I heard the nuns said you didn't wear panties anyways, Sioux-cia!
  3. Yea, I just want to check in and see if anyone has ordered any red shoes from Schwans, er, food from Schwans. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to check the tallies online.
  4. Please, let's keep this thread related to Schwan's. I hate it when we get off-topic. Wait a second...did you say 'slutty hooker red shoes'?
  5. I even double-checked and you are correct! They won't FedEx or UPS to Canada either. Should I purchase something for you and FedEx it up north?
  6. Only proved by the point that he wasn't asked to resign or at least censured in the Senate for the "white n***ers comment he made a few years ago. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a good liberal who even knows he made the comments. Had Mr. Byrd been a Republican, it would have been the headline story on CNN for weeks. And before DaveK wants to start tagging all Republicans as corrupt, I find it amusing that Dems continue to ignore a certain representative from Louisiana and his freezer full of money disguised as hamburger. Oh, that's right, let's let the system take its course.
  7. Being half-Italian, I'm offended by that reference. Besides, everyone knows the mafia doesn't really exist.
  8. This is the siouxsports.com board. You're mis-interpreting DaveK and Sioux-cia. They're BLEEDING hearts, not broken hearts.
  9. Perhaps the Standing Rock Council can go see Dennis Boyd and Delino DeShields and teach them about their misguided ways. If you haven't heard, Dennis and Delino have founded a movement called the Urban Baseball League in an attempt to encourage African-American youth to play baseball. A novel idea? Yes. But check out a couple of team names and logos: How about the "Stacks"? Or maybe you prefer being a member of the "Afros"? What is one man's novel racism is another man's way of honor. Or is that the other way around? If you think I'm making those logos up, go check out www.theubl.com and see for yourself.
  10. I have edited my original post as Schwan's has corrected an error. You do NOT get credit for simply telling your current Schwan's route delivery person the Campaign ID and person's name. Only orders thru www.schwansfundraising.com qualify for the campaign. I apologize for the confusion, but may as well just go ahead and list the information necessary: Campaign ID: 1004627 Player Name: Shawn Thompson Thank you again for your help! Remember...don't forget to add the player name at the end of the ordering process.
  11. Not exactly. The above logo was used by an intramural basketball team at the University of (I believe) Colorado a number of years ago to showcase how oppressive a nickname can be and to highlight the supposed racism of Indian nicknames. The original intramural players are long-gone, but the team lives on.
  12. My almost six year old son's fund-raiser starts today and ends December 18th. If you would like to help out, just PM me and I will give you the Campaign ID number and my son's name so he receives credit for the sale. 30% of the proceeds will benefit Kennedy Mite Hockey in Bloomington. You can order online at www.schwansfundraising.com. Again, PM me and I will be happy to give you the Campaign ID number and his name so he can get credit for the sale. Thank you in advance to all on the Sioux board for your help!
  13. This argument has become tireless and exhausting. The issue of the Sioux nickname does indeed bring racists out of the closet and if I were an American Indian, I'd probably read these threads and those on gfherald.com and be thoroughly disgusted. It's time to retire the nickname and move forward. I, for one, have had enough.
  14. But, seriously, "Engalstead"?
  15. Uh...I kinda like where this is goin'. Giggity giggity!
  16. I was just thinking about writing what might be considered the dumbest thread ever...
  17. I couldn't resist BASHING you, AZSIOUX!
  18. Not to get bogged down in semantics, but the proper expression should be "couldn't care less." To say "I could care less" implies that you do care, but could care less than what you do currently, but if you "couldn't care any less," it means you've hit rock bottom and don't care any longer. In a related story, I couldn't care less about the personnel moves made by Coach Hakstol as he is paid very well to make those decisions. I also agree with The Sicatoka regarding goal-scoring. Right now, this team needs guys who can put pucks in the net, not guys looking to stir up trouble.
  19. Hey, dis ting of ow-has? Never hoid of it. Fuggedaboudit!
  20. ...not that there's anything wrong with that!
  21. Uh...I was being sarcastic.
  22. You're right! Fire Dave Hakstol! Oh, and fire Jerry York, too! Take a look at his Frozen Four track record in the past 10 years - 7 Frozen Fours since 1997-1998, 5 championship game appearances, and only 1 title?
  23. 1 goal in the last 6 periods of hockey is unacceptable for a team with this much talent.
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