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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. You know what's harder for me to accept than the loss last Thursday to BC? The fact that we only have two more seasons to play Fighting Sioux hockey. After that, it's "let's play [insert politically-correct nickname here] hockey.
  2. LOL...nice to see you! Need some more handcuffs?
  3. I was depressed as the next Sioux fan and I certainly don't have an issue with constructive criticism of players. As a dad of a hockey player, I am often frustrated by the comments I hear from parents in the stands at MITES games! It's unbelievable. If in 14-16 years my kid is a Sioux hockey player and I read a "THE OFFICIAL MAFIAMAN JR'S KID SUCKS AND THE SOONER HE LEAVES THE SIOUX, THE BETTER" thread and actually ran into a poster like that in person, seriously, I'd probably pop him in the face. I coach youth baseball and often have the same problem: The kids are having fun but mom and dad in the stands aren't happy because Connor's not playing SS every inning and batting lead-off all the time. These aren't 10-14 year olds, mind you, I'm talking KINDERGARTEN-FIRST GRADE coach-pitch baseball! I notice it's been about a week since Mr 10,000+ posts AZSIOUX has even been on the board. Hopefully he hasn't followed the path of some others and still intends to make an appearance here once in a while. It'd be a shame to lose this board to the pack of negative fans that seems to want to take it over and dominate discussions.
  4. ASU Announces New Nickname and Logo I especially liked this part:
  5. Did you at least look and say "hey, that MafiaMan is actually sounding pretty positive about things!"?
  6. I'm pretty sure Colorado has more socialists and Marxists than Nazis, but that's just my opinion.
  7. It's called "any given day." Denver rolled to the WCHA playoff title. Do you suppose George and company figured they'd head to Madison a week later and get spanked by the Badgers? UND got caught with its pants down. It happens.
  8. That's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh...I needed one today.
  9. For all the whining on here about the Sioux losing to BC for the third straight year, keep in mind that BC has also eliminated Miami three times in a row. FIRE ENRICO BLASI!
  10. My reasoning behind posting this thread was to focus on the positive quotes made by the team in light of all the negative posts on here by some "fans" after the BC loss. But, once again, we can't resist putting a negative spin on things, can we? This discussion has quickly turned in the misdeeds of this past weekend. I have an idea. Let's save the NCAA the trouble and impose the death penalty on Fighting Sioux hockey. That way, everyone's happy. Fans who spent thousands of dollars last weekend no longer have to worry about the road-trip gamble. We don't have to worry about players getting arrested anymore. Hakstol will be gone too. And Ron His Horse is Thunder can grumble about the swimming program or underwater basket-weaving.
  11. The only "kicking motion" the player made at the puck was when he completely WHIFFED on the attempt. Terrible call.
  12. I'm curious as to how easily tickets were obtained from scalpers. One report I heard from an ND radio station said seats were going for $200 a pop outside Pepsi Center. Have a safe trip back, bus riders (and other Sioux travellers).
  13. I didn't feel I needed to say anything on top of what they said, because for me, those gestures said it all: They care.
  15. By being 'objectively critical,' do you mean spouting off garbage like 'FIRE THE WHOLE COACHING STAFF' or 'THE OFFICIAL JOE FINLEY BASHING THREAD'? I guess we agree to disagree on what exactly would help the team improve. Personally, if I had some overweight 45 year old idiot in the stands yelling at me and how I coach baseball, I'd invite him to get his fat ass out of the stands and join me on the field and show me what he knows.
  16. I'm trying to recall, but I think the prom queen at my high school was knocked up. So, would it be better for me to have been a loser whining about doing my best or a winner?
  17. I hope this was sarcasm. Lammy flying after Gerbe's goal was a bigger flop than Nicole Kidman's last movie!
  18. It is a tough call, but if a fan base of a high-profile school like Notre Dame starts taking notice, you won't see college hockey on ESPNU on tape-delay...you'll be seeing it live on ESPN! GO IRISH!
  19. Cmon, TRIOUXPER, don't be like that. This board is a place for constructive criticism, thoughtful insight, and offering opinions. Don't go down the negative road like some folks here on the board. Maybe the UMDDogz and PCMs of the world will come back once the bandwagon fans are gone.
  20. Interestingly, I hate BC hockey and Notre Dame football. As far as Notre Dame's football team, I'm hoping they can duplicate THIS YEAR'S performance!
  21. I've decided to turn pro today myself and will be watching the Capitals/Flyers on Vs tonight.
  22. Gopher fans I haven't heard from in weeks are suddenly e-mailing, IMing, and texting me. Ugh...
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