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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I didn't even notice that I did that! A friend of mine and I were talking about newspaper headlines and that one immediately came to mind...he didn't believe me until I showed him the picture and words under it.
  2. But it COULDN'T possibly be that, Oxbow6! No group claimed responsibility for this! Oh, wait, what better way to cause more fear and terror than by watching the FBI and CIA try and figure out who it is! What could cause more chaos than not knowing?
  3. http://us.cnn.com/20.../?iref=obinsite Hidden in the news on CNN today... Chris Matthews to issue public apology for linking this to the bombing attacks and an attack on the Democratic Party... OK, the CNN story is true...Chris Matthews apologizing is not...
  4. No, what he's saying is that the media leans slightly to the left, which shouldn't come as much of a shock to anyone.
  5. I'd concur with that statement. Kids in the Bloomington Mite program are encouraged to play hockey year-round...lost a ton of baseball kids to that theory this summer...
  6. ...and here we go again with the 'tradition and best hockey arena in the history of civilization' as reasons why North Dakota should be winning NCAA champsionships by the bushel basket... Tennessee has the best football stadium in the land and the bestest fans anywhere...no, wait, it's Michigan football...oh, but throw tradition in there and we're talking Alabama...or was it Notre Dame...wait, Florida has the greatest fans...but Ohio State has the nicest stadium...are we talking day games or night games though because then it's LSU with the best stadium in the universe...I'm so confused...who should win the college football title every year?
  7. As well they should have. 'Suspect in custody'...'no, wait, our bad, just kidding'...
  8. Really? MSNBC jumping all over the 'man came here to kill people' comment by insinuating that the two came from somewhere else in the US to Boston...unbelievable.
  9. Hey, I liked Alex P Keaton! What time is Lawrence Welk on?
  10. Whoa whoa whoa...this is a FAMILY-oriented web site!
  11. Anyone remember the Fargo Forum or GF Herald pic of the two guys shoveling snow...Haywood Jablowme? I can't find that thread anywhere...
  12. I certainly wouldn't go that far...but I'll play along and keep the daily deep thoughts coming... St Thomas Academy being booted out of the Classic Suburban Conference...couldn't happen to a nicer school. Word is they are going to have trouble finding a new home... Since I'm in charge of picking the songs that go on my iPod, imagine my surprise this morning when shuffle turns up "Shoes" by Styx and my first thought is, "REALLY? That's one of my top 2,000 songs?". I love Styx and have seen them in concert five times, but, wow, that song isn't one of their best, to say the least. I don't know how anyone could watch the Boston Bruins national anthem being sung last night and not get misty-eyed. Little known fact that most teams in Canada sing 'Oh Canada' the very same way...with the guest leading the first few words or first verse and then turning it over to the crowd. If you haven't seen it before, I suggest checking it out on youtube. Whether it's Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal, Vancouver, or Winnipeg, it really is something to listen to, particularly during the playoffs. News media crying about the lack of a retractable roof over Target Field...boo hoo. How do they ever play baseball in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Cleveland, New York, Philadelphia...
  13. In the hands of the pros? I thought you were e-mailing the artwork to ME?
  14. Wait a second...what happened to the member # notation by your user name? Adding this uo, it looks like I'm member #44. I could have sworn I was always 43...
  15. Nice to see you join the party, AZSIOUX. You always have good insight into recruits. What's your secret?
  16. Any insight on the candidates? I don't know anything about them other than what I just read on USCHO.
  17. Well THAT helps explain the fuster-cluck search...
  18. I don't know why it's not a done deal already! He's practically begging Maine for the job...and they're dragging their feet.
  19. I was being facetious... Two months sounds like the max and that they'd like someone hired before then...really don't understand their process though.
  20. ...hopefully it's not a precursor to a league-wide extravaganza in 2015...GROAN.
  21. My post was worded rather poorly. I should have said I pretty much have those same thoughts whenever I go to the Mall of America, which, although it isn't often, is often enough to be nervous.
  22. All the cool cats signed up in October of 2001...
  23. Yes, I love Urban's approach: "I know our coach got canned and we got caught doing all sorts of shady things...hell, this stuff has gone all the way back to Maurice Clarett reporting his car being broken into and filing a false report of that incident while making the call from Coach Tressel's own private office...but nevermind that stuff, let's use the angst of being slapped on NCAA probation to our advantage and go kick a**!"
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