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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I would love to see the Islanders beat the Penguins. I'm not an Islanders fan (or a hater), but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Islanders jerseys. Paging Mike Bossy... Ottawa/Montreal...just when Canada gets as many teams in the playoffs as they've had in ages, one of them is guaranteed to go home after the first round. And thanks to Vancouver's early post-season exit, there will be at least TWO Canadian teams done after round one. That's too bad. Detroit/Anaheim? Can we just be done with Anaheim already? You can't say "NHL playoffs" with the words "Red Wings," can you? I think Minnesota might pull the plug on Yeo simply because of the fan expectations here. Tom Powers actually ran a "Shades of 1991" article on the WIld...BEFORE the start of the Blackhawk series.
  2. Thanks, I'm familiar with that particular article and the history behind the contract. I'm not defending Wang at all (boy that sounds funny, doesn't it?) but Snow could have talked some sense into the old coot before signing off on the deal. Instead, he was happy to retire from playing and step right into a GM job thanks to his goofball owner. Like I said, Snow was a cheerleader...
  3. Great stories from Fetch and Goon about their iced coffees, favorite cappucino brand, and what flavor reindeer drink they like at Caribou Coffee...but does anyone care to chat about some hockey? Let's start with the Penguins being tested by those pesky Islanders. Who saw that coming after the game 1 drubbing in Pittsburgh? Have fans in Vancouver burned that city to the ground yet? Has there been a more disappointing playoff team in the last 5-10 years than the Canucks? Ottawa is taking it to Montreal...good. St Louis and Los Angeles...this one is going 7. After an off-season filled with some major losses and holes to fill, nobody gave Washington a chance...is this the year they finally break through?
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2013/05/07/toronto-stronger-leafs-twitter-outrage.html "Dude...you in the blue jersey looking at the camera...yea, you...punch the d-bag behind you right in the mush, would you?"
  5. DiPietro signed a one-year deal the year before his 15-year deal. Snow was a cheerleader for the contract and was giddy about it at the press conference where the deal was announced.
  6. Well-played...I was too busy chuckling over UMD's Jimmy Craig...
  7. Yes, I agree, Ray77. Montreal's antics were outside the boundaries...big-time.
  8. But didn't Garth Snow do a great job rebuilding the Islanders...that gigantic contract for Rick DiPietro...AWESOME! Speaking of which, DiPietro hasn't been mentioned yet...Boston University.
  9. 29 of those 30 were in the 1985-1986 season...I'm assuming most, if not all of them, after Pelle's death in November of 1985.
  10. LOL...the Poopah Scoopah!
  11. Already posted above by Wilbur!
  12. 30 games of NHL experience with the Flyers...well-played. Totally forgot about him.
  13. How are the professors at Yale and Quinnipiac?
  14. Thanks for the correction...I didn't catch the PP goal.
  15. A two goal night...and still a minus 2 in plus/minus...ouch!
  16. Michigan's had Marty Turco...Michigan State's had Ryan Miller...Minnesota's had Robb Stauber (an NHL bust, mind you)...seems to me that UND is one or two up on most colleges not named Wisconsin when it comes to goalies.
  17. Boo hoo son! Daddy's on SiouxSports.com right now...someday you'll understand!
  18. Red Wings win! Red Wings win!
  19. Ottawa and Montreal...embarrassing.
  20. LOL...I missed the extra T!
  21. He didn't. It was $98 million.
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