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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. You might have missed this earlier, gfhockey...I just wanted to find out what side of each of your arguments previously posted you were on today?
  2. Nice! The Mafia has a fondness for St Valentine's Day...maybe you've heard...
  3. The beer stain and dried puke on his hockey jersey should be a dead give-away...
  4. Rich hockey history...that could define Minnesota, UMD, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Boston University, Boston College, Maine, Lake Superior State, New Hampshire, and any one of about 20 other NCAA hockey programs. Hell, Michigan Tech has rich history too. It's been 30-35 years since they've had a quality program year in and year out, but they do have a rich history. The finest facility...DU's $75 million Magness Arena, Penn State's $88 million Pegula Ice Arena, and BU's $225 million dollar complex (which includes Agganis Arena) are certainly nothing to sneeze at. Neither are Mariucci Arena, Yost Ice Arena, or good old Alfond Arena up in Maine. If best arena or best stadium should guarantee success, can you tell me why the Red Sox are winning World Series' in a dump like Fenway? And don't answer "player salaries" because the Miami Marlins spent a boatload of cash on players in year one of their brand-new stadium and that was a disaster. If anything, the Red Sox cut some big salaries and found cheaper replacements this past season. The most coveted position in college hockey...yet another opinion-oriented philosophy. If Dave Hakstol were fired tomorrow and an offer of a one billion dollar a year salary, an active oil well in Watford City, and being made lifetime Emperor of North Dakota was made to Jerry York, his answer would be "no." Sorry, folks, Grand Forks, ND isn't on the short-list of places to move to. And, as stated above in the facility argument...there are many schools that could claim to be "most-coveted" coaching job. North Dakota's one of them. The "I've spent thousands on this team" argument...love, Love, LOVE this argument. The "because I have invested my time and money watching this team, there should be a return on my personal investment in the form of a national championship" philosophy. When I drop $10 on a movie ticket, I don't walk into the theater thinking "I'd better be watching an Oscar-worthy performance or I'm asking the manager for my money back." If I'm disappointed in the whole movie or just the ending, well, that's how it works. Now, if you want to head down to the locker room area and hang around after the game and wait for the chance to chew out Hakstol, his staff, and the 18-22 year old athletes for not meeting your expectations on the ice, that's your business. I'll just turn off the TV, grumble about the game, then turn it back on the next night and cheer again. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, I guess. Before you retaliate with the "MafiaMan's against national championships" argument, I will ask you to reconsider. Just because I support Dave Hakstol doesn't mean I'm not getting antsy myself. And if Minnesota happens to pull a title out of their hat this season, my guess is that the heat on Hakstol will only be turned up a notch.
  5. So...just so we're on the same page with your thought process in this particular segment of your argument...you're a fan who gets "PISSED when we don't win" and will "EXPECT nothing but the best from this program" and would gladly sit thru seven seasons of THIS... 7-28-4 13-24-3 15-17-6 11-25-4 13-21-5 13-17-6 14-19-5 ...in exchange for one national championship? Call me a skeptic, but I think you'd be pulling your hair out of your head until you're bald or kicking your dog when you arrive home after a loss 17-28 times a season. Sure, it's easy in hind-sight to say "yea, I'd sit thru four consecutive years of 15, 11, 13, and 13 win seasons knowing that three years after that miserable stretch, I'll be watching a banner raising in REA." Now let's assume that you have no clue that a national title is coming up in year seven (which is a much more realistic scenario anyways unless I'm missing something)...my money says that in about year two of that hot mess of losses, you'd be having a colossal meltdown calling for the head coach to be canned immediately. One last comment before moving on...I have never said a word about you or any other "fan" being "less" of a fan than me. Believe it or not, we're even fans of the same team.
  6. Well, you brought "up" the Cialis thing...just remember...if the wife is still awake when you get home and it lasts for four hours, call your doctor. Or your neighbor's wife. Or the hot single 20something across the street that just broke up with her boyfriend. Or the...
  7. Quit trying to "gfhockey-up" your posts. They're getting difficult to read. Good luck tonight.
  8. Triple not-so-fast my friend! I'm predicting unicorns and glitter this weekend...along with the traditional circle of sticks!
  9. YaneA, bigskyvikes, and neonpelican, hats are on their way to Grand Forks yesterday morning!
  10. Boston U at UNH... Michigan at Minnesota... Michigan State at Penn State... Miami at North Dakota... Cue Carbone's thick crust and the Mountain Dew...I have a big date with my couch and TV Friday night!
  11. Actually, the WCHA has the MacNaughton Cup (regular season champion) along with the Broadmoor Trophy (playoff champion). The Broadmoor was commissioned by Colorado College after Michigan Tech left the WCHA for the CCHA in I believe 1981 before returning a few years later.
  12. What is this, China vs South Korea in the shuttlecock event? You had to beat Germany just to advance to the Olympics, shouldn't you go out and actually try to win it? Heaven forbid you pot a goal and make it 3-2. You're two goals away from being in a tie with Canada, not playing in some exhibition throw-away game against Denmark.
  13. Have to say that I agree with Milbury and Roenick...approximately 2:00 left and you go on the PP...down 3-1...why wouldn't you pull the goalie, Norway?
  14. 4:00 left...given the success of Sweden and Finland, I wonder why Norway hasn't seen better results in hockey.
  15. You didn't get the memo then, Goon. Season cancelled due to gfhockey thinking that UND sucks!
  16. Norway's jerseys a little plain...but very nice. What's up with Canada's one-arm bandit sleeve stripe? Yuck.
  17. I was growing tired of talking to myself and posted that to see if anyone was paying attention, LOL!
  18. Tuukka Rask apparently a little shaky in between the pipes today for Finland. The Finns are looking for their 5th hockey medal in the last 6 Olympics ('94, '98, '10 bronze and '06 silver).
  19. Finland beat Austria 8-4 in the early game. I wasn't awake for that one.
  20. ...And Ovechkin drags Kopitar out of the handshake line and tries to fight him! Ohmygosh it's total chaos on the ice!
  21. 5-2 win for Russia. Fantastic effort by Slovenia in their first-ever Olympic game.
  22. USA smokes Slovakia 7-1. I know it's early but I think Slovakia will be hard-pressed to duplicate 2010's 4th place Olympic finish.
  23. Impossible to read Slovenia's seafoam green jersey numbers on TV. Great work, Nike.
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