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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Hey fs4l, do you have any clue what Mexico does with its "immigrants" from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, etc...?
  2. Never gets old with you and Goon, does it?
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2673493/Infidels-wear-red-collars-shave-heads-Nazi-vision-Muslim-Britain-Imam-ran-Isis-barbecue-Welsh-park.html#comments-2673493 Move along...nothing to see here...
  4. Back on topic, I sure am glad the murder suspects in GF amd Fargo weren't wearing racist t-shirts when committing their crimes...or else this would have REALLY been big news!
  5. I'd be happy to take fightingsioux4life on a tour of Little Mogadishu in Minneapolis sometime...
  6. Excuse me? Nobody offered my Italian great-grandparents any "help" when they came to America from Italy. Nobody offered them Section 8 housing, welfare benefits, food stamps, and interpreters for school conferences. Their children, including my grandparents, were slapped on the hand for speaking Italian in the home. They were in America now - and they needed to learn English and adapt to the new culture here. My grandpa busted his butt for a good life here - nobody handed them a damn thing. Flash forward a couple of generations. Now it's "welcome to America, here's your housing, here's food, here's clothing, here's the map to the local welfare office, here's an interpreter to assist you. Feel free to over-run the community you live in and bitch about America all you want. Enjoy!".
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2674736/ISIS-militants-declare-formation-caliphate-Syria-Iraq-demand-Muslims-world-swear-allegiance.html Still think the sheep are safe, werewolf?
  8. A make-up call...that hands a team victory and another defeat. Nice.
  9. Speaking of dives...how about The Netherlands? Wow!
  10. It used to be there all the time...whatever happened to Sioux Sporting Goods?
  11. What the rest of the world sees in this garbage is simply beyond me...
  12. Interesting that I'm watching ESPN right now as the gang is discussing the Omer Asik trade. He'll make almost $15 million this season for the Pelicans.
  13. C'mon, Sal Butera's contract wasn't THAT bad!
  14. Well hopefully the Tigers are over their swoon...Kansas City is cold again and Detroit is en fuego!
  15. Got word this past weekend that my old roomie from 408B McVey Hall circa '88-'90 is in the hospital with lymphoma...prognosis is days to live, at best... Life isn't fair sometimes and you're stuck with the cards you're dealt. I sure wish he had been given a better hand. Although we haven't talked a lot over the past 25 years, the memories of those days are still in my head. The late-night whole 4th North wing calling into the local radio station to win prizes, looking at the sign outside the Chester Fritz in the morning when it was -25, you and our suite-mates stealing all the chocolate chip cookies my mom had mailed to me, and making the trek over to the old REA to watch some Fighting Sioux hockey. Great times that I won't ever forget... Your wife and son are in my prayers, Erin, as you grab a seat in the cockpit for your final flight to the golden airport in the sky. May God be with you on your journey.
  16. The MLB contracts of Prince Fielder, Josh Hamilton, and Albert Pujols are holding for you on line two...
  17. Gaborik does the smart thing and re-signs with the Kings...
  18. Had they not won in 2002 and 2003, I'd agree with you on this. Man I wish that the Gopher title drought still extended back to 1979.
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