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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. So the Flyers are now in the business of trading current Flyers (Scott Hartnell) in exchange for former Flyers (RJ Umberger)...I have an idea...why don't you try and pick up that Jeff Carter guy and what's-his-name Justin Williams? I think they just might help the team...and how about a swap of fourth-line centers, Vincent Lecavalier for Mike Richards?
  2. Vince also probably thinks players who take a play or a half off due to concussion protocol being followed are pansies. Give 'em a sniff of smelling salts and get 'em back on the field!
  3. So the Sudanese Christian woman imprisoned with her 21 month old and newborn was released yesterday...only to be arrested again along with her husband for trying to leave the country...oh, and the hashtag effort to release the girls in Nigeria hasn't worked so far...
  4. I'm quite certain Khloe couldn't identify North Dakota on a map if you spotted her South Dakota and told her that the state she was looking for was "up" from that point. You are 100% correct, Goon.
  5. Sounds like we need a new thread for "semi-committed" recruits or "committed recruits who will more than likely change their mind"... Which reminds me...anyone else happy that Brendan Lemieux didn't wind up in a Sioux jersey? Yea, 27 goals for the Barrie Colts in the OHL would have been useful, but 145 PM's in 65 games? Yikes. Further proving he's a chip of the old block...
  6. Saying that you're the best pro football team in Florida is like saying you're the best NHL team in Ohio.
  7. Lucky for WMU, Andy Murray is staying put and not headed to Toronto.
  8. Why? It's the best of both worlds...good football AND cheap crab legs after home games!
  9. What an outrage! Aren't there more Catholics in Fargo than Lutherans?
  10. With all due respect, darell, should that 8 year old mini-mites all star of yours accept a baseball scholarship to Moo U in about 10 years, I have no doubt at all that you'll suddenly find yourself a fan of NDSU, at least in one sport.
  11. Just a suggestion (and I mean it to be funny, not a slam), but I think if you took some classes at Wisconsin, Florida State, Georgia, Boise State, or Oregon, you might have more fun at football games you're attending...plus pick up a new alma mater or two.
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2664707/Khloe-Kardashian-slammed-posing-feathered-American-Indian-headdress-North-Wests-birthday-party-dubbed-Kidchella.html If only those damn t-shirts hadn't been made...look what it's caused now!
  13. keikla just "happened to be in the neighborhood" and stopped by the church in Copenhagen to see what all the fuss was about...
  14. Thanks for the report, Miss TMZ!
  15. Well duh, that's an easy answer! Anyone should be allowed to vote, but since the 2nd Amendment is only supported by a minority of citizens who use it to bully the majority (according to Hillary Clinton, anyways), it should just be ignored. Problem solved.
  16. Yikes! The Pope is meeting with the Mafia while the Azzurri are losing to Costa Rica? Not good. I predict a severed horse's head on someone's pillow soon...
  17. Groan...c'mon, Bettman...Canada deserves to have Montreal in one of these things...
  18. You got it! Hey, aren't the Koch Brothers the same guys that just donated $25 million to the United Negro College Fund? Yep, those rat b*st*rds!
  19. So what was their expectation, that they be allowed to vote anyways? Last election, a younger person showed up at a Bloomington polling place where I was voting - after being told he was not eligible, he promptly barked about how "ridiculous" and "unfair" it was that he was not allowed to vote there - despite admitting that he lived 20 minutes away in downtown Minneapolis. You can't simply do whatever you want on election day. I also personally witnessed plenty of "vouching" going on...I'm sure that those were all legit though (sarcasm alert).
  20. http://elections.mytimetovote.com/north_dakota.html
  21. Please enlighten me as to how Norm Coleman went to bed one night up by 725 votes only to "lose" a few months later by 312? Bad counters on election night? You and fourteen of your best friends could have flown up from Arizona and cast your ballots for Al Franken - all you would have needed would have been me to "vouch" for you and tell the 90 year old grandma at the polling station that you lived in my district. No chance of fraud there, is there? Nah...nothing to see here, move along, folks...
  22. ...conveniently overlooking Bobby Kennedy secretly wiretapping some news media folks, members of Congress, and others...while big brother JFK, in 1961, created the IRS "strike force," the group in charge of rooting out enemies of the President.
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