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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Not with just four teams. If Ole Miss loses to Miss State exactly how I described it (I know it's a stretch) and finishes the season with only 1 loss and Alabama finishes with 1 loss as well, it'll be a travesty if the Tide rolls into the playoffs and the Rebels stay home.
  2. I'll agree with that. We're possibly looking at the same situation we always had under previous systems - losses late in the season killing one team's chances while early season losses by another team are brushed under the rug. Two weeks ago, Alabama was all-but-dead. Now they're amazingly back in contention just because they lost first? If Ole Miss loses to Miss State by 1 in an seventeen OT game, are they suddenly not worthy of a playoff berth but the Crimson Tide are?
  3. I think NDSU, its administration, and its fans would be wise to listen to Kirk Herbstreit and his words from GameDay a few weeks ago. Going FBS for the once-every-six-year chance to play in the Meineke Car Care Bowl and being just another small-time FBS should would be a huge mistake.
  4. Totally different beast. I know you love to throw around that one Boise State game against Oklahoma all the time, but have you seen what almost all Power 5 vs little boys games have looked like lately? Ole Miss or Florida State would hang 75 on Marshall.
  5. "It was pretty clear what happened on the play...Florida State blew the coverage and, uh, they got rewarded for it. So, it's unfortunate." - Brian Kelly on Sunday Sounds like crying to me!
  6. Maryland and Rutgers were selected for membership to give the B10 a share of the east coast market. Notre Dame's been invited several times and declined the offer every time.
  7. Yea, because Marshall (which certainly looks like it finish the season undefeated) has a good enough body of work to be among the final four...
  8. Percy Harvin: does not play well with others
  9. You're outta your flippin' mind!
  10. Thanks...had to clean Mountain Dew off of my iPhone after laughing out loud at that comment.
  11. That would have been fun to see Gwoz stick it to DU.
  12. Playing Navy IS in fact a tradition, as it was the Naval Academy that helped keep Notre Dame afloat when our grandparents were hunkering down in WWII in the 1940's. Notre Dame has an open-ended invitation to play Navy every year and considers the game to be a sort of debt repayment. I'm no fan of Notre Dame, but certainly appreciate their honor in this instance. If this was ANY other college, they'd wipe this game off the map as soon as possible to make bigger bucks playing someone else. Kudos to Notre Dame for keeping this seemingly one-sided rivalry alive. Anchors aweigh!
  13. Given the school's antics and defense of pretty much any and every player they can, what exactly did Randy Moss do to get kicked out of school there?
  14. "High-Character" "Heart" "Dignity" "Class" Jimbo Fisher describing Florida State football immediately after last night's game.
  15. Oh, in addition to your many other fine skills, you are also fluent in gfhockey?
  16. I'm talking about my personal Irish fan friends blowing up my phone after the game, Johnny. As far as Stanford, watch the play. At no point in time does any official blow the play dead. Taylor is still wiggling while Manti is sprinting off the field to celebrate at which point official "H" runs in to spot the ball. Taylor's on a pile of bodies and no part of his own body is touching the ground. The ball is clearly across the goal line but H spots it just short of the goal line. Then they go to replay about "excessive celebration"? HUH?
  17. Waaaaaaaaaaah! All of my Notre Dame fan friends are crying about the offensive pass interference call last night. They've apparently forgotten about the 2012 "Phantom Whistle" play against Stanford on what was ruled no TD for Stepfan Taylor (skip forward to 2:07 mark and go thru about 5:31)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6fNZK2WwFY Legs still churning...Taylor on top of other players but no knee or elbow down...no whistle and officials continue watching Taylor put the ball over the goal line...that one's a mystery. Also, earlier in that same game, Stanford had a 3rd and 2 and the ball was handed off to Taylor on what appeared to be an offsides play. A phantom whistle from the crowd could be heard, Stanford's line stops and Taylor stops as he is handed the ball...before being tackled by an ND player. The ruling on the field? No whistle from the officials, 4th and 9 Stanford. I cannot find a video of that play but it is mentioned in several instances in various blogs...and not only from Stanford fan sites. Here are a couple of them: http://articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-10-13/sports/34436582_1_whistle-taylor-stanford-coach-david-shaw http://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/notre-dame-home-games-fake-ref-whistles-and-pattern And here's another article regarding the Stanford game as well as the Pitt game. Unfortunately, the video for the phantom pass interference call against Pitt in the 4th quarter no longer exists. By this point in the season, the Notre Dame "mystique" and the nation's desire to believe the Manti T'eo hype were out of control. It's as if the whole country just couldn't stand to see the Irish lose...and don't get me started on link #2 and Notre Dame's two-players-wearing-the-#2-jersey on the field for Pitt's missed field goal in OT. Illegal participation, penalty, re-do the kick. But the officials curiously missed that too, not that anyone should be surprised... http://thefixisin.net/notredame.html http://subwayalumnistation.blogspot.com/2012/11/notre-dame-jersey-number-controversy.html
  18. oh yea? how many nattys does he...nevermind. Congrats to coach Hakstol!
  19. Completely agree on that...darks at home are lame.
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