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About southpaw

  • Birthday 03/04/1982

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  1. When a player comes to UND, they're only given a one year scholarship. So, if the school can decide to move on after one year, why shouldn't the player also have that opportunity?
  2. Sorry to hear Eric and I met up a few times whenever UND came out to Colorado and were usually the first folks tailgating for football games at UNC. Condolences to his family.
  3. southpaw

    R1 Status

    There are a lot more outcomes from University research than just "accomplishing anything." Often times, these are used as opportunities to help students develop the necessary skills to properly conduct research and experiments. That's also why even if Cal Poly has solved 1+1=2, it's still relevant for students in North Dakota to start on something easy to learn how to do more complex things properly. With that built up knowledge, students then either stay to continue research at the University, enter a scientific field themselves to conduct research, or move into a corporate/advisory setting where the knowledge they gained will help with moving research forward. For a student to get to work on a project where they learn the skills, can contribute to a bigger picture project, and potentially get published while still in University is massive for career growth and the field of research, be it medical or cow tipping.
  4. It would have actually made it incredibly hard because then anyone can share their thoughts. You want UND taking input from NDSU fans? From people who show up for one game every few years? From people posting joke comments?
  5. It's really unfortunate that the only way UND accepts feedback is through this one poll only sent to the single name on a tailgate pass. Oh, wait that's not true at all. So many people upset they're not included on a targeted survey. There are plenty of other ways to share your input.
  6. You have to go all the way back to last year with Ludvig Persson. Before that? The two years prior with Jakob Hellsten.
  7. 1,000 people losing their jobs and a long-standing business shutting down would certainly be bad for the Grand Forks economy.
  8. I'll believe it when I see it. You haven't been reliable on anything before.
  9. If I'm Sather, I'm using the portal to my advantage. "Come play for UND for a year or two, then we'll help you land at a higher profile school. Look at our history of freshmen of the year and where former players have landed. That could be you."
  10. A handful of people in Bismarck this weekend following the Governor's lead in supporting a felon. I think we can all agree that more respect from our leaders should be shown to those who abide by the law, amirite.
  11. Of course they know there is crime. It's Fargo, isn't it? So many clutching their pearls here about the big city dangers. You believe a corporation who would fire their injured employee in a heartbeat and I'll believe what history has shown us. Then, you can visit the gas station you already don't patronize in six months when it's still open.
  12. Beautiful strawman. The violence isn't a big enough problem for the police to invest their time with benefits, but you know better than they do. Although, we all know you're someone who takes security seriously, especially when it involves the most powerful person in the world, all the time.
  13. How long after this quote will you edit your post? The manager was safe until they decided to put themselves in a fight. Why isn't the Exxon store in a much better location not threatening to close? Why are reviewers feeling threatened by the rent-a-cops?
  14. Someone voluntarily interjecting themselves into a fight in order to protect a multi-million dollar company? That's stupid. But if businesses chose to close when one employee gets hurt, there'd be no businesses left.
  15. This massive notice they're giving? They may close a 13th Ave store and then open a new one in West Fargo. But, just to confirm... now they're getting ahead of a story? You said they were closing stores. Which is it? They offered the police some ridiculous things to get free security and the police said no. This is a PR move by a company that sees a store that is further offset from the interstate from its larger, more convenient competitor meaning they're not making as much money as they'd like.
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