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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Will we be able to watch live? If Wilkie scores and pops his jersey will anyone see it?
  2. So if Wilkie scores and pops his jersey this weekend will anyone see it????
  3. What do you want to know? Go back in this thread and read up.
  4. I'm with you on your first statement. I'm more than fully aware of the potential issues with this virus but at some point as a society we need to keep this issue in perspective...….and right now we have none.
  5. That's what you have gleaned from all this media coverage? Do you not think anyone over 60 isn't at risk of mortality from influenza? Seriously...…..
  6. Please do...…...CDC's low end estimates of 350K hospitalizations due to influenza so far this flu season. High estimates are at 620K hospitalizations. I think most hospital facilities will be more than able to handle the critical cases of corona which won't even come close to 350K.
  7. So if ARog throws an INT in an empty stadium does anyone actually see it?
  8. I go back to if this is the precedent that is being set because of something slightly greater than the common cold for a vast majority of the population why the **** do we have school for our kids in this part of the country from October thru April moving forward???
  9. Just stupid! 3 corona cases in OH.......just THREE! 68K at OSU......11.7M people in OH.......and again 3 cases in the entire state of OH. Anyone want to give me odds more than 3 people in OH died from the flu this season? Is this seriously where we are gonna go as a nation......it is getting absolutely ridiculous. The surgeon general came out yesterday and basically said if you are not an older and/or unhealthy individual but are a child or healthy young adult you have much better odds of mortality from the flu. The coronavirus is LESS severe in otherwise healthy patients under 60 than influenza. 20K+ dead....34M infected from the flu and those numbers are on the low end what the CDC is coming up with at this stage. But I'm sure someone in the media will say the surgeon general's comments are racist because he's a black person or they are misogynistic because women have died from corona. Hysteria media driven crisis.....period.
  10. I might be the only one on my flight to ATL that morning. More Biscoff's for me.
  11. So just go ahead and cancel the Boston St. Paddy's Day parade over this crisis then. ............oh wait nevermind.
  12. The first reported case of corona was January 7 in China. Worldwide slightly over 110000 total cases have been confirmed and reported as of today. For argument sake in 2 months worldwide that's the "rate of acceleration" of this virus spreading that too many people keep bringing up. By contrast from October thru February, just in the US, 34M have been sickened by the flu.....5 months. There are more corona and flu cases obviously not reported or confirmed but let's get some perspective here before we all decide to curl up in the fetal position in our bathtubs for weeks. .....and let's please stop with the analogy of the sacrifices our men and women in the military have made over the years to the potential "sacrifice" of some people who are too scared to leave their house or congregate around others.
  13. Sather is the best HC hire for UND since the D1 transition. He's the real deal. Great win for the players and coaches.
  14. Honda Center looks full. Zach and Carter playing without masks on. #Siouxstrong
  15. United Center looks full. Both Jonathan and Drake playing without masks on.
  16. This country's mental health doctors and professionals will all be able to afford vacation homes after this coronavirus thing is over.
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