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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. We are now in the new cancel culture.
  2. Tom Hanks has corona.......how is that possible? It was just him and a volleyball!
  3. The secondary issues from this crisis coupled with the hysteria are hitting the healthcare systems as well. ERs, Urgent Care and Walk-in clinics are having to deal with an increase in patients with mental health issues....... increased anxiety and depression, alcohol and drug intoxications, and suicidal inclinations not to mention those who think they just might be sick. This is far from a single pronged issue.
  4. 7 weeks ago first confirmed case in US.......over 1200 confirmed cases with 34 deaths. Something has to give to kill 700-800K as predicted.
  5. When people are riddled with ongoing fear and anxiety due to the continued hysteria then throw in them not being able to earn a living because we are all at home watching reruns of The Bachelor.........it will get ugly. Bernie Bros might get an up close view of Venezuela Lite in this country soon.
  6. I'll guess.......it won't be anywhere close to that death total.
  7. So when my kid is told not to come back to UND after spring break next week for the rest of the school year does UND reimburse me for room and board since she's on the dorm and on the meal plan???
  8. Regardless if you think this virus will infect/kill 100000/10000 or 50M/50K we are continuing to erode society on a daily basis as we all know it. Less personal interaction. Less stability and security. More fear and hysteria. Who is going to be surprised when secondary medical issues from this crisis like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicide, physical/domestic abuse, alcohol and drug abuse become other major issues needing to be addressed in the big picture? Throw in the increasing potential economic decline and instability..........civil unrest isn't out of the question.
  9. Statistics show this virus has as much lower mortality rate than was thought/publicized 3 weeks ago.
  10. ......and my concern a few months ago was I only had 11 years and change left to live.
  11. Well...….50M is still 100M less than gun violence.
  12. Are there ifs in the numbers above? Or is it a big certainty???
  13. Get out and enjoy your #1 ranked team this weekend. It will be the last time you see them play live.
  14. To recap....... 10-15x worse than our flu season 96M cases 48M hospitalizations 480K deaths ......all within the next 3-7 months.
  15. This team definitely needs a different voice and direction but it also needs better talent.
  16. Dan Wolken of USA Today wrote an article that the NCAA needs to cancel March Madness. Is Kermit Dan Wolken???
  17. For those suggesting mitigation and the shutdown of society on a daily basis as we know it what's your expertise time frame? Is through November 4, 2020 sufficient? And a bigger question is during that time from will bakeries and cake shops remain open?
  18. Sather will do really good things at UND. Right hire at the right time.
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