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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. "One day we'll look back at the impact of the coronavirus. Not the virus itself of course, but the mass global mental breakdown that it inspired". Said someone smarter than me. Now I'm off to watch possibly one of the last NCAA BB games of this season...NDSU/UND... cause there are lots of Grandma's that need more birthdays.
  2. Correct.......there's a number of apocalyptic doomsdayers here about this virus.
  3. I get the same literature as you do but thanks.
  4. Last reported SARS case........2004 IIRC.
  5. As of noon today......647 total cases in the US. Cancel Easter.
  6. Correct but her bracket is busted out of the gate!
  7. There is some play here on the overall psychy of the people in this country and their mental health if you advocate shutting down everything for what might happen. We'll just request big shipments of Prozac from China.......
  8. That all makes sense so we shut down society as we know it over every sniffle, cough and fever moving forward? That's where this is heading. The flu spreads to vulnerable populations. Where's the same concern?
  9. Got it.....we'll agree to disagree. This is not the flu. 60 years and younger in good health in THIS country you're better off getting corona than the flu. Severity of critical illness and mortality is less ......and I don't live in Italy. Text me if you need me to deliver you a pizza or toilet paper. I'll Skype you to keep you company too.
  10. 100% agree with your final statement.
  11. Good news.......now UND needs to apologise to everyone on campus for their reckless earlier press release. Stoking the flames doesn't benefit anyone. Fear >>>> Coronavirus
  12. You tell me exactly what you're saying. "I think the flu is........" "I think the corona is........"
  13. Kind of like MafiaMan at his table during a speed dating session? Ahhhhh........now I get it!
  14. Assume it's just "the flu".......that's where I stopped reading. Science at this stage states it's not the flu. You get half credit there.
  15. On this thread title I'm looking for 2 tickets to the MINN/CHI game Tuesday at the X.
  16. No big deal? Never said that. Apocalyptic.....its not. No I didn't......there is still travel protocols in place even though I'll disagree with the MSNBC/CNN lemmings. Chinese New Year was 2/12. If you left this country to go celebrate there you don't need to be brought back in until Maddow says you can. She's got a better gripe on this than the surgeon general right??? (there you go) Right or wrong that's the narrative being floated around the UND student population.
  17. What do we call the flu season in this country? They are far from meeting the same definition/label. But we do paint with broad brushes don't we?
  18. Magic Bullet sales are hot right now.
  19. Pretty sure my financial advisor is dead from the corona.......... Crickets
  20. This......my daughter is a freshman in the dorms. She texted kids freaking out. Dumbass move IMO.
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