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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Nice, just 1 sog! Hope the Sioux can get some momentum from that great kill.
  2. Nice. Thanks for posting those.
  3. Good to see that a quality road win moves them up that far. Hopefully they can continue playing well and moving up the PWR rankings... Go for the sweep tomorrow!
  4. Lee gets the only assist, but Stafford doesn't despite working hard to create the chance.
  5. Wow, that would have made things interesting early.
  6. Yeah they were. Good to see them get an ugly goal for a change.
  7. Nice, Porter back on the ice.
  8. I wonder how much that helps the Sioux having BC, UM, and Miami all losing tonight. Of course the Sioux still have to take care of business by beating CC, but....
  9. Wishful thinking unfortunately. I would love it if they stick around until their Jr years. They would be quite the dominant pair. Wisco running it up on UMD, 6-2.
  10. Those are two very excellent freshmen. Hopefully we can keep them here at UND for at least another year.
  11. Get out of here! If you're going to troll, go to GPL or USCHO! I think that was pretty close to the response that I got after my first few posts on GPL. It was after the first UMn/UND series, and I was saying that I wasn't a fan of the Irmen and Chorney jersey tugs, and even though I was naming a Sioux player as well, I got flamed by some idiot. I think it was Handy that backed me up.
  12. Yeah, there are quite a few full size locker rooms down there, I would suspect that the Sioux locker room would not be available for use if the Sioux don't make it into the tourney.
  13. Unfortunately it's looking like that may be the case. Although I would love for the Sioux to climb back up in the PWR and make it into the NCAA's. And with the strong probability that the Gophers would travel to REA for the regional, it would be nice to end their season for a second year in a row.
  14. Agreed. Both fanbases have their idiots, I think we can all agree on that.
  15. Let's hope that Travis sticks around for another year so that Woog can have the opportunity to say it.
  16. Is it as classless as an entire section of Gopher fans throwing crap on the ice after the Sioux scored the ENG in the Sat game? That was neat.
  17. Agreed. The visitor penalty box is right next to the tunnel opposite the team benches. There are always security guards and personnel there. .....but I am best friends with a guy who's cousin lives next door to the godparents of Brian Lee's next door neighbors, and they told me that Minnie students went into the opposing teams' penalty box with a chainsaw and tried to cut off his legs while he was serving a penalty. I swear it's the truth.
  18. Looks like Mariucci is now king of the 'phantom assists'! Even Woog commented a few games ago wondering how Kessel got an assist on a particular goal. I agree that the WCHA ROTY award is Kessel's to lose though.
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