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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. He was a midseason emergency walk-on. I'm sure he knew that his time wearing the Sioux jersey was limited. And I'm sure he enjoyed it immensely regardless.
  2. I might be wrong here, but I thought it was universally known that Gopher fans come on here regularly to make sure that their beloved Gophers aren't being talked about. And, if they are, they are required to immediately report back to GPL and tell their fellow Gopher fans the exact details of the situation. That seems to be how it goes down from what I've seen. The truth of the matter is, that yes, the Gophers do get talked about here. Why? Because they are our biggest rival for hockey. So obviously they will get mentioned (and ripped on occasionally...but that's just in good fun ). IMO, they get brought up a bit too much, but maybe that's just me. Everyone is entitled to post what they want. The funny thing is though that I notice the exact same thing over on GPL whenever I happen to head over there to see what's going on. There will be a thread talking about some Gopher-related subject, when someone will just throw in a Sioux-bash without being provoked. Same situation. The only difference that I can see between the two situations is that I don't remember ever seeing a Sioux fan on ss.com posting "you guys should go to GPL and see what is being said about the Sioux in this thread". Apparantly that is the norm for the GPL folk though, as that appears to be quite common over there. Tattling = The Gopher Way
  3. I was thinking the same thing.
  4. And that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
  5. Here's the article on Bickel signing with the Ducks: http://www.twincities.com/ci_9756341?nclick_check=1
  6. Hammy reported on GPL that Bickel from the Gophers will be signing. Tough loss for them, as he was one of their most consistent dmen last season from what I saw.
  7. I don't think so. Recruits like Toews, Gregoire, Hextall, Gleason, Kristo, etc are all top level recruits that are coming in within the next couple seasons. I think Hakstol and Co have done an excellent job recruiting since he took over for Blais.
  8. I don't know. I guess it's a plus that he didn't leave at midseason.
  9. I was joking. I see Trupp having a big year for the Sioux next year. I think this is going to be a fun team to watch. They certainly have loads of offensive talent.
  10. Sitting in the stands with Davidson? The Sioux are going to be really deep at forward this year. Not alot of huge goal scorers (outside of Duncs and Kozek), but many players that are capable of putting up 10 goals each or so. It is a good "problem" to have. We shouldn't have any problem putting out three solid scoring lines and one checking line that can also put in some goals.
  11. Frattin reminds me alot of Kozek. A really quick, hard, accurate wrist shot, he just has to work on getting it off more frequently and from better spots. I think he has potential to be a 15-25+ goal scorer in his jr/sr years. Hopefully he can improve a bit from last year in his soph season, because he certainly showed potential at times last year.
  12. I think we'll actually have improved scoring, especially if the WCHA actually calls it tighter like they say they will. The entire league as a whole was down in scoring last year, not just the Sioux.
  13. That's what I did. Well, technically I entered kindergarten when I was 5.75 yo, but same thing.
  14. Maybe because he'll be around longer than Jonathan.
  15. Agreed. I wonder how many years we'll get from him? Hopefully at least two, as he looks to be a special player.
  16. http://ckdr.net/sports/index.php#0000012674
  17. No more Dean. That's too bad. I'm sure he'll be back with another user name soon enough.
  18. Brad confirmed on his blog that Malone is still with the Sioux and will not attend the Halifax training camp. Good news.
  19. Sometimes the lack of info is the best info.
  20. I'm guessing that Malone isn't going anywhere. Per Schlossman's Q&A with Cichy, it sounds like Halifax likes to put rookies on their training camp roster even if they have no intention of being at the camp (or going to the team). Plus, that roster has been available for a couple weeks already. If Malone had left the team for the QMJHL, I'm guessing that we would have heard about it "officially" by now.
  21. I know, it's going to suck having an experienced dman coming back for another year. Better than your 1st round draft picks though, who leave midseason.
  22. I hope that he comes back for his senior year, but he will probably be a strong candidate to leave after this upcoming season. Especially being that I see him having a monster year.
  23. I not only don't have a problem with it...I think that is tremendous news. Finley was one of our most consistent dman all season long last year...he had a couple of lapses in the playoffs, but that didn't change the fact that he was solid for the rest of the year. If this news is true, he will be a leader of our d-corps next season, and I would expect him to have a great year.
  24. Good job grouping all Sioux fans together. I don't hold a grudge against Clarke. It's his decision. I'm actually glad that he made his decision now, two full seasons before he was supposed to take the ice for the Sioux. That gives Hakstol plenty of time to find a dman for that vacated spot. While I would have loved to see him in a Sioux uni, the UND hockey program will go on...with or without him. I have the same thoughts about Gregoire. It was his decision. I'm sure that some DU fans were upset by his change of plans, just as some Sioux fans are upset about Clarke. But those feelings will pass, and other recruits will take their places. That said, I will enjoy seeing Gregoire in a Sioux uniform much more than I would have seeing him in a DU uni.
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