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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Congrats to Chris! Best of luck in Edmonton!
  2. The last Wed media session had some answers to common offseason questions: Genoway update status unknown right now. I like Knight as a top 2 line center with Malone, who essentially takes over for VV. All "key" pieces back for next season. Good news about Gregoire, Malone, Frattin, etc. Possibly a surprise like Fienhage though to depart.
  3. I'm going to guess that any conversations about expectations for playing time have already been done with Fienhage (and any other player on the roster) by the coaching staff. The coaches know the situation. They're not going to just pull the player along and not tell him about the incoming recruits and what they expect from the player and themselves for next season. My guess is that this conversation was already completed, and that is why Fienhage's advisor was talking with other teams. The coaches are going to recommend whatever is best for both the player and the team.
  4. Of course, Yale also scored 7 goals on BC. For some reason, I don't think so. I think this BC team was ripe for the picking. Their defense and goaltending were certainly not as strong as the last time we faced BC in the playoffs. If the Sioux team that played in the F5 showed up for that regional, I think that they would have beaten both Yale and BC. Of course, all we can do is speculate on that now... That said, I fully expect Miami to take out BC rather easily next Thursday to advance to the title game. After watching both the BC/Yale and the Miami/Mich games, I don't think Miami will have too much trouble with BC.
  5. Agreed, this doesn't seem surprising. Something had to give on the d-corps roster that we have for next season. Best of luck to Corey if this is the route he takes. He did a great job filling in after Genoway's injury.
  6. I like Brad's comment on his blog yesterday. Frattin had more SOG by himself during the 3rd period against Yale than Yale had as an entire team (6-5). He had 9 sog for the entire game.
  7. Frattin will stay. If he was planning on leaving after his JR season, he would have just left after his off-ice issues instead of sitting for half a season. He's going to be one of our best forwards next season too. The way he came on at the end of the season was very impressive...19pts in half a season. I bet he gets close to 50pts next year.
  8. I see Mario turning into another Darcy Zajac. Leader on/off the ice that can contribute on the ice occasionally.
  9. You should contact Hakstol, I'm sure he'd listen to your thoughts on coaching.
  10. I know, that's why I said it. You can't predict what is going to happen in the post season. Just look at DU this year or all the #1 seeds that lost out last year. The postseason is too dependent on bounces/hot goalie/etc that you can't predict outcomes. That said, next year's team could really do some damage.
  11. I think the skill will be there next season. On the forward side, I think that Frattin, Gregoire, Hextall, Kristo, Malone, and Trupp are all top tier skill level players. Defensively, Genoway (if he comes back), Blood, MacWilliam, and Marto are in there as well. That's not counting Forbort, Mattson, and Simpson depending on who comes in. I am thinking that next season for the Sioux will be similar to this season for DU or UW in terms of regular season success.
  12. He did play forward a little bit at Central, but I doubt he would be as effective as a dman. It's the same situation as Genoway. Marto was one of our most effective dmen all season...strong defensive play and such a smooth, fast skater. I trust Hakstol to figure out the defense logjam before next season begins.
  13. Smug? All of his points are still valid, regardless of today's loss.
  14. Get a grip. With how young this team was combined with the Genoway injury very early, this season could have turned out like the 2001-2002 season. I actually think that this was one of Hakstol's best coaching seasons. For them to come together like they did, get that streak going at the end of the season and win the Broadmoor, that was great to see. Would I have liked to see them go further? For sure, but it didn't work out. That's hockey sometimes.
  15. Agreed and agreed. UND should be able to finish in the top 2 or 3 in the WCHA next season. UW and DU might fall with all of their graduation and early departure losses.
  16. I would guess that both Davidson and Hill will just be practice players like Maris if they stay. Davidson impressed me with his defensive play filling in for Gleason's injury, but next year we will be stacked at defense with or without Chay.
  17. 2010-2011 Fighting Sioux Roster Defense Blood, Jr Davidson, Sr Fienhage, Jr Genoway, Sr Gleason, So Hill, So LaPoint, Sr MacWilliam, So Marto, Sr Forward Bruneteau, So Cichy, So Frattin, Sr Gregoire, Jr Hextall, Jr Knight, So Kristo, So Lamoureux, Jr Malone, Sr Rowney, So Toews, Jr Trupp, Sr Goalie Dell, So Eidsness, Jr Maris, So Potential incoming recruits: Danny Mattson, F Derek Rodwell, F Nick Mattson, D Derek Forbort, D There is also a chance that Dillon Simpson (D) and/or Brock Nelson (F) might come in this fall as well. Potential early departures (for different reasons): Blood, Fienhage, Genoway, and Gregoire Thoughts?
  18. If that's the reason, that's pretty brutal. Woog was right to call the team out like that, and it is Lucia's job to correct it.
  19. DU looks like they did during the F5. Not good for them.
  20. Wow, RIT scores after a horrid giveaway. 1-0 RIT
  21. Good to see him still doing well and putting up the goals...probably from his "spot". Same number too.
  22. From Brad: Should be an interesting article on Genoway. I wonder if they would really consider bringing him back for just the F4 should the Sioux make it. You would think he would be out of game shape pretty well at that point. Not to mention he would be throwing away almost his entire SR season for 1 or 2 games.
  23. I didn't mind the Milwaukee loss as much as the Denver loss to BC. At least in Milwaukee the Sioux were challenging them and making a game of it. In Denver it was just such a one-sided game. The Sioux were out of that game well before the 1st period was over.
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