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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. I wonder if the people sitting next to that cowbell person mind at all. Or, if they can even hear any longer.
  2. Agreed. The non-stop cowbell...not so much.
  3. When was the last time a Sioux team had a "dominant" sweep in Alaska? They always seem to play us tough up there. Last year, with one of the best Sioux teams in a few years, they managed to tie UAA in Alaska. They did beat them here later that year 6-1/3-1 though.
  4. Brock Nelson was named co-offensive POTW (with Schwartz from CC, of course) after his great weekend. Congrats, Brock.
  5. Agreed about Gleason. Hopefully the coaches keep him more at defense, because he seems to be much more effective on the blueline. Great at rushing the puck and creating chances. He had a great weekend as well.
  6. No doubt. This is only the 2nd time all season that CC has been held to "only" 3 goals.
  7. Miami beats Denver in the DU Cup final. MSUM outshoots UAA by a ton, 46-13, but still tie 5-5. Horrid goaltending for MSUM, as they battled back from a 5-1 deficit. Hopefully the Sioux can keep their momentum going against UAA next weekend. Always a tough roadtrip, especially if UAA plays their trap style. Great opportunity for the Sioux to make up some ground in the WCHA. Gophers hit a bit of a snag with a tie and loss against MSU. Man, how good are those Schwartz brothers from CC??
  8. I certainly wasn't expecting that sweep...but I'll take it!! Kristo really showed us a completely different level this weekend. We've seen glimpses before, but he maintained that level of play the entire 120 minutes. Simply a fantastic weekend for him.
  9. Sounds like someone should be sending their application into the UND AD sometime soon!
  10. I would have expected the line of Kristo/Knight/Nelson to rip BSU up a bit. Instead, they had a very quiet game after getting three last night.
  11. After watching the DU/UNO game last night...Archibald looks like quite a good player. Too bad the coaches couldn't have known about the issues with St. Clair and Miller de-committing, as Archibald would have looked great in a Sioux uni...especially with how depleted our forward corps is right now.
  12. Both DiPuma and St. Clair will be good for next season.
  13. I think people are "blasting away" because this is a despicable story about a horrible man...and then covered up by an entire administration. Could it happen anywhere? Sure, but you seem hellbent on having other posters admit that it could happen at UND. There's a reason why this is such a huge scandal...because a story of this magnitude has never rocked an entire athletic dept like this at PSU.
  14. No worries on that end...I don't spend my time thinking about such trivial things. But once you figure out who I am, just let me know the name/address to send the money to!
  15. I'll offer the same to GPL Mole. I'll give him a cash prize if he can figure out who I am. Good luck, Mole.
  16. BU dismantled BC on the road, 5-0, in a penalty-filled game. It seemed like BC got lazy with the puck after they got down by 2 goals.
  17. Ouch. Faragher did really well against UND, but I have a feeling that the loss of Lee will drop SCSU a place or two in the WCHA standings by the end of the year.
  18. DU/CC - CC outshot DU by a fair margin, but found themselves behind 5-1 before rallying to within one goal. UMN/WI - Much like we did, UMN outshot UW by a large margin...the only difference was they were able to capitalize on some of those chances. UNO/BSU - UNO outclassed BSU last night...hopefully we can do the same next weekend. BSU is three points in front of UND in the standings right now...although they have played two more games than us. Three or more points next weekend would be a huge help. Having a fully healthy Grimaldi and potentially O'Donnell back in the lineup would be a big help as well...
  19. What does it matter? We can't say anything -- positive or negative -- without you immediately going over to GPL to repeat it. It's quite childish, but hey, I realize you don't have anything better to do.
  20. We had a thread like this last year to discuss other teams' scores and updates...so here we go again.
  21. brianvf


    Bad ars. I like this much better than the earlier jersey (and the ones in the link). Nicely done.
  22. brianvf


    Gopher fans are never right.
  23. Doesn't look like it: Crap, Grimaldi can't catch a break here. I wonder if it's the same injury or a different one? Maybe he needs to chill out in practice...
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