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Big A HG

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Everything posted by Big A HG

  1. Secrets secrets are no fun...
  2. Not really a Fighting Sioux fact, but a WCHA hockey fact... Michael (Joe Mexico) Vick will be attending multiple hockey games this year while suspended from the Falcons...those games being Duluth vs. Mich. Tech, St. Cloud vs. Tech, and St. Cloud vs. Duluth, that way he can get his dog fighting fix in during his off time. And before you ask...Yes, he is bringing his water bottle.
  3. I think the coolest, most unique thing to do would to have alternating sections of color. This would have to be done by giving out the t-shirts by handing them out either right before the game when you're in the seats, or having the shirts sitting on the seats when you get there. Then alternate the sections white and green all the way around for a cool, unique, contrasting idea. The only problem with this is that you cannot coordinate this outside of the arena, unless the actual game ticket specifies what you should wear.
  4. Anyone wanna golf this week?
  5. True! But...I will put in my $.02. KOZEK will be the iron man. If it wasn't for Porter, I think he would have been one of the top choices for last year.
  6. You beat me by a few days....
  7. The only thing I see preventing this from happening is the Sioux jerseys. Too many people have them and don't want to waste having one if it isn't the right color (most people only have one jersey...not multiple). Also, REA/UND wouldn't want to do this because it would decline the sales of many of their products, because if a person had to match a certain way every game, then they would be less apt to buying various products...especially non-matching jerseys. I dunno...maybe I'm stupid.
  8. I figured I'd probably never find a color photograph of a Sioux hockey player/jersey with that logo, but I held out hope that I might find it on something else. Maybe another team/group used that logo, and that's where we got it from, much like what we did with the Blackhawk logo. So maybe if you do a search for native american logos and whatnot you could find something. I didn't have much luck doing that, but you might have better luck.
  9. Good luck Diggler. I know why you probably need it, for I probably had the same reason. But I didn't get any help either....CLICK HERE
  10. Yeah, unfortunately I made that cover. It looks pretty sweet though, and it has fooled quite a few people, hehe.
  11. I thought about it, but there are so many on there I don't know if anyone actually gets a roommate. I guess it's worth a shot...and another Sioux fan is always welcome to move in...so, consider it!
  12. Saw that, it's pretty nice!
  13. Repost, but it's a good repost.
  14. Very good interview! Answers like he has makes me believe he won't be the same type of player Lee was even though they have similar traits. I believe Lapoint will have much more of a positive influence on the team with MUCH better puck handling skills. Size wise he could be a little bigger, but that will come with time, and there are a couple months of summer left, so I don't see it being too big of a problem.
  15. Not fun when it's your first rounds of the year because ND is still snowy white...I golfed like crap but it was fun as hell
  16. I was golfing in Pinehurst, NC that weekend, and of course, nowhere had ESPNU. My plane flew into Minneapolis the night of the game, and landed as the game was going into overtime. I ran to the nearest tv, which was at a little bar at a TGI Fridays in the airport. I had my Sioux gear on with a bunch of gopher fans around me. A minute later, the Gophers got Porterized. One of the best moments of my Sioux fan life.
  17. Sounds good to me...I'll do my best! Just called....man, I am bored. Anything to do this time of night in GF besides drink?
  18. It's hard to go wrong with who you pick, but I would never separate Joyce and Hrkac. Of all the duos in Sioux history, in my opinion, that was probably the best in terms of totaly teamwork between each other. But, what do I know...hehe. Conan's on!
  19. Oshie-Duncan-Toews Ludwig-Greene Goehring Simple as that!
  20. Hopefully this doesn't turn into the story of the boy who cried wolf. Eventually there actually was a wolf....hopefully there won't eventually be a signing. Everyone can say TJ is a man of his words as much as they want, but until he's in the Sioux uniform in a little less than 75 days, I'll be constantly worried.
  21. Now, I'm not sure if anyone told you, but you can only win one per year...
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