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Everything posted by roper1313
Hopefully South doesn't overlook their Thursday game against Crookston. Crookston has a decent team this year, I think they tied RR 2-2, but if South plays it's A game they should win by 3 or 4. I haven't seen RR play this year, but I am excited to watch the game on Saturday. I haven't hear about any significant injuries to FS, but that doesn't mean there arent' any. RR shuts down the Weisgarber line, but can't match the Mcdougal, Doeden, A. Campbell line and lose 4-2. South has lots of good quality home games left (finally), should be some good hockey during this last month of the regular season.
Thanks for the insiteful first post RCB41. I'm sure we'll all value your opinion as much as you value ours.
Back when I played in the early 90's Jamestown was definatly one of the toughest places to play. Jamestown had a certain Mr. Hockey finalist who's now pulling down $10+ million a year witht he Angles. We had a game out there in 90 or 91 and thing got so hostile that our bus needed to have a police escort out of Jamestown. Also, Fargo schools have the same activity pass system and games seem to be well attendend. I think thatattendance at HS hockey games has dropped during the past few years due to the fact that girls BB is now being played in the winter. I know that in the past girls hoops was a pretty big deal at Red River. 3 of the 4 top attended sports are now in the winter and the bone head schedules always seem to have big games in each sport on the same day.
I'll backup Redwing on this, most of south's players thought this game would be be a 2-1, 3-1 type game. Great win for South. After Moorhead scored early in the first I was thinking "here we go again". Luckily the players were focused and uped the tempo and really dominated in the 2nd period. The disallowed goal for Moorhead was due to a spud pushing the puck in with his hand. At least that was the call the ref initially gave the PA announcer. South's biggest problem in the third was staying out of the box. To recap, I thought South had the two best players on the ice tonight. Galt controlled and distributed the puck to teammates and really made a great play late in the first when the whole rink thought he was going to boom a slapper he feathered a pass to Weisgarber who shelfed a wrister with 2 seconds to go. Weisgarber also looked great out there. He did a nice job on face offs and when he found open ice he was able to show his speed and playmaking ability. Gault and Weisgarber each had 3 points. Jordy Christian was not much of a factor most of the game. I didn't check to see if south was doing anything special defensivly with him but I really didn't notice him until the last half of the 3rd period. I'd say Weisgarber and Christian are very similar players, but Weisgarber is one year older and a little stronger on his stick. South showed last night that they are one of the top team in the upper midwest. They did a nice job adjusting to the speed of Moorhead and showed that they can skate with anyone. Moorhead may not have the same team as last year, but lets not forget that they did take 2nd at the Schwann Cup last week and lost to Holy Angels, who some people in MN think could go undefeated, by 1. Great HS Hockey game!!
If you're planning on going to the South-Moorhead game plan on going early. Moorhead only plays 8 home games this year so this should be a hot ticket. Should be close to 3000 at the MSC. Hopefully South plays smart hockey early and doesn't take any dumb penalties. They cannot let Moorhead jump out to an early 2 goal lead, or crowd could carry Moorhead to a big win. 4-2 (en) South!!!
Great post Stack If anyone has an in I'd be willing to pay a premium for 3 tickets to Saturday's game. GO SIOUX, GO USA
This just in from the construction community in Fargo. The Canad Inn's general contractor has authorized subs. to begin shoping for building supplies. Construction should be starting as soon as the frost liftsl!! Although owners have announced that they will not be open for the 2004 WJC in Grand Forks. Missed it by that much!
Some perspective- Duluth/Superior- Population 112,497 (2004 US cenus est.) DECC- 5,333 (4.7%) Proposed arena- 6,630 (5.9%) Bemidji- Population 13,016 (2004 US census est.) Glas Fieldhouse- 2399 (18.4%) Proposed arena- 3,500 (27.9%) IMO, its not the size that matters, but the quality.
Am I correct that Mike Peluso is an assistant at Century? He's a great guy and should really help bring that program around. Not many ND teams have a coach with NHL minutes (I know it's not that many, but hey, I'd take it!)
Here is what I understand what happened: 1) Wilson was pissed because Wahpeton did not play on Tuesday because they didn't have a goalie. Wahpeton used the weather (which was much worse thursday than tuesday) as an excuse not to play, but the truth is they didn't have a goalie. 2) Wilson is using goal differential as a tie breaker as an excuse. 3) In the 3rd period the 4th line played as the 1st, 3rd as second, ect. 4) Wilson said he wanted to showcase his top talent. Maybe there were some scouts in the crowd (hard to believe). 5) As already stated kids will try their hardest if on the ice. I'm certainly not going to defend fargo south but I have from a good source that these were Wilson's reasons. FYI, karma bit south a little as Weisgarber twicked his groin in the 3rd. Apparently not a serious injury but a scary one if you're a south fan.
Cratter, My biggest problem with lacross is that there are no local kids to recruit. Back in the 40's GF Central had some of the best HS hockey team in the nation, and although some Minnesotans laugh at the idea, GF in general is one of the greatest hockey towns in the country. I grew up getting my A$$ kicked by the GF teams in the 80's and early 90's. Ijust find it difficulty to see recruits coming to UND when there are so many other options out east. Maybe there is a Canadian or Shattuck Pipeline we can tap into for lacross I may be wrong about about lacross, but then again, so may you. I don't get the dig about NDSU hockey. What does that have to do with anything? FYI, I was in the minority on the NDSU venture. I put my deposit down on NDSU hockey. IMO the more college hockey the better.
Let's get back to discussing what UND will have to do to support DI in all sports. I know that might be contraversial, but I think womens hockey was a huge mistake. Rumors from GF, and they are just rumors, is that the womens team is a $500,000 drain on the athletic budget. I know it's Title IX related, but those kind of numbers, if true, are very disturbing. I just don't see a womens team paying in REA cash flowing ever. Does Tiltle IX require the womens team equal facilities? Does anyone know if UND breaks down the athletic budget by each program? i.e. mens hockey costs $XXX If someone knows where to find this just post a link, you don't need to post the numbers for me, I can look them up.
Sorry to make it sound like I was trying to end the discussion, but some of cratter's one sentence comments, appeared sarcasitc. That's why I thought this whole topic may have been a bit. Thanks for the apology. FYI, $3500 was alot of money to pay a coach back in the 40's. I still think that even idexing for inflation the costs of the 2005 hockey program far exceed the cost of the 46 team. Of course we'll never know for sure, but that is my opinon.
Do we know when Canada will release it's roster?
PCM- I'm insulted, Green and Gold glasses?? My great uncle was one of the founding payers in 1946, Johnny Noah is a great friend of my family, I certainly don't need anyone on this forum "educating" me on the history of Sioux hockey. I did not go to either school and try to support each program. Maybe you would like me to stop my $1,000+ donations to the Fighting Sioux Club? I'm trying give a differing opinion to this forum where everyone seems to be slapping eachother on the back for thinking of Lacrosse. You did not address my point that hockey was intrenched in this region in the 40's. Lacrosse is barely a fringe sport. That 46 team was compramised by local kids from GF, Crookston, TRF and other northern minnesota communities. IMO, hockey was about as close to a no brainer as you could have. Lets talk about athletic budgets. Yes you needed money back then for the hockey program, but I think the % of athletic budget earmarked to hockey in 1946 is quite a bit smaller than it is now. I guess we'll differ on this lacrosse idea, but if you would just like me to shut up and not give a negative opinion I can do that. Finally, sorry to flame you PCM, as I generally agree and enjoy your post, but you were way off base with your closing statement.
I'm a south hockey supporter, but this is just wrong. The Forum had the shots at 84 for the Bruins, and yes Weisgarber and Campbell both had points in the third period. I hope Wilson gets some serious heat for this. IMO, this situation is the coaches fault, not the players. Do you really expect a player not to shoot at a wide open net? It's the coaches responsibility to keep his best players off the ice in situations like this. Not just for Wahpeton's sake, but what if Weisgarber or Gault got hurt the third? Stupid move my Wilson and I hope he gets hammered by the media for it.
The inside word at South is that Evan will be at UND. I have a good source, but we'll have to wait to hear it from him. FYI, Evan was more of a UND fan than NDSU, but I'm sure we all know which way his coach is leaning.
I'm pretty sure hockey was an intrenched sport in this region in the 40's. Also, I don't think athletic budgets were a big concern to the school back then. If you want to go back to the 40's you can try and recuit lacrosse players to UND with the promise of 2+ day bus and train trips to play a game. Cratter, I hope this is a bit, because it makes no sense.
I can't imagine any senario where Lacrosse is profitable for any school in the northern plains. The closest away games for men would be in Denver/Colorado Springs, IN, and Ohio. For women it is Denver, CA, OR, IN, OH. Team are roughly the same size as hockey teams, and not being an established program will kill UND as few team will be willing to pay to travel up here when there are closer competitors elsewhere. Look how hard of a time NDSU has had scheduling home games during the transition. Lacrosse would be a huge drain on the athletic budget, unless you want the team to take a bus instead of a plane. FYI, I love lacrosse and think it would be a great sport to have, but we have to be realistic here. Wait never mind this is a message board.
As a Sioux fan I'd like to jump into this thread and criticize some Sioux fans for their propensity to rip Kessel for no apparent reason. Actually, the only reasons they are ripping him is because he is ranked higher than Sioux freshman, and plays for the Gophers. This is getting old quick, and it's the same thing that happened a couple of years ago when comparing Vanek to ZP. The players are different, while Towes is bigger, and better in the defensive zone there is no debating that Kessel is far superior in the offensive zone. Case in point, 22 points in 18 games is nothing to scoff at. IMO, he's on pace for a 45-50 point year. Not to bad for a kid who should still be in highschool. Towes, is having a great year as a 17 year old freshman. He needs to fill out a little more and should be a dominate power forward for years to come. IMO he has yet to adjust to the pace of the game where it seems that he hesitates a split second to long in scoring situations. Towes is not the snipper that kessel is and there is nothing wrong with that, but some sioux fans can't seem to come to grips witht the fact that the top draft eligible player in the world plays for the gophers. Hey, we got number 2 and that's not too bad. FYI, I read the scouting report of Kessel -v- Towes in the link above and I don't belive that Kessel separated himself that much on Friday. IMO, Towes one of UND's best players Friday, where Kessel was not playing at nearly the level of Potulny or Irmen.
It looks like all the "contributions" for Sioux Hockey have added up. I have always heard that UND struggled to raise money as compared to NDSU. I guess I may have been mistaken. It would be interesting to see what percent of the 1.5 million came from the "donations" for season hockey tickets? Also, the same stat would be interesting from NDSU football and their "donation" for good tickets.
Compare Team Makers to Fighting Sioux Club and the answer must be that no all those doctor's, lawers and Piolts (lots living on unemployment right now ) do not make more that the hick farmers that graduate from NDSU. UND's biggest fundraisng problem IMO is that Grand Forks does not nearly the corporate backing that Fargo has. Take a look at how many fargo companies have suites at the REA. Also, if the students in the law and med schools did not go to undergrad at UND they might not become big donors to the school. They had time to cheer for their school at undergrad and formed ties to that athletic department, and not UND. Sure they love UND, but they might be more inclined to give $$$ to the athletic department they gaduated undergrad from, while giving $$$ to the med or law school at UND. If UND goes DI, which I hope they do, UND alumni, and the GF business community are going to have to open their pocketbooks in a big-time way.
1997 what a great year. I remember watching that Final Five game at a college buddies house in Duluth. The house was filled with guys who were from the metro area and three of us from Fargo. One of the few games I watched on TV where I felt butterflies. That game signified IMO the rebirth of the Sioux program and the end of the Woog era. A few beers were consumed that night!!
I believe that SDSU's athletic funraising foundation paid for the score board. I've never been in the Betty, is there room for a center scoreboard of that size. 70 miles south, if they tried to hang that in the BSA centers would hve to duck at half-court. FYI, NDSU is putting in two new video scoreboards on each end of the BSA starting for the 2006-2007 season. I also remember that Daktronics has some interesting financing options for their scoreboards. You can pledge all advertising revenue for x yrs. and get the things for a discount if not free.
Just wanted to add my two cents on Tyler. My wife taught him as a So. and he was one of her favorite students over her 6 years of teaching at south. His parents are also great. Tyler was not recruited by UND, he was a roll player in the USHL and was not the type of player UND recruits. Harvard is a great fit for him. I wish him the best of luck, maybe he'll score a point or two while getting swept by the Sioux.