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Everything posted by moser53

  1. Fairness Justice
  2. Every week maybe a stretch but there were a lot of press releases back then that the Sioun nickname must go.Well coordinated propaganda. If Spirit Lake Nation would have been the only tribe with a say the nickname issue would have taken 6 months not 10 years.
  3. And your prediction about Grand Sky heading south like Fed Ex may be spot on. Fargo First.
  4. The political party that has been in power the last 15 years in ND gets a pass on everything. No questions asked. Democrates may govern bad in many people's opinion on this board but doing this to UND no. If Mac Schneider was in control of the $ very little of what has gone on at UND would have happened. I've listened to him talk common sense.
  5. In that picture it looks like 42nd is a first class road from the Al to 32nd st. How about a first class 42nd from Hwy 2 to 32nd St. To much to ask?
  6. Ya I wonder about GFs own Ray Holmberg and what he knows about all the cuts at. UND. Would it have been a lot worse if he wasn't there? Will they demolish the campus to achieve there goal of SU 25000? I don't know what some on this board are looking at to me it's clear that's where we're headed. Right or wrong that's what I see.
  7. #500million
  8. Fighting Sioux was doomed from the start. Spirit Lake had those 2 chances slim and none. And Slim was on the Higher Ed Board. So none was there only option.
  9. If your Spirit Lake and you approved the use of the name and in every other case I tribe the closest tribe was all it took. And you look at all the broken treaties that have taken place. Many there would say white man screwing us again.Nothing changes for them.
  10. Spirit Lake Tribe. Have you given up on this?
  11. Sicatoka did Roers get his 1.3.
  12. Guys looking forward to Reno. Movie quotes are meant to be funny. As the video was.
  13. Midnight Cowboy Gigolo to his pimp. How come you only hook me up with men?
  14. Al Carlson mapping out thr Fargo Diversion. Sorry AL couldn't resist
  15. Nickname gone football game gone untill 2019 cuts cuts and more cuts. We win many National Championships in the 80s and you come into our house in the 90s and dominate us. This is what you get. Hockey program fans had nothing to do with this. They we me feel like victims. m
  16. Mr. Al Carlson is a hero to the 1 million FBS Fargo first crowd. He's sent a ton of $ back to Fargo. More to come?
  17. Are you saying I got it wrong? Money talks nickname gone?
  18. Good policy only keep talking about things people you don't like.
  19. Yes money talks nickname back
  20. Ralph Engelstad passed away 2002. NCAA in 2005 says hostile and abusive. Wonder if Ralph would have taken them to court. 2 tribes to keep nickname. Other schools just the 1 closest tribe? Is this true? You expect the rules be the same for you as other schools. Possible way?
  21. I had to go into my scrapbook to fact check myself Sportswriter and the man who made the Red Pepper famous Bruce Tellman wrote the article. If Bruce had lived to see what has gone on with UND my voice would be a whisper compared to.his.People would have paid attention to him. The excuses made to justify the cuts at UND would have been challenged in my opinion. i'm talking about GFCs my teams loss to Red River to go to state. 3 starters fouled out not 4. The biggest lead we had was 25 not 27. Steve Vodden was Legion player of the year in 71 not 72. Louie Bogan former player and head Basket Ball Coach was the inaugural Coach when the Hislop opened up in 1951.he coached for 11 years then Bill Fitch came to UND and we know about his great career. Louies son Dan Bogan played for Red River in that game he shot 18 free throws.. Every time we got close to him they called a foul on us. Dan went on to play QB at Mayville State. He lived his life in Oklahoma City. He had his own pest control company. He passed away about 5 years ago. A good guy. m
  22. Lucy. Biz any new hospital talk in Bismarck?
  23. Jamestown paper eh there's state leaders from there. .Year 1971 playing BB for the GFC Redskins we played against a couple of really good players from Jim Town. Doug Beaudoin and Dale Krueger. Me and my good friend Steve Vodden ND State Legion Player of the year in 1972 were off the team the first time we played Jim Town and our team lost there. We got picked up for minor in possession open bottle on our way to see Alice Cooper in Crookston Mn. It wasn't my idea to go to that concert! We were off the team for 6 weeks. Jim Town came to GF and played us with me and Steve back on the team we played them at Red Rivers gym' back then we Central played some of our home games there. We beat them by about ten points. We were the defending state champs and our best player from the year before Glen Hansen was off to Utah State with Dale Brown and then to LSU. Anyway we thought we could win state again. In the Northeast Region tourney to qualify for state we had to beat Red River again we had beat them the 2 times we played earlier that year. We were ahead by 27 points and lost the game. Season over. We had 4 guys foul out me first. Bob Eaglestaff and Don Gunhus were good players that year. Jamestown played for the state championship that year and they lost to Minot on a last second shot by Wayne Whitty 65-64.Earlier that we beat Minot by 20 at Red Rivers gym. Stuff you. Never forget.
  24. Would expect Bismarck to be next $400 million. GF again last place. Will Minot or Williston overtake GF in population? West Fargo at it's current pace only a mmatter of time.
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