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Everything posted by moser53

  1. Do they still make license plates in prison?
  2. When I've talked about UND having a bullseye on it's back people point to Med School. In my humble opinion the Med School funding was to keep the conservatives from jumping ship. In the eyes of many GF not the city to take it to the next level. UND has had the last 100 years time to pass the baton.
  3. Run first team offensive line top priority. So you are correct sir.
  4. President Trump touting infrastructure for 2018 tonite. Hope for the Cummings bridge. I have very little hope for the Northeastern part of the state when it comes to highway spending. Republicans Democrates I would think they would agree on 1 thing. The state should maintain state roads. GF has had to spend there own $ on state roads. How does that happen? Do the politicians give block grants to the executive branch. And they pick the winners and losers. Northeast big loser.
  5. Healthcare news as you may know. Jeff Bezos Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon form new company. The company will be free from profit making incentives and constraints. What's gunna happen? Are they stepping on toes? Who can stop them Congress, Supreme Court
  6. This is home 701 772 9503
  7. Library in the news again. Public or Council or Commission Grand Forks or Fargo Right or wrong Fargo doesn't mess around. Who's growing New Ferris Wheel in new GF Library KNOX news Ha
  8. Since we've struck it rich. Grand Forks has had to spend local $ to fix state roads. The big 2 have mucho cash flying around. Lot's of private $ being donated. #needpills
  9. Yup or Nope. The guys pushing for Bismarck U 4 year D1 are like Bob. Gone he's never gone. I keep thinking GF needs a station like KFYR or KFGO. KNOX pretty good range but does not reach Bismarck or Minot. On my bucket list a fYR type radio station in GF. Then again what is the future of radio. Has the Internet and apps solved that .I'd say no it's a matter of pride.
  10. Alaska citizens gets a yearly check for this 1 time harvest. I'm surprised the people continue to get a piece of the oil $. Should Nodaks?
  11. What will the Sanford Empire look like in 25 years? Will this giving continue? Sanford is a Sioux Falls based company right. The board room is in Sioux Falls correct. Does Fargo have any say when it comes to Sanford. Kelby Krabbenhoft Chief Executive Officer at Sanford I read he grew up in Mankato. I thought he may have been from Northwood . When do you think the city of Sioux Falls is going to say we want in in the D1 civic pride .Augustana
  12. We're lucky o have you guys! Confucius, Nastradamus and Mark Twain The Sicatoka, UNDBIZ and SiouxVolley Which one are you?
  13. Changing the State Constitution has been attempted a few times lately. All you need is 1 more vote. Fargo , Bismarck grows. Grand Forks no growth.We win youl loose. Simple Will there be another state Med or law school in 100 years? Never say never.
  14. Private ones.Like Creighton U School of law. I hear a lot of SU grads go there for law degrees.
  15. So you think I've got it wrong. Fargo doesn't want 25 thousand SU Med school, Law school, D1 Hockey. And FBS. Nothing personal 4life your a great fan. #20yearstolong
  16. Confucius says Confucius was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of Chinese History Nice work
  17. Fargo controls about 8 billion dollars. They say we can't touch it spend it or tell you where it's at. Hear a lot of cut the fat. Not so much show me the money. From the citizens.
  18. Yes give more freely. How many cups of coffee have there been in Fargo talking about what you have rightly pointed out. [ what are we going to do to change that]. The plan is in place and we all know it. Will there be a private Med Law school in Fargo? Will there be D1 hockey in Fargo? If you love Fargo this is what you want and plan for. When the pro Fargo people look at what is going on in Fargo you want it all. They look at Grand Fors as a bigger Vermillion. Not in there ballpark.
  19. What did I read here the biggest $ givers to NDSU have UND ties? To your post. OK those schools have triple the endowment. I'm just saying it looks like the schools in cities where there are wealthy people corporations have a better chance for gifts. When Ralph Engelstad passed away it was open season on UND. Money =Power
  20. You were at the hockey. Jeff Kolpack was in the Ralph over the weekend. He said on his Saturday morning radio show. Kennedy was at the hockey games And no $ out there for Phase II insite. Who 's happy about it and who's sad.
  21. Altru Hospital in GF pretty small compared to Sanford. How kind would Sanford be to GF and UND if they take over? Altru dam near a sure thing.How long b4 Sanford is gobbled up. And the giving ends. Could this be a Trojan Horse? Denny Sanford wonder what his plans for Sanford are when his time with his empire are over. I was looking at the University's with the biggest Foundations 2 are in Chicago.Northwestern and U of Chicago a D3 school I think. Would bet most of there donations come from the Chicago area. They gave $ to schools in there hometown.Not as much to U of Illinois. A guess on my part. Not having some corporate partners in GF scares me.
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