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Everything posted by moser53

  1. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Grand Forks needs it’s own Drone Park. Vladimir Putin quote. We live in a competitive world are we are not among it’s leaders. Grand Forks if it’s growing it’s at a snails pace. Drones could be a game changer for this community. Once in a generation or century opportunity. I’m disappointed more on this site doesn’t see it. You snooze you loose. Did the state put Grand Sky at the Base to keep GF from developing it’s own. Makes sense to me.
  2. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Tough crowd your a good guy compared to them.
  3. He’s top 5 richest NoDaks ya I suppose Doug gets the ball passed to him.
  4. Since this is the March Madness thread. With the Grand Am going on in GF an article in the Herald today caught my eye. Gov. Doug Bergum is still playing amateur BB. Way to go Doug. He is just a couple years younger than me and I haven't played for 7 years or so. Him still playing makes me want to make a comeback. Drop a few pounds I think I could still do it.
  5. moser53

    Grand Sky

    I’m on KNOX daily. I’m going to make some phone calls on Monday to put the word out. Come to GF and build a Drone Park. Great opportunity.
  6. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Not a sports fan eh.
  7. moser53

    Grand Sky

    When is this crash and burn at UND going to end. It’s consuming me. And I refuse to give in. And I don’t like making enemies.
  8. moser53

    Grand Sky

    I get it your a your into watching buildings being demolished.. Ha got ya
  9. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Mr Carson Shanks
  10. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Ate you waving a towel as you watch the game and post?
  11. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Cats out of the bag on that issue. People were on to them so they built there own.
  12. moser53

    Grand Sky

    There’s people ND who have or had power in this state who have said your town GF is a shithole. In the Groenwolds your talking about one guy or woman who had very little or no political power and it showed they got canned. Groenwold stuck up for UND and GF when he told them to stick it when they told him to move his operation to Bismarck. A hero on that issue.
  13. Good D2 game today tough loss fo Northern. 5pm Loyola Carson Shanks gotta be happy for him if he’s happy. Looks like he is. Get your towel out your never to old to learn that art.
  14. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Wake up call. When the Israeli Company Elbit is taking there operations to Casselton. And Grand Sky is limited who can go there because of It being on a Military Base. We are not in the game. No place for Drone Companies to set up shop. There isn’t a city I can think of that it makes more sense to have one. If a Drone Company wanted to come to GF and work with Aerospace what do we tell them go to Fargo?
  15. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Is GF squandering a dream opportunity by not having it’s own Drone Park? YES Majors offered at UND Bachelor of Science in Aeronauticals. Majoring in Unmanned Aircraft System Operations Tax Base Asking people who have given to UND and GF to take a good hard look at this and help. Engelstad, Rydell, Altru and anybody else it may benefit you to.
  16. In one of your older posts you said Sales Tax will eventually be a lot higher like 10%. We should look hard at a national sales to fund our country. The top rates especially corporate will continue to be cut because there will always be that country that will lower tax rates that make our rates uncompetitive. Since 1980 what tax rates have gone up and what rates have gone done. Tells the story. Property taxes will eventually have to go up because the States the Feds and keep saying there's no money. How much can a city cut. OK cut 5% this year fine how many times can you cut 5%. If the cost of doing business like the cost of cement keep going up how do you pay your bills.
  17. moser53

    Grand Sky

    We all remember EERCs Gerald Groenwold and his attempts to bring Industry to GF or maybe you didn't know. He failed in every attempt I know of to bring industry here. People I know who work there told.me.Who stopped his attempts. We all know Bisnarck wanted him to move his operation there. He told them no. And his days were numbered. Kelly had the police escort him off campus. He then sued Kelly and SBHE for 2.9 Million. So there is history to make me or any other fair minded to see the state bias against GF.So for me to look at Grand Sky and think they didn't want GF to have a drone park has merit and history.I don't trust them.
  18. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Right and a Drone Park. Opportunity is knocking for GF with UND Aerospace wake up.
  19. moser53

    Grand Sky

    It was given to Grand Forks County. Grand Forks desperately needs to increase it’s tax base.
  20. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Grand Forks is asleep at the switch with the states tricks. Put a Drone Park on the base and GF won’t build one. We have one of the top Aerospace schools in the country and we don’t want our own Park? Grand Sky belongs to the State they proposed it had seed money for it fine go for it. The city of GF just put 6 Million into the Business Park we have. Grand Forks should build this with city dollars. Don’t trust outsiders to build it it may be a scam to keep GF from having one.
  21. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Who is looking out for GFs interests in leadership positions here.There all party guys. Conservatives stand in line Liberals fall in Love. They all seem to be party first guys.
  22. moser53

    Grand Sky

    The State isn’t the enemy you keep trying tp make them out to be.Wrong. Economic Development is DIRTY Business.They do plot and scem.They do things and are getting away with it.
  23. moser53

    Grand Sky

    Grand Forks should invest city dollars and build its own Drone Park. Aerospace is here. What better place to have one. A Drone Park in GF should have happened years ago. Maybe the state put one at the base to stop GF from breaking ground on there own. The longer you wait the more you lose. if cities can invest money to build Business Parks they can do the same for Drone Park.Get going on it.
  24. moser53

    Grand Sky

    225 acres is not much. Was Grand Sky put on the base as a way to limit it's potential. These guys do not like GF or UND in my opinion. This is just like money to fight the Red River in Fargo. Fargo said they waited every other city got there water projects done. It was good to wait they got at least 5 times what the other cities got. Economic development in ND is rigged. College growth is rigged. When the Fargo Air Guard went to a Drone Mission they had it all planned out Fargo SU leaders in that technology. Quote 225 acres is not much. So I can't expect it to bring the base back to life even if it works out we get it. As I said Grand Sky an idea to control and limit it's potential.
  25. moser53

    Grand Sky

    No link you'll have to call Feland at GF City Hall.
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