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Everything posted by moser53

  1. Those German Russians think of everything.
  2. How about Wildfire. Is there any school in the country that uses that nickname?
  3. Taylor would piss off way to many Bison fans if he agreed to a yearly game. I believe he has made his final offer. The only way this game gets played every year is at the ballot box.
  4. I agree Dave. UNDs defense has been ok this year. It doesn't matter what league you play in NFL,college or high school. If your QB play is subpar you will struggle. More wins than losses so I guess we are going in the right direction.
  5. Also I asked them who do they think will be the starting QB this fall. The first name out of there mouth was Marcus Hendrickson. Cordero said he thinks he can get the job done. If one of them don't step up to be a D1 QB it could be tough to get 5 wins.
  6. Over the summer I had a chance to talk to a few of the players who stayed in town and worked at Mcdonalds. Visited with Cordero Finley a bit. He said I went to the same high school as Ross Cochran. I asked him what do you expect this season. He said 8 wins and he wants to lead the team in sacks. Hope your right Cordero. I see Cordero and Ross went to Mary D. Bradford High School . How many High Schools do you see named after women. Kinda neat.
  7. Ya they have jobs and they are trying to hang onto what they have. Kinda like the 1% of americans who got huge tax breaks from Bush. Did alittle surfing and found out this. There are 5 states without collective bargaining rights for teachers. They rank right at the bottom for SAT/ACT rankings. South Carolina 50th, North Carolina 49th, Georgia 48th, Texas 47th and Virginia 44th. Wisconsin is one of the best. Getting rid of collective bargaining is Carl Rove at his best.
  8. moser53


    Talked to a o lineman who played for Carey. Said he was a prety good x o's guy. Good luck to him and hope to meet him on the field someday.
  9. USF gave up 8 points a game that's good D. Some of our posters are thinking we can win 6 7 8 games. Without a QB we may have a tough time winning half our games. I expect a tough games from you guys. Being D1 that should not be the case. We played some pretty good ball at times last year. You just never know from one year to the next. We think we have some pretty good young guys coming up. Thanks for the rundown of your team.
  10. Hey Witt tough loss for you guys yesterday. Time to move on for you. So what can we expect from the Coo next year? How many starters are coming back. How many schlorships are you giving out next year. I hope you don't have another Lorenzo Brown as your QB. Did Lorenzo get any tryouts with any pro teams like the Arena league.
  11. There are no friends when it comes to economic developement. What does Sanford-Fargo want for the 10 mil. Pretty easy to figure that out with them being in the Medical field. UND-Grand Forks is put in a position of your damned if you do and your damned if you don't take the money. All you have to do is look at EERC when they told Bismarck they would not move there operation to Bismarck. They duplicated the one here. What ever Sanford-Fargo wants for this 10 mil. they will get it's just a matter of time. I say F-em keep your money.
  12. Thanks for the info. We'd sure like to see some of this offense. Time will tell. .
  13. I haven't checked this and I was wondering if any player on the Sioux's roster averaged more than 15 points a game in high school. I see alot of recruits listed as shooting guard averaging 8 points a game in high school. So that's what UND's current roster is no real big scorers in the bunch. 7 guys averaging 8 points a game 56 points that's where the program is at this point. I keep wondering about Coach Jones coaching or should I say recruiting philosophy. He probably felt he could not recruit the kind of player he was use to at Iowa. He recruited alot of guys who were athletic enough to play D at the D1 level but there offensive skils were maybe at a D2 level. One would assume he tries to get some kids who average 18-25 points a game in high school and just hasn't been sucessful. This would be an ideal time for some kid with great offensive skills to come here and have a great career. When I read comments about how young the players are and when they are 3 and 4th players they will all of a sudden become much better offensive players. Yes get better but most players are what they are when enter college. Most good scorers are good scorers when they are freshman. It seems like big men who play close to the basket have the best chance to really improve.
  14. Politicians especially when they campaign are always talking about bringing good paying jobs to there state. What do you consider a good paying job. If the job has healthcare and pays enough for the wife to stay at home to raise the kids it's a helluva job. How many jobs are out there like that. The % of families in America that needs 2 incomes is what 99%. The reason I bring this up is what I heard on KFGO recenty. A guy walked up to Rick Berg and asked him what is a good paying job. I guess Rick didn't have an answer. That's a shocker.
  15. Do you think the Sioux could win the NSIC? Is basketball any fun to play when you shoot that bad. It's hard to watch.
  16. Is college basketball in decline? It seems so. What has happened to the lost art of shooting. The 3 point line may have been a bad thing for shooters. The 3 point line has been in effect for about 25 years and I think the shooting has gotten poorer. If I was a coach there are 2 things I would want on my team. 1-A big man who can rebound and block shots. 2-A guy who can make shots on a consistant basis. Our favorite team unfortunatley has neither. Maybe one of the freshman can become a scorer.
  17. moser53

    Don Meredith

    Don Meredith passed away today. He and Howard Cosell were a great pair to listen to on Monday Night Football. When he would sing turn out the lights the partys over you knew the game was in hand. May they both rest in peace.
  18. I go over to Bisonville almost every day to see what's going on there. Because I'm a sports fan and there local. Whe you read the posts you get the feeling Lakes posts under many usernames. Kinda funny. There's on thing you can count on on Bisonville when things are not going well for the Bison. They start up a UND-Grand Forks sucks thread. It's internet cat nip for the Bison faithful.It doesn't take long to get about 50 replies. You can see them all nodding there heads in agreement . You gotta love rivalries.
  19. For the Sioux to win there shooting percentage had to increase by 10%. Not likely. You could say it's on a neutral court which helps the Sioux a bit.. Bison shoot the 3's pretty well. Bison by 13, 72-59. Go Sioux
  20. Dam right times up. The state has has every right to interfere if it wants to. Were not talking about Mary being forced to play Jamestown. Big difference.
  21. Marlin you supply a great service to all college football fans in the upper midwest. Looking forward to reading your updates for many years to come. Good luck.
  22. The Badgers beat La Crosse by 35, Mankato by 34, Prairie View by 44, Sioux by 32. Looks like we have aways to go.
  23. moser53

    Jacks game

    Forgot to say how Brock wins it for the good guys. He blocks tying FG in final minute. Looking at Muss and the job he has done here most on this board feel he has been to conservative at times.I would agree. Something to talk about in the months to come is the job Mus and the staff has done with the talent he has to work with. After the Montana game ther coach said UND was a well coached team. Do coaches just say that about each other because they know the pink slip in one bad season away from all of them. I think a coach should get atleast 5 years to put his players and system in place before he is judged. You never know from one season to the next what will happen. Players quit or the injury bug can take you fron 8-3 to 3-8 fast. SUs coach can tell you that. I think Muss will be given a few more years and I for one am rooting for him.
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