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Everything posted by Vegas_Sioux

  1. Minneapolis got them rerouted because they went through the heart of downtown Minneapolis. O they go through the northern suburbs.
  2. @Dashdriver Yes, it's in development now. Will be ready by Oct. 1 from twitter
  3. the defense got another one Currently Special Teams: 13 Defense: 12 Offense: 0
  4. everyone ragging on chains, just remember JL Beers is a "chain"
  5. It Is good McDonald's at the airport in msp hates them, because they do more business in 6 days then they do in 7. (They are closed Sunday's)
  6. We got that last year it was everything. And you could multi screen if you wanted to. Watch all the games at once.
  7. About the only time I'll consider cheering for a packer.
  8. Short and to the point just the way it should be.
  9. 4 billion in upgrades is causing a traffic nightmare in LGA having extensive use of LGA, use EWR but not on United. If there are issues UA gets backed up.
  10. We had two friendly manitobians "drag racing" down 32nd Monday they topped out at 20 miles an hour
  11. The only problem is moo u football will continue to preempt the NHL on NBC.
  12. that was rigged kinda you have 3 und options that everyone has favorite of, i personally like Cagulia's show of emotion. then you have Bryn undressing the poor CC goalie.
  13. I know 5-3 pp and no one cycled to the point to block the shot Dane's head should be on a pike outside the Ralph.
  14. That's just a coincidental act of gardening no intent there.
  15. Full of idiots didn't want to start a new thread
  16. So Fargo struck a fiber optic line during construction. Now it's affecting grand forks and Polk counties. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/4070150-construction-accident-disrupts-grand-forks-phone-service
  17. We aren't changing the call sign. And Hawk has already been assigned to a military unit. Plus on the business side how would piper aircraft like their aircraft. Which have Native American tribes for names be called hawk. When their chef competitor primary trainer is the sky hawk?
  18. They used must not have doors in North Dakota.
  19. Kfan has the dairyland diaries. i present the Moo U diaries. http://www.kxnet.com/story/32234330/eagles-quarterback-wentz-saved-from-gas-station-bathroom
  20. I think the lights had to do with the band. A couple of band member last year or the year before I believe had seizures when the lights went out.
  21. Now they are using UND student emails. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/politics/4051357-wayne-stenehjem-campaign-sending-ads-public-university-student-emails
  22. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4049684-unds-schafer-defends-burgum-endorsement-claims-lawmakers-threaten-retribution seems like Schafer got tattled on to the sbohe by establishment types.
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