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Everything posted by Vegas_Sioux

  1. Passing working great. Let’s revert to d2 3 runs and a punt or field goal.
  2. All were deflections and 2 were double deflections as well.
  3. My thoughts were oh great we missed a hit from behind. How do we make both coaches not as pissed.
  4. No the children’s museum built new by the airport.
  5. Dobbs with another. And speaking of terrible officiating how do you get a hands to the face penalty when you have your helmet ripped off?
  6. Think I found what Pinto was betting on. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzOCx7Kud-M/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==
  7. So much for Gaber plateauing. He had another great game.
  8. Contact to the head. Is contact to the head.
  9. Hersey is just waiting to call the retaliatory hit tonight.
  10. Took a cross check after the whistle to the side above the Breezers below the chest protection
  11. You take a stick to the kidney and just keep your cool.
  12. Anyone else catch the look Brad gave Scott for challenging jamernik’s goal.
  13. I’ve just heard from some people in Boston. If you were at the sunset Catina check your credit card.
  14. We know it’s a Mickey Mouse production but why the sound track from miracle?
  15. Clipping. It was really sneaking snuck his right skate behind and around livinage and acted like he caught an edge.
  16. So high hits are ok for BU?
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