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Everything posted by Stromer

  1. The thing that is screwing things up is UW in the tourney. With a WCHA team in the top 4, our chances of playing Michigan and a team liek BC go up when they have to protect the top seed and allow for no interconference matchups. I guess we either hope UW doesn't make it.
  2. I hope this was a good decision but I have my doubts. We are at a critical point in the history of UND. We need a leader with a vision that can step in and improve the university. If we pick wrong here, there may not be any coming back. I wish Kelley the best of luck if he indeed gets the job. He will need it, as he has the weight of this university on his shoulders.
  3. I'll take Kozek.
  4. Does anyone know how many player the home team can dress? Is it 20 plus a goalie or 20 plus an extra player? I was just wondering because I saw Marto warming up even though he didn't play. I didn't remember seeing that at the Tech series but maybe I missed it.
  5. I guess I am going to go against popular opinion and say that the game was horrible last night. AA is not a good team. They fall down, don't have a lot of stick handling, and can't convert odd man rushes. That being said, we made them look almost as good as us with our play last night. The boys must have figured that if AA could screw around with the puck that it might be fine for us to do too. AA's goalie also might have kept the score closer but he did not impress me. After I found out it was his first start I understood why he couldn't play the puck off the boards and I was less critical, but we should have put 3 more in if we would have been playing at anything over 50%. I am just worried that we seem to play down to the level of competition we play.
  6. I haven't voted yet because I also feel we don't have a candidate who deserves it. In contrast, I voted an average of 500-1000 a day for a couple of weeks last year because we had a player worthy of it. Even if these votes mean anything (which they don't), to have a UND player win it when they clearly are not the best candidate would cheapen the award for past and future winners. Also, last year the top vote getters were from small schools and I don't even think they made the final 10. Bottom line, if you want to vote, fine, but all it is for is bragging rights for robert morris.
  7. I actually love baseball. It is my favorite sport to play and is pretty good to watch. Doesn't mean I can't be in favor of dropping it for the greater good of athletics at UND. Just because it was added in place of other sports doesn't mean it was the right or wrong thing to do. I just happen to think there are better options out there.
  8. You said exactly what I meant by my comments. Non revenue sports have their place but it seems like baseball has zero interest by the public and the weather is also a factor. Baseball shouldn't even be included in non-revenue sports because it is a big draw at other universities. I am all for non revenue sports but I feel the money spent on baseball could be spent on something like lacrosse or we could make mens soccer a university team. I think that money could have a better use that brings in some crowds and is still a smaller sport. Edit: I also agree with Shawn-O that we keep it until we know what conference we will be in and which sports we need.
  9. I agree. That money can go towards a sport that would maybe actually draw crowds. I can't remember which poster is on the lacrosse bandwagon but thats the route to go.
  10. Adding BSU would be the socially responsible thing to do. It also may be the step of placing the noose around UND's neck. While I want to see college hockey flourish, I really don't see a lot of schools adding it in the next 20 years. I say we help them out in the schedule but we don't add them in hopes of waiting and seeing if anything happens within the next 5-10 years.
  11. Pretty sure if you looked hard enough on this site you will find it.
  12. As long as the don't take Shep! Normally I would only say this because it would ruin many great chants but he actually has been calling some good games in the recent past.
  13. There is tons of talk on USCHO about this. Even not looking at the clock, the ref signals goal, the players celebrate, and the goal light comes on all before the green light signaling the end of the game comes on. This light is synched with the game clock so it goes off at zero. You also can't turn on the goal light if the green light is on. In this case, the goal judge turned it on after the ref gave the goal signal, still before the green light came on. So the puck indeed did cross the line before the clock expired. You can also compare the light coming on and the tv clock, as they are almost spot on. The question brought up is did the ref just blow the call or was the clock on the replay not properly reset after an icing call that led to the faceoff. Either way, the goal was good. Edit: Another possible case I read is that the ref saw zero when the clock switched from 1.0 seconds to .9 seconds and thought the game was over. He said he had never seen that before. If you watch the clock, it indeed does go to 0.0 before going to .9. This is how the clock switches from 1 to .9 and any moron can figure out if the clock continued to count down it must not have actually been zero. It is very unlikely the clock would hit zero and then reset to .9 and then count down, but thats what the ref or whoever makes the decision thought. Yeah, ok.
  14. Aren't they all. They need to get their D together. They just get torn up in the back.
  15. Pathetic is too nice of a term to describe it. UW took one to the jewels on that but it is the WCHA. I would expect nothing less.
  16. I think the report button is a great idea. This site is growing and I am sure it is not always easy to read all posts. If reasonable posters see people attacking others and polluting the form, they can report the posts and give the mods a list of problem posts. As long as people use common sense, I think this button should cut down on the attacks. Now if we could just get the one and only PCM to return....
  17. True but the people who say he isn't getting help may also have a point. How many times do we see a 2 on 1 break with Chorney on D? He might flub the situation and not really do much but where is the other D man at? I guess it is a risk of having offensive D-men.
  18. Props. You can definitely tell Finley has improved since his first year.
  19. Thats the thing that amazes me. Everyone talks about how dirty the SIoux play but every team we play is more than willing to join in, or in SCSU's case, start stuff after the whistle. If teams truly believed UND was dirty, they would not fight back and let us take the penalty. Of course, you can't do that when you are the cause of the scrums unless Anderson is reffing.
  20. Green (or so I hear). The myth of the black jersey is broken.
  21. This is what we needed!!!!!!!! VV with the netter.
  22. Duncan might be channeling Hobey Baker. 2nd of the night.
  23. Simply tell them to leave you alone until 9:30. Then you can play.
  24. Exactly.
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