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  1. That sounds pretty cool actually. Go kick some ass in the FCS and then get an opportunity to go to a higher profile school with all your coaches and buddies. Sign me up.
  2. Never in the history of NCAA DI hockey has so little been done with so much.
  3. Shawn-O


    The resources are there to go on a Saban type run.
  4. Not arguing here, just curious on your take of why and how D1 was financially viable for the xDSU’s and not the UxD’s at that time. Kupchella really screwed us on that one and frankly Roger didn’t help matters either.
  5. I’m interested in how the Ivy League champs will fare in a playoff setting.
  6. Not at all. The Frisco era ends tonight. It’s time to turn the page <insert Gwen Walz sounding insane here>.
  7. I know this won’t be popular around here but this is a John Wooden UCLA type run, all with three head coaching changes along the way. Pretty damn remarkable, sorry. General comment not directly at you @SiouxFan100
  8. Shawn-O


    Anyone have no conference champions in the semis on their bingo card?
  9. I’d settle for a 10 win minimum win threshold for division winners, otherwise reseed ‘em.
  10. A ticket to the playoffs is all that should be included as a division winner. The owners disagree with this, and have been disagreeing with this for number of years now.
  11. Some suspicious flight activity scheduled from Iowa City to Sioux Falls. Jacks might have their guy.
  12. It matters. A bunch. No thanks to heading down to Tampa in the wild card the way Mayfield is playing
  13. They should reseed before the playoffs but the owners won’t bite. Hell, give division winners the tie break to over head-to-head
  14. Always has been. The difference is that the players are now wielding knives too!
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