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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. as long as they dont give me glowsticks to toss on the ice ill try remember! haha joking. where i sit its sort of hard to pick out the song(acoustics) but ill try!
  2. Now thats plain odd. It'd be funny for them to pull off a win !
  3. Yeah these people all might get an occasional goal but porter will make more of them
  4. Thats funny . Im still stickin with porter. He is the most mature so far and almost has a never give up on the puck attitude like oshie(my opinion) Hes always great on the PK(usually) and is a fun player to watch. Hes made a few points this year that he can put the puck in the net.
  5. Anyone know of any video clips of the brawl out there?
  6. Wow Im dumb. Thank god finals are over with! Yeah I thought that list was out of 16, not 20-some.
  7. Is Hunter reading all of this or something?
  8. So right now, this second, by your PWR link, we'd play maine? These finals have melted all my brain cells
  9. pass the pipe throughout the forum
  10. How does it work again in getting into the NCAA tourney. Its just the top 16 teams in the country correct? poll wise?
  11. YA know what! All I want is to have a solid performance in every aspect of the game this weekend~ both nights! Sweep! And to be able to not complain about a thing after this weekend! Maybe it will help me get into the christmas spirit Is that too much to ask !?
  12. Not sure where else to put it but they have the sweep picture of lammy hurling the wisconsin guy on the photos of the wisconsin series
  13. Im usually busy throwing stuff on the ice at this point
  14. Hope everything goes well and he heals up quick and can get back to hockey!!
  15. Naw.. bring it up... Not everything you say has to be what everyone else wants to hear. I wish I seen it actually! I left when they got that last goal.
  16. Thats why i say size does matter in net, or benefits a goalie thats for sure! The thing is, a goalie of lammy's height, a goalie must have great skill and speed to get the pucks that go upper net/upper corners. Once lammy hits his knees the corners are almost wide open, where as a larger goalie gets on their knees and they still have their shoulders to help block the upper shelf shots. Not saying he is screwed, but he has to work that much harder. And as people are saying, once he lets one or two in, its all a mental issue then. Keep his poise(spelling) and he'll be ok. Other than that, I say start maybe switching goalies between friday and saturday games for a weekend or two like we use to, just to get a feel of what goal IS feeling more comfortable. I dont like switching goalies like that much , but if its something we have to do then I say do it. Heck! And play physical through 3 periods! not just a hit here and there!
  17. Nope. Not at all! meant in reply to what siouxnami said about never wanting to see anything like this at all. because of course, nobody does! Its a bad deal. And I'm sure that it was suppose to be out in the public, these things usually are made known to the public after a very small amout of time passes. He's a professional and these things will always will be announced to the public. Oh, and the gopher statement just came out of nowhere
  18. Ill care about womens hockey once checking is allowed. Actually I didn't mean to use the word hockey either. Without checking there is no hockey! No offense to anyone except the rule makers!
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