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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. I partied with some badger fans at the bars this weekend. Nothing but a good time. Their responses were the same. Many were like you guys are pretty alright! Granted at game time, sitting in the ralph, I tend not to like them as much Specially the loud ones!
  2. Any more videos out there yet? minus the ones on youtube and myspace, ive seen all of them many a time
  3. I feel like taking a step back from hockey for a second, and I'm bored Many people on here obviously are from far away places, and come here in order to keep tally on the sioux, make a statement/arguement, or just straight up b.s. I guess I am curious where everyone is from? Did you once live here? Or any other info you care to share 8o) I myself, born and raised here in sioux country. Grand Forks, older super senior at UND
  4. No fairweathering here. Just wanting some key wins is all. This was a good weekend for the sioux to try and go in the upward direction, yet we failed to do so. Saturday we played much better as a whole, yet a couple more hits could have been made to help take away a goal, possibly two for the badgers. I could pick on a couple players in which I normally would but today, I am not in the mood. We moved the puck down the ice much better on saturday too. It just sucks to see us, once again, to not have the puck bounce our way. If they dont sweep the tech at home, and nothing less than a sweep, my prediction is that sioux will have a tough time the rest of the year, and the NCAA tourney will slowly vanish. I guess I hope for at least a final five appearance again this year, I'd like to go back. These games will be about the midpoint to the season so they better be good ones if we plan on making any sort of run to the NCAA. Hak better run some harsh practices this week. And if Lammy(not to blame him entirely) shows any sign of weekness next friday, I say get him out asap. Time to go drink some more water. p.s. After the Tech series, there is no home games for like a month!
  5. gay people? bucky falls into it! Bush sucks! so i DO agree with that
  6. Duncan is the most solid player on the ice. Oshie never gives up but just can't get enough backup to finish off a goal. Lammy has the skill but not the size. Low shots he will stop but high shots he will not. One hit in a game for a player doesn't make him a hitter. Defense should be all about knocking the guy off a puck and you people who say lee doesnt need to hit and that he is all finesse, Bullsh*t! Defense=hitting! If hes not going to hit, make him a forward or bench him. Bina is our key defensemen as it stands right now. There is an I in team when it comes down to our defense. Take penalties, as long as there smart ones. Yes there is such thing as a smart penalty to take. The puck does not bounce are way right now, it sucks! Refs suck! everyone seems to complain about them in every game in college hockey this year. Are they planning a strike or something and just being sh*tty for the time being? What is up with the REA. Are the people who work there RETARDED! All night long the music and everything else is dang near quiet..Then come to the end of the game they crank it! WTF is with this! A little advice to the morons at the REA. Get the crowd going AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME! Not with 17 seconds left in the third! (seriously the music was cranked when it already was too little too late. The bass was rocking but yet they cant get someone smart enough to run their audio after HOW many years now?! Sioux have so much talent, I think? But something is missing or some things are missing... I have nothing but hope and I don't mean to dog the sioux players themselves, but somethings gotta give, and soon.(whatever that may be?) Go sioux, and lets pray to god for a split, AT LEAST
  7. Well.. I claimed the night thats for sure. I said Duncan would save the night, and in my eyes, he is the best player on the ice. Others have the skill but so does he and he somehow finds the time and place to use it! Lammy is good but too small for a goaltender! He is great from going side to side but as soon as the puck goes crossbar height, its all over! A good size goaltender should be able to hit the knees and still be able to cover the upper posts, lammy doesn't. Sorry man! We did play ok tonight, minus the 15 stupid penalties!The ones that the fuggin refs didnt call against the bagers at key points of the game did not help! But whatever. Ive come to the fact that you cannot expect your team to go to the final four, or the big dance, every single season and maybe this isn't their year.....Yet maybe it will be but I will not get all excited like I may have last year at this time. Ill still go to every game, love it as much as i can, and enjoy everything that goes on before, during and after each game. Livestrong! And go fighting sioux! In hope I trust! The funny part is we all think that they all hang out together. laugh. have a good time. Yet really, their college students! Half of them maybe only talk at practice and game times? And maybe in the past years (players) is wasn't like this. But who knows! But the fact that someone saw the two teamates at the same place, yet they didn't even go together or recognize each other(as the way sioux yeah yeah put it above), seems odd. This could be a classic example of why the team is not clicking...... Friends hang out with friends, you tend to find out alot about a person. But you say they didnt even go together? Sounds like a candy bar in 100 degree heat to me! They just dont mix.... Talent is talent but if you dont mix with the others on the ice it ain't shet! Herb brooks could patch all this up! s&!t!
  8. wow do we need a hockey game! Thats it! Im gettin up early. studying till 3. then its coors light time
  9. "It's to our advantage in the fact that when we're playing our best we're playing really physical," a quote from this article. Sioux almost always finish on top if they play a physical game. I think if we don't hit this weekend, we'll lose. And UW's record on NHL size rinks is sort of an intimidating factor isn't it? Everyone better be on their toes this weekend and the defensemen, ALL OF THEM, better start jarring some bones. Duncan will save the weekend!
  11. luapsided


    In the penalty box
  12. luapsided


    Yeah I forgot. Lee's pro. He is god.
  13. Oops..sorry. Finals are killing me so pardon my spelling. I would hope you could figure it out thought Im sure you saw the goal or did you not? The player was basically in the crease, almost hitting the goalie, before the puck even came close to entering the crease. Whats the rule on that in the NHL now. The commentators never mentioned a thing about it so I guess I was just curious on the ruling in the NHL now I got it now though so nevermind So why even have a crease now?
  14. luapsided


    stat freaks you are all like Ben stiller in along came polly base life on statistics.?
  15. luapsided


    note to self. Its a thread. Not the declaration of independence. For one. And most people who watch hockey can figure out when someone doesn't fill some aspect of hockey, win or lose, in an individual player. Im not saying lee sucks, obviously cause he'd be elsewhere, and yes hes not pro, so he will make mistakes. People, and I, are commenting on his play and his route to the NHL. Note, hes a defensemen and in 'my opionion' he should hit. Something he does not do. Sort of like finley but thats another topic as posted plenty of times. If Lee was on offense then I'd probably say/think differently.
  16. luapsided


    Wow! I get to finally agree with lives-to-play....... I think the first few games this year it looked as if Lees game was 70% better but the past few series, I, myself, have seen basically a flatline(pursay)or decline in his game. Althought he will have his strong points from game to game, but then again, everyone does! In my opinion, he should stay and play at UND next year. Unless he very much hates trying to keep up grades and all that, I would see him doing so. But the talent is there!
  17. So Brandon missed his shootout goal but Im wondering how the wild goal counts if hes crease before the puck is? what is the NHL rules on that now? It was a very sweet goal though. Anyone know the answer?
  18. Ya know I hope some people get their shet together this year and get some of the juniors televised. And NOT JUST THE MEDAL ROUNDS!
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