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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I think that is very reasonable. Being an considered an average FBS football team while working with the restrictions of an FCS program is quite and accomplishment.
  2. He certainly is not. That writer said they were friendly drunks. Perhaps he isn't a true fan of the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. He must be a poser.
  3. That's not true. It's the opposite. Hockey exists for UND.
  4. There ya go! That's a friendly drunk!
  5. And for that, we thank you!
  6. No, not "whatever". It is what it is. The North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Home of the friendly drunks. You must not have went there. You're not friendly. Or, maybe you decided to come here sober this time?
  7. Yes, indeed. Trolling on the UND message board must be something that the not so friendly drunks from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences just like to do Well, at least until they pass out at the keyboard. Oh, I so wish we would get those friendly drunks that this writer was so eloquent in describing...
  8. Oh, Jay Hernia. You are NOT being a friendly drunk! Being a friendly drunk must be tough for Jay Hernia.
  9. You just keep on being a friendly drunk.
  10. Allright! Apparently you fell of the wagon! Now, maybe you can work on being a friendly drunk! Bottoms up!
  11. Tsk, tsk, tsk... They aren't friendly drunks. They aren't friendly drunks at all... Just drunks.
  12. What does that say about the education system at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science when people that may actually have a diploma from that school can't even read it? No wonder they lost their regional accreditation. I"m surprised that they actually got it back. Maybe they should skip the investigation of Dickinson State University and head down the interstate to Fargo? .
  13. Hayduke

    NAU and UND

    I'm a Lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day, I cut down trees. I eat my lunch. I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays, I go shopping. And on Saturday, I will crush UND 48-13. (I don't wear wear women't clothing and hang around in bars anymore..) God, please let this season end. Please?
  14. Well, he obviously didn't even earn a diploma at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Because if he did, he would see that it said "North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science". Right underneath that it would probably say "The College of Home Economics".
  15. Hey, folks, Check out this post. I guess that writer wasn't correct. Alcohol doesn't make them friendly after all... It just make them drunks.
  16. Hey, you typed an entire grammatically correct sentence. Your sobriety is showing. Well, what do you know!
  17. ""We've never experienced such friendly drunks," Viverito recalled being told by one of those officials.".... See, I told they they're a bunch of drunks. Of course this statement doesn't apply to the players at the University of Agriculture and applied Sciences. They get drunk, pick fights, and get videoed in the back of squad cars...
  18. Well, it takes a small minded person to run a small minded school for small minded people... You'd think he'd start pushing harder to bring back the agenda of the College of Home Economics at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science? Or, maybe he is?
  19. No, you have it wrong. 0-0 until UND takes penalty after penalty landing itself on its own 2 yard line. The UND QB will drop back to pass with 10 seconds left, and stumble and fall over his own untied shoelace. PSU 2, UND 0... After the game in the press conference, Mussman will blame the loss on the inability to purchase slip on football cleats. Welcome to Siouxsports btw!
  20. Although UND has never taken it to the level of Florida State with the imagery and callousness nature of the use of Native American symbols, we did at one time have "Sammy Sioux". If they would have kept that cartoonish image, I would have been first in line for nickname repeal.
  21. Is it possible to take on more water at the bottom of the ocean?
  22. PSU 45 UND 20 Mussman should spend this time on the road networking and passing out his resume.
  23. Wow. You look like a star pupil in the keyboarding class in the College of Home Economics at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Yay you!
  24. When the Vikings get the #1 draft pick, can they just choose new front office staff? It's pretty obvious that's their greatest need.
  25. We need a coach that can recruit and fill the cupboard. Let's not get cheap. We're building a first rate training facility, we need a first rate coach.
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