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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. On 2/26/2016 at 3:44 PM, SiouxVolley said:


    An FBS move for the Big Sky requires an NCAA rules change, which I freely admit.  Big Sky formal studies won't surface until after the NCAA makes rule changes.   It still two and half years before a Big Sky would enter anow FBS transition.   

    Yes, and when the NCAA and other FBS presidents see they are losing the football powerhouse Idaho, the first move they will make is call an emergency session to change the rules and do anything they can to keep them FBS. One FBS president was quoted as saying "If they can't compete at the FBS level, lets create an FBS conference they can compete in". :cool:

  2. 22 hours ago, homer said:

    Wonder how long until the IPF hosts the pro day for the state of ND

    NFL scouts are looking for talent not facilities. So to answer your question, it will never happen. It may host a UND pro day, and it most likely will someday, but it won't host the only pro day in ND.

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  3. 3 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    From what I have read on Pro Days it is not the host schools decision on who can attend. There us an Association that governs them.

    According to NFPOST.COM. it is up to the host school to allow the other schools players to attend.


    An interesting part of the pro days at the major schools is that there may be kids from the smaller schools in that state also working out. With so many workouts scheduled in such a short period of time it has become very difficult to get to many of the small schools. For this reason, the NFL allows players from lower level schools to work out at the large schools within that state. For example, a player from Eastern Illinois or Western Illinois can work out at the Northwestern or Illinois pro day. At the same time, a player from Northwestern cannot workout at Illinois’ pro day. The large school has to agree to let the small school players work out but in most cases it’s not a problem. Often the small school prospects work out after the major school prospects are done. It makes for a long day for scouts but it gives the clubs valuable information as well as saving valuable time. It’s also a value to the smaller school prospects because the small school may not have the indoor facilities that many of the major schools have. With this, the player gets to work out under very good conditions.


    As it says, it is usually not a problem, but it does look like the host school has the final say.

  4. On 2/13/2016 at 1:56 PM, Herd said:

    You are all alone in thinking that the BSC can go FBS.   All over AGS, CAA fans are repeating again and again that if FCS conferences could move FBS, the CAA would have done so long ago, and that MA and ODU would still be in the CAA.   The NCAA will squelch any designs that the BSC has to move FBS.   Having Idaho in your conference as the reason will draw belly laughter for FBS conferences.

    #buttidaho...    You are forgetting the BSC has the Idaho wildcard in their pocket. They are their magic ticket to the FBS.   Never mind that the Big Sky schools can't even afford FCOA much less 22 more scholarships. 

  5. On February 9, 2016 at 3:01 PM, fightingsioux4life said:

    This comment reflects just how ignorant and delusional the NDSU fan base has become. The idea that UND will remain in the toilet with regards to football is the very definition of ignorance. But keep telling yourself that if you wish.

    I didn't think I said UND football was in the toilet now or wil be in the future. All I was saying is the when UND fans are saying they won't be caught off guard and affected by the Fargodome atmosphere the next time they play the is not true. None of the players in 2019 will have played there before and you can't prepare them without actually having been there before. And 2019 is the next time the are scheduled to play. Anytime before that is very speculative, even if both make the playoffs. I will take that bet if anyone wants it. Not that UND doesn't make the playoffs, because I think they will, but that they won't meet in the playoffs before 2019?

  6. 6 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I actually think the stage was too big for Santiago, and a lot of our players that day. There were many times where there was a hole to run to or through but the ball carrier got happy feet and plunged straight into the OL and DL. There were some big gains to be had if the RBs had calmed down and used their vision. That said a lot of our guys weren't ready for that level of play or atmosphere. That's why I'm happy we did it. They'll never be that overwhelmed again. They'll be prepared and hungry next time.

    The next time they play them there will be nobody on the UND roster that will have played in that atmosphere before. They won't be anymore prepared than this year. The staff has played in the Fargodome before but they couldn't seem to get the players prepared for it this year, so why will 2019 be any different? They will think it will be no different than playing in the Alerus, Walkup Skydome or Idaho's dome.

    • Downvote 7
  7. On February 5, 2016 at 9:15 AM, UND-1 said:

    Wednesdays Kolpack and Izzo Signing Day show turned into the "Kolpack and Izzo Who Else Offered You Show".  They spent half the show talking about other programs.  Nauseating.

    Thanks for listening though. Surprising a UND fan would listen to a program about NDSU FB recruits. I thought UND fans were above that and it is only degenerative NDSU fans that paid attention to the others program.

  8. 28 minutes ago, SiouxScore said:

    Brooks and Smith both split carries this year and I wouldn't say either one is real similar to Johannesson. Johannesson is a bigger back than both and will have a chance this spring to compete for the short yardage big back role as that player graduated this year.  

    They list Brooks 15 lbs lighter than JJ, but I don't think there is that much difference. He is a back that doesn't shy away from contact and will run over you like JJ will. I don't know how happy he will be if he is just a short yardage back behind 2 sophomores. Agian, I am not saying it is going to happen and I knew he wasn't going anywhere at semester break. i know he will be going through spring ball, but I don't think the Gopher staff sees a future for him at RB. Personally, I think he would make a hell of a LB. 

    13 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Where have you heard this?

    Just heard from a friend of the family that he may be thinking about it. The U went with another true freshman RB this year (Brooks) who is similar to Johannesson. The U of M staff may want him to play LB and he really wants to be a RB. Also, Kill and his OC aare no longer with the program. I don't expect anything to happen until after spring ball, if ever. I don't think it is even a 50/50 chance. There is a better chance he sticks it out with the U, but there is a chance.

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  10. 1 minute ago, bang said:

    If true that does hurt. Like I said UND has got some Moorhead kids lately so these things happen. Even I went to NDSU. If you've got an eye on construction/architecture for a career NDSU is a better fit. Might be the case here. 

    I have no info, but Bisonation is usually pretty accurate. According to Dom Izzo, NDSU has very limited scholarship money available this year. They have 15 scholly commits and 12 PWO's. I think they may be saving one for Johannesson from South. It sounds like he may be thinking about transferring from the U of Minn.

  11. 4 minutes ago, bang said:

    Would've been good to have him but not the end of the world. If we offered a PWO and NDSU offered money we'll lose every time. Not sure if that's the case but losing a PWO usually takes awhile to hurt. Unless of course his last name is Schobert. That hurts just to say the name. We should've had him. Anyway we've got some Moorhead players lately so it's just one of those things. Good luck to Kuntz hope he does well for himself. 

    According to Bisonation, he is a PWO at NDSU also.

  12. 8 minutes ago, CMSioux said:

    Let me get this straight, you want UND football fans to laud an FU player - gosh I'm thinking if you went to an Auburn fan site and asked them to laud an Alabama quarterback you might read some comments that couldn't be printed here. Why is it so important to get affirmations from us - our bison guests quite often tell us how wrong and how much they don't respect our opinions anyway? 

    I for one am pulling for Caggiula and Boeser to have great NHL careers. I hope Ratelle gets a shot at an NFL roster and hope he makes it. They all seem like good kids. I don't know why most of you can't see Wentz's talent and pull for him to have a good NFL career. 

    • Upvote 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Well I guess I'm going to have to put you in a time out for your ignorance. During that time out you can read what Mayock and other people who evaluate football players for a living thought of Wentz not only in the one quarter of an all star game but in the three practices. 

    But that is only because all of the other QB's coming out this year suck, so in comparison, Wentz looks good. I'm sure if you ask Cratter or Darrell, if Studsrud was coming out this year he would be the Belle of the Ball too.:cool:  If this was a good year for QB's, Wentz wouldn't have the size, intelligence, and leadership qualities NFL teams are looking for nd his arm wouldn't be a strong or accurate. 

    Believe it or not, NFL scouts know what they are looking for in a QB. There have actually been down years for QB's when none have been selected in the 1st round and other years when the first QB has gone in the latter half of the 1st round.  

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  14. 5 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    I didn't see the game, did he look "average" because he was facing FBS competition? Or was it because he wasn't in the Fargodome? People thought Brock Jensen was the bomb too and look where he is...Omaha in a league that's not on anyone's radar. I would like to see how Wentz does in preseason if he is the next Joe Flacco (FCS reference) or if he is the next Brock Jensen (all hype and nothing to show for it).

    He made a throw on the sidelines 15 yards downfield frow the opposite hash on a line right on the money in a tight window in the only place it could have been placed and his receiver dropped it. That was a throw not many QB's at any level can make. That is why scouts are drooling over him. 

    Maybe you should ask one of your better defensive players that was actually on the field with Wentz this year about his opinion about Wentz. Cole Reyes came away from that game pretty impressed with Wentz if I remember correctly. Or maybe you put more trust in Cratters unbiased opinion than someone that actually plays the game and has some football knowledge. 


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  15. 18 hours ago, UND1983 said:


    I am saying if you look at records of FCS teams from this year, there were some teams left out that had 8 and 9 wins, which were more than UND had. UND fans seem to be fixated on only the number of wins and not the quality of opponents. 

  16. On January 28, 2016 at 7:07 PM, JohnboyND7 said:

    How many other teams?

    More than one team. Same as a few others. Less than quite a few teams that were left out. Since we aren't supposed to take strength of schedule into account, there were some 8 and 9 win teams left out.

  17. 12 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    I know, but whatever Jones has this team doing is actually working. No fan of Jones, but I like where this team is currently, and hope it continues all season long. 

    Yes, Jones is a genius. He has them playing against Big Sky teams. They should have beaten both of those teams this weekend. 

    • Downvote 1
  18. 23 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

     Shanks is playing at less than 100% and it shows. Was fairly sick early in the season and don't think he has his strength back yet. It was also mentioned at the luncheon that he was wearing a boot around. He plays with his emotion on his sleeves (sometimes to a detriment) but he's not performing at the level he knows he can and it compounds. Probably a good spot to mention he has one full year of college ball under his belt and 2 1/2 more years to go. He'll be fine and UND needs to him to make a run in March.

    You are right in that UND has a lot of talent on their team. However, Carson Shanks is not one of those players. He would make a very good center in the NSIC (not even the best in that league), but he is not a D1 center. He's averaging 7 points and 4 rebounds a game, and I don't see that improving much over the next two years. He is a transfer from another mid-major program. There is usually a reason they are transferring, and it isn't because they are lighting it up at their previous school. See DeRouen, Tyler, Shanks, etc. 

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  19. 18 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Simply? That's a pretty brash statement considering the three Illinois schools are already facing budget cuts, MSU is stretched thin and who knows what Indiana State is doing. Plus half the MVFC schools are more worried about basketball than football. I'd say both conferences have more than their share of schools that are incapable of funneling more money towards football. The difference is, the Big Sky has the potential to survive a split of some sort and remain viable on two levels if it became possible, the MVFC does not.

    Funny, a couple of weeks ago two of those Illinois schools and Indiana State were ready to join a revamped MVC that had FBS football that didn't include the Dakota schools. Which is it? I pointed out Ind. St had no money to make the move and was told they would have no problem coming up with the money. According to SV, it sounded like the conference presidents in the MVC had met and this was pretty much a done deal.

    I know the pipe dream of every Fighting Hawk FB fan is UND going FBS and NDSU having no choice but to drop down to D2, but I hate to tell you, it's not going to happen. UND will not go anywhere without NDSU making the move first.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

    Agree.   Hope he goes in the first round. 

    He signed with a pretty high profile agent. I think his stock will keep going up after meeting with the NFL personnel people. I hope to see him on the John Gruden ESPN QB specials.

  21. 4 hours ago, homer said:

    While I don't agree with the entire conversation and don't think anything "funny" goes on in Fargo. How many NDSU players haven't sat out when breaking team rules, or the law?  It's a program that's places winning above anything else.  

    Well, Klieman did dismiss a player during the playoffs for breaking team rules. There is that.

  22. 7 hours ago, gundy1124 said:

    On one hand, NDSU was a few plays away from being undefeated, on the other hand their regular season was a few plays away from being 7-4.


     2) they are doing something different with their players than the rest of college football, and I am not necessarily saying it's illegal, but the thought has crossed my mind. 


    This is pathetic. Accusing NDSU of cheating because you can't compete with them.  

    If developing players and preparing them well is cheating maybe they are.  


  23. 6 minutes ago, Fetch said:

    Congrats Bison but like the Packers ur time is over & a new Era is beginning Fighting Hawks Football

    While Fighting Hawks FB may be on the rise (and I think Bubba has it going in the right direction), the gap is still large and not closing that fast. This is a VERY young NDSU team that just won their 5th in a row, and they are still for the most part getting the pick of the litter in FCS level talent recruits. I for one at the beginning of the year thought the streak would die at 4. Now I think they can make it at least 6. 

  24. On 1/3/2016 at 10:38 AM, UNDBIZ said:

    That is the minimum salary so there is potential for higher pay. They wouldn't have set the minimum qualifications that high if they didn't know they could get someone. 

    Got it. I have no idea what assistants at the FCS level make, but I would have guessed it would be in the 100-125k range for coordinators and 50-75k range for position coaches. 

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