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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. UND all over South Dakota with 5 minutes to go. 4-0. Shots were 12-6 SD after 1st half. So far UND has out shot Yotes 20-4 in 2nd!

    Just wondering why the disparity in shots per half? Was the wind a factor?

  2. Actually, I'd say 25% of the players on the field would have done a lot worse put in that situation. Universities really need to take responsibility for their fanbase in these situations. I think that the fan if it was a student should face some real stern repercussions from the school. If he is not a fan he should at the very least get trespassing charges brought against him.   

    I agree. The kid is lucky that he is not eating his dinner through a straw tonight. Morlock is a genuinely nice kid. Knowing him a little bit through scouts (he is an eagle scout who still helps out some with the younger kids) I had a hard time believing he had punched someone unprovoked. Thank goodness that everybody carries a video recorder these days.  

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  3. it was Montana's Super Bowl

    You are correct. The Montana broadcaster said the was the biggest football games he has called, and he did the 7 title games Montana has been in. He said it was the biggest sporting event ever in the state of Montana. Those are words coming out of the Griz camp, not NDSU's. You can make fun of it all you want, but for every team NDSU plays, it is their biggest game of the year, or of the history of their program in some cases.  

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  4. I think that game was more exciting than the national title game! Nice win Montana!!

    Watching the ending I thought it was the National title game. Montana and their fans sure acted like it was. Coach Stitt couldn't even find the time to come over and shake Klieman's hand after the game. Closed circuit to the Griz, NDSU lost games in 3 of their 4 championship years. It didn't end well for either of those teams.  

  5. You cant make it up.

    No mention of the incident at all by Dom, McFeely, or "mouthpiece" Kolpack until AFTER a statement is released saying no discipline.  Now firing on all cylinders.

    Not surprising on the disciplinary end of things.  Status quo.  Nothing to see here.

    Watch the video. The fan runs up to Morlock, bumps and runs into him and then grabs his face mask. It looks like Morlock is just raining his hand to get the fans hand off his face mask. You tell me what he should have done. Let him pull him by the mask and twist his neck? 

  6. I think this just proves that NDSU is headed towards the new second tier of FBS while UND is content to stay in what is more or less the third tier of collegiate athletics.  It gets really old watching this university screw the dog and tell us how hot she is for the last 10 years.  I feel like those running this university won't be content until UND has a 5,000 student enrollment and applying for the NSIC in every sport except for hockey.

    You are not listening to SiouxVolley. UND is way ahead of the with NDSU in making a move up. Nobody wants NDSU. Sure, they may have had their last 3season openers on National TV. They may have had Gameday 2 years in a row and won 4 straight championships, but UND is really secretly light years ahead of NDSU in terms of moving up to FBS. 

  7. Yes, statistically you are right. Most corners are black in FBS.  I'm saying is talent is talent regardless of skin color. FBS coaches take most Mr. Football's.  

    NDSU has gotten 2 or 3 MN Mr. Football's in the last 5 or 6 years.  Maybe FBS schools think he is a step slow to play CB, which is good for UND. My guess you have nothing to worry about if G5 schools come knocking. i think he realizes that isn't much of a step up. The only ones I would worry about is if the Gophers or Badgers come to their senses. He looks like a good get for Bubba.


  8. ya and who cares. I am sure it is a common practice nation wide.

    What is common place nationwide? Making anonymous claims about a rivals recruiting habits and saying it has become a pattern? What is the pattern Lkvlle? Enlighten us. 

  9. You don't believe anything that is brought up here.  Is it possible that they act more than one way, depending on the recruit and time of the year?  They talk to 100's of recruits every year and at the end of the year they start trying to steal other team kids to fill their class, like all staff's do.  Hence the staying in contact with recruits.  Just so happens that they have been trying to get UND's lately when they didn't 2-3 years ago.

    The guy laid out the entire conversation above and you don't believe it.  Unreal.  


    A second hand conversation whose source is the father of a kid going to a rival FCS school. Do you suppose he may have a reason to try to steer kids away from the king of the FCS hill? Maybe so his kids school has a better chance of climbing that hill? I think you would have a hard time finding a rival coach say anything bad about Klieman. But you think what you want. My guess if a story came out about Bubba like this from LkvlleNDSUfan, you may refute it also. 

  10. Amazing how NDSU fans see their coaches and how others see them.  BTW, it wasn't in ND and UND didn't have a dog in the hunt so stop blaming them.   The poster of the comment is not a UND through and through person.  

    How would Kleiman know what the assistant said to the kid?  The kid didn't report him or anything.

    Every winter we are supposedly lying about recruiting situations but slowly it turns out we are right and your local spokesman over at BV is wrong.  

    So what are we to believe? First we hear complaining about this NDSU staff continuing relationships with recruits and actually keeping in contact with them after they have committed to other schools. Now we hear they are being mean to recruits that commit elsewhere and burning all bridges? Same staff, but completely opposite tactics. 

  11. Weak and sad.  

    Weak and sad is lying about a rival because you can't compete with them on the field or in recruiting. Knowing the head coach a little I don't believe it. And I know a die hard UND fan very well that has kids on the same teams as Klieman's kids, and he doesn't believe it either. As much as he hates NDSU, he doesn't think Klieman would put up with this type of behavior.

    The coach was most likely surprised and somewhat silenced when he first heard from the recruit. He may have said the school he picked doesn't have the track record of developing players and winning like NDSU. He may have said we will see you on the field and hope to beat you. But it did not happen like LkvlleUNDfan would like everybody to believe. But believe what you would like if you can sleep better thinking NDSU is an evil empire.  

    • Downvote 5
  12. Sorry, but I was asked to avoid sharing the details. The parent I talked with isn't being vindictive, just sharing his son's experiences with different schools both during the courting process and when he called to inform them of his decision. I'd be breaking his confidence if I shared that.

    Must have been Hedberg. They are having a hard time breaking him of the recruiting habits he learned at UND.

    • Downvote 4

    Try a little critical thinking. How many Division I football conferences cover territory anywhere near Idaho? The answer would seem to be the Pac 12, Mountain West, and Big Sky. What are the chances of Idaho getting into the Pac 12? None. What are the chances of Idaho getting into the Mountain West? Probably pretty slim. What other current FBS conference is any where near Idaho? None. Therefore, for Idaho to be in a conference with geographic integrity and also get the big payouts of being FBS, the most likely scenario would be to have at least a part of the Big Sky move to FBS. That's why GeauxSioux suggested that it sounds a lot like what SiouxVolley has been talking about.

    A little critical thinking tells me perhaps he is thinking maybe Boise State and Colorado State move to a P5 conference and Idaho gets a MWC invite. I know that is not in SiouxVolley's plan and it is extremely far fetched compared to conference with 2 or 3 schools that  could possibly qualify or have a chance to be successful at the FBS level moving up at once, but I will go with that theory.

  14. If Texas moves and if the Oklahomas and Kansas' move would there be room for a Big 12 north division also known as the MVFC/BSC FBS division? How sweet that would be.

    If there is a Big 12 north there would be no need to include BSC teams. They would take NDSU, SDSU, UNI and Illinois State and would have no need for any BSC teams. It's not happening, but if it did, it would not be good news for UND or their fans.

  15. You just seem incapable of reading between  the lines.

    The Citadel has a 21,000 seat stadium.  But the Coastal coach is actually a billionaire from his days with Merril Lynch, TD Bank and helped launch TDAmeritrade.   When he retired, he took a volunteer asst job with Nebraska, coached an Omaha UFL team, and then became head coach at Coastal.  Coastal won't have any trouble raising money for a stadium expansion.  



    Yes Bison73, read between the lines. SiouxVolley is a master at it. Just like Fullerton said the Big Sky will be FBS in a couple of years, and UND joining the league was the main reason for making the jump. It not really in there, but that is what Fullerton is saying. Just ask SV.

  16. Have said the upper Big Sky wouldn't go FBS until the 2018 season.

    This quote doesn't mean a thing, but in your and others ignorance you seem to think it's the final word. Fullerton didnt want the Montanas to move to the WAC in 2010 or 2011 and they didnt. Thats what he was referring to. Fullerton also said he'd welcome Idaho football. Since when has Idaho said it moving to FCS? Answer: Never. All his talk that he made in Ogden has double meanings, as Weber St etc don't want to hear what's coming down. You and others are just hearing things that fit your motives and assigning them meanings that aren't there.

    You better hope they take more than the upper half of the BSC to the FBS.

  17. I'm not a big other offers guy because they can be misleading but both NDSU and SDSU know how to find great hogs. Anytime we get a hog that they wanted that means they're a good one. We just need to start developing them now.

    Did NDSU offer the kid?

  18. A new line I picked up tonight from Dom: when a commit doesn't have any other offers, you say:  "but more were sure to come" or "his coaches believes more were coming".   :silly:   


    i never said kids with only one offer can't turn out to be good players. I even said NDSU has had D2 transfers and walk-ons contribute. I just don't think you want to fill your entire roster with them. But, I know, Bubba has proven to know what he is doing at the FCS level, with all of his National Champ.., ah multiple playoff appear,,, ah, with his two game improvement last year.


    By the way, NDSU got a commitment other than the no other FCS offer kid, a QB out of Kansas that UNI and all of the Dakota schools offered, and that includes Bubba.  

  19. One thing obout these guys is they've been offered based off of their in person camp performance and their junior year. Seeing them in person is beyond valuable.

    So these kids were not in other elite camps? Are the other schools just poor talent evaluators that they didn't offer these kids after seeing them in person? I just don't know why everybody thinks because Bubba thinks they are FCS players that they must be great gets. He hasn't proven anything yet. He may prove to be right, but just because he saw them in person doesn't mean anything. These kids were seen by multiple other schools that chose not to offer.  

  20. While I am certainly pleased with the early commitments, it might be a little scary as it doesn't appear that we will have a great deal of scholarships available for next year.  We have 15 seniors - of those, it appears 11-12 are receiving any serious $.  We are aware of some no-shows (both freshmen and veterans) but have no idea how much $/slots that frees up.      

    My guess is these are not all full rides, so I would think they will be ok with numbers of schollies. All teams seem to find a way to sign 20-30 kids every year. I am not sure all these early commits are a good thing. NDSU has about the same amount and I am not sold that getting commitments this early is good without actually being able to sign them. If they have a less than spectacular senior season you are committed to them anyway, and if they blow up, they can easily de-commit and go elsewhere. 

  21. Except it totally adds nothing to the conversation and once again misdirects the conversation to a pissing match. Bubba has already said they know how to evaluate talent and the fact that other schools are or are not pursuing athletes they are interested in has no bearing on their recruiting process. If all a school does is chase prospects based on other schools interests they aren't doing their job. 


    I am not saying any school should recruit based on which other schools are doing. And I'm not saying a kid with only one D1 offer won't turn out to be a great FCS or even a future NFL player. NDSU has had a couple of D2 transfers start for them on championship teams. Those kids probably had no D1 offers out of high school. I'm just saying because Bubba has said he and his staff are expert talent evaluators doesn't mean its true. My guess is Mussman has said in the past he and his staff were great talent evaluators also. It doesn't mean it is true. The same people predicting Bubba's rise to championships were predicts Klieman's crash and burn last year.  

  22. Love the direction that Bubba is taking this program.

    But you don't really know which direction Bubba is taking the program. He just got commitments from 4 kids that may not have had any others offers. Maybe they did maybe they didn't but nobody is reporting any. That is not to say that they won't turn out to be good players, but it is a waiting game. Wait another year or two, then you may get an accurate picture of where the program is headed.

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