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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. 51 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Re Hajdu tweet, my guess is:  

    1. New logo

    2. New boards 

    3. Schmaltz decision

    4. Jones 1 year extension

    5. He's looking for volunteers to help with the lawn at Hak's lake home. 

    I will go with:

    1.  Locker Room, Weight Room and Training Room upgrades at The Ralph (it must have been a couple of years since the last upgrade)

    2.  FB season tickets go on sale July 1st and prices have been lowered to $50/seat

    3.  FB has hired a new recruiting coordinator to focus just on transfers

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  2. 21 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Idaho just extended Paul Petrino's contract until 2020 at $400 k annually plus bonuses.  Most FBS coaches wouldn't stay around if the school was going FCS.  Idaho didn't save money on their coaches with the Big Sky move.

    Guess you were right all along. Who needs more proof than that? Please accept our apologies. By the way, how did the Big Sky president's meetings go last week. I guess I missed the big announcements that came out of those meetings. Can you fill us in?

  3. 11 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Your obsession over SiouxVolley is pretty humorous.  Or sad.  Maybe its both.  

    The fact that some think there is an ounce is fact in his ramblings is sad. Or the fact that some who think his predictions could come true and believe this is a good way to move to FBS may be sadder. The conference that would result from his plans would be disastrous for all involved. 

    • Downvote 3
  4. 12 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Bisonville says its a pwo offer from both schools. I agree that comitting to a pwo this early is a terrible choice.  I think we can deduce that it was likely a now or never take it or leave it offer from ndsu.

    It may have been a we will bring in one PWO RB this year and we have offered two or three, first one gets it. But I wouldn't expect someone with hopes of getting a scholly to take it now. I heard him on the radio Saturday AM and he didn't say he was pressured to take the offer now or it wouldn't be there.. It sounded like he liked NDSU and wanted to get the process over with.

  5. On June 9, 2016 at 6:56 PM, bison73 said:

     Its what journalist do. They are paid to write stories based on the information presented. Obviously it workd. Nice extrapolation by the way.

    Speaking of what journalists do, where is the investigation journalism of Tom Miller or Wayne Nelson on the sports srory of the century that SV is trying to break. Miler is no stranger to open records laws. There must be some email or transcripts of meetings he can subpena about UND's big jump to FBS. He would be all over an open records request if he thought there was some conversation about another NDSU/UND FB matchup. Where is he on the FBS story?. Or is there no story...

    • Upvote 3
  6. 16 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    Which has kind of been the point.  Bad guidance or something.  Kid is from a small town and probably doesn't have anyone telling him how it works.  Based on tweet I saw sounds like NDSU wanted him to commit but wouldn't commit to him with a schollie.  Guidance.

    You think this is ugly?  Lmao.  This is gorgeous compared to some threads and/or message boards.

    Just saw a picture of the kid. He doesn't look like a HS Junior. He looks like a slightly smaller version of Tyler Roehl. I got to believe he is not a walk on. 

  7. 2 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    An extra home game and a playoff game with last years run would have netted a higher attendance. 

    Yeah, your last two home games in that run last year were very well attended.:cool: Fighting Hawks fans really got behind their team during that run.

    • Downvote 1
  8. 58 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Being informed and not being ego centric is not something that you would recognize.

    Fullerton was being compliant to set up Idaho's ruse.  You probably take Hillary's statements at face value too.

    Did anyone fill the new Commish in on the ruse? What is her next move to further it along?

  9. 9 hours ago, bison73 said:

    Where is this announcement you predicted?

    No, no, no. They had to get he Idaho Board of Regents involved first to approve the move to FCS. This ruse is a very complicated one and the more announcements they can make that they are moving down before they say "Gotcha" the better. You don't understand how good ruses work...

  10. 2 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    which is why you are not a university president....aligning yourself with schools that beat the worst of the worst fbs schools or align yourself with like minded flagship universities with law schools, med schools, aerospace schools and whatnot to improve the academics for the students.

    Of course, I see New Mexico State, Eastern Washington, Northern Arizona, etc. on all of the list of top schools in the country.:blink:




  11. 2 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Some people are just not intellectually gifted enough to think like a president would.  I didn't include Idaho St's perceptions in my earlier prediction, so that has changed things.

    So you bizon trolls think the Big Sky would pass up an historic opportunity to take over an FBS conference, you are truly delusional.  Probably belong on a cartoon board with six year old sausages.  The Milwaukee Brewers may have a slot for you in their sausages runs.

    A UND FBS would interest FSN, as well as its hockey team.

    The Big Sky Presidents probably knew of UND's potential donors before UND was invited to the BSC.

    UND already meets the FBS scholarship and team requirements without 22 added slots.

    UND has a bigger endowment than most of the Sun Belt.

    Unlike the Sun Belt and MAC, UND'S media footprint includes a whole state and the MSP region.

    Dropping baseball and men's golf would naturally happen before an FBS move for UND.

    Why should UND be FCS, but Bowling Green, Ball St, Miami, C Mich, E Mich, Kent St, Troy, Coastal Car, Ga Southern, LaMonroe, Ark St, USA, and Ga St can be FBS?  UND has much more fan support and endowments than most of them.

    The only way FSN is interested in UND football is if UND buys the airtime. They will not pay big money to televise UND football.

  12. 1 hour ago, homer said:

    Minus the first two sentences this is a pretty good post.  A school or two in the region is going to make the move eventually.  I don't see it happening so quickly but right now it is all about positioning.  I think NMSU and U of Montana's past comments about the cost of staying FCS will drive this as much as any shake up of FBS.  Its also hard to argue if there is a potential anywhere of adding an FBS conference, the opening from Idaho through the Dakota's is an opportunity for a cost effective FBS or FCS conference of like minded schools.  

    The only cost of staying in FCS for NMSU is losing guarantee game money. They don't get any donations to speak of right now. Their ticket revenue is pretty much non existant. That is a pretty sad reason to stay FBS. They take a paycheck knowing they have ZERO chance of winning the game. NDSU hasn't gone into a guarantee game not thinking they were going to win it. I know which program I would rather align myself with, and it wouldn't be Idaho and NMSU.

  13. 29 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    An FBS move would also remove much of the talk and sting of NDSU's five rings.  They would become almost irrelevant, just as our DII ring was made irrelevant for them.

    Yes, NDSU would become irrelevant in your scenario. NDSU is better than anybody in the WAC or Sun Belt righr now. When you combine the 2 WORST WAC teams with a bunch of transitioning FCS teams that have no business moving up, the only thing historical about that move up and conference is how historically bad it would be and how stupid the move would be. If NDSU moved up and into that conference, I would open up a Bisonvile account and be the first to start a "Fire Larsen" thread.

  14. 10 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    The correct answer is WAC member, and trying to keep its FBS status, New Mexico State. Think he might know a few more things about NMSU and the WAC than the rest of us?

    So the correct answer is he knows nothing about how to produce a sucessful FBS program?

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    The correct answer is WAC member, and trying to keep its FBS status, New Mexico State. Think he might know a few more things about NMSU and the WAC than the rest of us?

    Oh yes, that FBS powerhouse NMSU. That "Big Time" school whose athletic budget is smaler than both UND and NDSU. He does know something about NMSU and WAC football, and if he is smart, he wants nothing to do with an association with either of them.

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  16. 5 minutes ago, TRex said:

    So it's Top Secret huh?   No discussion at all as to the repercussions of such a move?   Even I know better.

    Yep, and who better to organize a top secret highly strategic plan than Brian Faison. If that isn't a recipe for sucess I don't know what is...:blink:

  17. 34 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Seven FBS or FBS desiring schools would have to be invited to WAC. Always said a conference needs eight FBS full members , but bizon trolls never seem to get it.  The WAC can bestow an FCS member FBS privileges according to the NCAA. 

    One FBS and seven FCS members can become an FBS conference, but only in the WAC

    What counts as a full FBS member? A conference can't just declare a school a full member. If that were the case, why did NDSU and UND have to wiat until their 5th year of transitioning to become a full member?

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  18. 10 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

    I never read where SV said we are moving up in a couple weeks...where was this said?

    Well his claims of when NCAA rule changes, Idaho rescinding its FCS move, etc have come and gone with no such announcements. 

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