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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. 1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

    FBS is easier to afford than FCS if a school has a stadium of greater than 15 k.  Cutting baseball and men's golf may have been a cost cutting move on paper, but it also prepared the way for FBS as UND wouldn't have Title IX issues which would have made FBS vastly more expensive.

    Why did the Big Sky go to 12 full members and 14 football members if it didn't have something up its sleeve?  The Montanas told the rest of the Big Sky that they were WAC bound if they didn't accept UND and USD.  Having a Dakota presence is big for the Montanas, but why?  It certainly hasn't paid dividends for them up to this point.  This is a long game where all the cards haven't been played yet.  The Montanas in 2011 were not ready for FBS.  They have made progress on that front.  That concept of planning long term is lacking among many posters.

    What good does a 20k seat stadium do if you only get 8k to go to the games? Who is going to get excited about UTGVU or Lamar or any of the teams in your WAC/BSC? Besides the extra expense for scholarships, your football salaries will probably have to triple to be average in the G5 level of FBS. My guess is the Idaho coach is one of if not the lowest paid HC in the FBS and he makes 2-3 times what Bubba makes. You would have to pay your coordinators a lot more than Bubba is making now. An FBS move to this conference will be a financial drain, not a financial winfall. 


  2. 1 hour ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    I used to think winning an obscure bowl in the middle of nowhereville was crap but after seeing how screwed over bubba was and how watered down the fcs playoffs are ill take a bowl game against minny in el paso in December any day....

    The best you can hope for is a Dec game in Boise or Detroit against Arkansas State. Now that is attractive...

  3. 10 hours ago, southpaw said:

    It's not just NDSU fans who think the BSC as the WAC wouldn't draw any more fans. 

    And they will need you to pay a lot more than $15/ticket. SV has said in past posts how this move will magically vault UND ahead of NDSU. He has said after the move Larsen will be begging Faison to come to Grand Forks to play a game. It is not going to turn out that way. In fact, I could see posters here calling for Faison's head after he agrees to the first 3 for 1 contract with 3 homes games being at the FCS school against an FBS school. The only team UND can schedule with a WAC BSC FBS schedule that they can guarantee a sellout at a premium price is NDSU. NDSU's games sell out in hours if not minutes against anybody. I know UND fans think that will change soon, but don't count on it. Hold out for a MWC bid, or at least a MAC or established FBS conf, or wait a few years for the shakeup in CFB. Anything would be better for UND FB than this proposed conference.

  4. 1 hour ago, John W. said:

    Wrongo...no life breath!!!!! I am a season ticket holder for FH FB and was in hockey as well....but Hak cured me of that....may come back as Berry seems to be an OK guy.....At least he could close the deal!!!!!! 

    I do not like Bizzonville...their FB fans are as annoying and arrogant as UND 'ockey fans!!!!!!

    I think you should go back to hockey. I was always pullimg for UND hockey to lose when Hak was the coach, and I actually was pulling for them to win it all last year with Berry. While some may think I am one one the arrogant NDSU FB fans, I hate Bisonville, have never posted on it and haven't looked at it in years. I can't stand the in your face we are the greatest and everybody else sucks mentality.

  5. 12 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    Been addressed to death.  Why did NDSU have a 3/4 full Fargodome for their first home playoff game in 20 years?

    Nobody is talking about playoff attendance. The point is UND playing a BSC schedule is no more attractive to fans than the old NCC teams, which would lead most to beleive going into an FBS WAC/BSC with the same teams is not going to increase interest. I would be willing to bet UND FB ticket revenue was higher in 2003, the last year the old NCC was intact, than this past year.

  6. 3 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    Are you quoting the Bison faithful of 2007 when they entered the Summit League and MVFC?

    I am actually quoting what UND fans have said at the ticket office since they have joined the BSC. No sell outs and no attendence increases from the GWC or NCC for that matter. Getting a home game against Idaho, Northern Arizona, etc. doesn't seem to do anything for UND fans.

  7. 2 hours ago, homer said:

    It's an exciting time for kids.   While some may not agree with it the way he announces his decision has no bearing on him as a kid.  Knowing the family a little I'm guessing it's NDSU, would be very happy if it was UND.  He is a very good player.  

    Don't know the kid and he may be a good kid, but it doesn't come off well. A simple tweet of "I'm going to ..." Would work. The video announcement doesn't go with the "no name on the back of the jersey" mentality of both UND and NDSU.

  8. On June 28, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Teeder11 said:
    User Actions
    x_RaRRJ9_bigger.jpgZach Willis@zachwillis57

    After a lot of thinking these past few weeks i have my mind made up and I've decided to move my commitment date to July 4th.

    9:34 PM - 27 Jun 2016
    1 retweet20 likes

    I see he has tweeted he is going to have a video announcement on Monday at 3:00. I honestly hope it is NOT NDSU. Is he going to have 4 hats and the one he grabs is the school he is going to? Doesn't sound like much of a team player to me.No kid at any level of FB needs to make it all about him like he seems to be doing. 

  9. 1 hour ago, UNDColorado said:

    You are by far the biggest troll I have seen. Very sad really.

    I am just saying if UND wants to move up to FBS and have a legimate shot for it to be a modestly sucessful move, this is not the way to do it. These teams and competition will excite no one. If you can move into the MWC or even Conf USA or the MAC you may have a shot. This is a conference set up to fail. Who is going to pay more money to go aatch the same teams that are drawing 7 to 8 thousand fans now? I would be very upset if NDSU accepted an offer to this conference set up. FCS is a much better alternative.

  10. On June 28, 2016 at 8:31 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    Wichita State's impending FBS announcement is a main reason that I think an FBS WAC will be announced soon, likely in July when a new President Kennedy can bless it. 

    So the FBS WAC move is completely reliant on UND being included? If they don't give their approval it is off? Once the new UND prez says ok the big announcement will come? And you think NDSU fans are full of themselves.



  11. On June 26, 2016 at 10:54 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    So how does this look for an FBS league

    WAC North




    Montana St



    WAC South


    Sam Houston St


    Wichita St (fb only)

    Missouri St (fb only)

    UMKC (no football)

    UTRGV (fb with the Big SKy)

    Denver or GCU


    Chicago St will probably drop sports by 2018.

    The California FCS schools can join the WAC later, when Wichita leaves.

    Wichita St and Mizzou St just want to get their FBS feet wet and then move on after a couple years to a higher G5 league.  Then NDSU and SDSU can replace them as their such basketball schools according to their fans.

    The other WAC schools like UVU, Bake, Seattle, and maybe Grand Canyon move to the Big Sky.

    It sounds like the Sun Belt is no longer the worst FBS conference, by a long shot.

  12. 22 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The Sam Houston St - UND series announced Friday is interesting to say the least.  2018 is when an FBS transition will begin IMHO.  Sam Houston State stadium hold 14,000, but temporary bleachers in one end zone can be installed to make it more than 15 k.  SHSU has hosted games in Houston's Reliant Stadium that drew 26 k.  Also. Sam Houston and Lamar had flirted with the WAC back in 2011 to go FBS.  NMSU and a Wichita State FBS team need a Texas presence.  Could Sam Houston St be a part of the future FBS WAC?  Lamar too?  Missouri St fb could leave the MVFC and join the WAC for football only, as it wouldn't want Wichita St to get ahead, as those two are basically geographic twins.  Those two want FBS as they would move in tandem later to CUSA or the American, but need an FBS invite from someone without ruining their basketball.

    So perhaps the future FBS WAC will be even bigger than I imagined, with Texas schools for NMSU and Wichita State's benefit. Sam Houston St and Lamar have both been rebuffed by the Sun Belt as FBS teams, but haven't made much noise about FBS in the last couple years.  In Texas, a school almost has to be FBS for its football to be taken seriously.

    Sam Houston St and UND may have just signed a non conference series as the conference  schedule doesn't have them playing.

    Interesting that Bresciani said that he doesn't envision an FBS move now and the NDSU is in the Tier II sweet spot.  Personally think FCS is in Tier III, and G5 or soon to be G6 is in Tier II, but I'm just a lowly poster.

    The evidence just keeps mounting doesn't it? Now a non-existant conference with unknown teams already has a schedule put together 3-4 years in advance so conference schools can schedule non-conference games against each other. What is the hold up on making the announcement? Are there more primaries in other states in the conference? Maybe one of the conference school presidents is on vacation? 

  13. On June 19, 2016 at 11:33 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    All those schools are fbs.  Shows how little you know.

    Why doesn't the MAC schools move down to fcs, like the mvc did 40 years ago?  Used to be the  mvc was so superior to the mac.  Before the mvc dropped to fcs, it's good schools like Tulsa, Memphis, Cincy and Louisville left, and Wichita St dropped football instead of playing fcs and NMSU left the mvc entirely.   

    The MAC teams get a couple million from P5 games, get a mill from the CFP, and get 800 k from their ESPN contract.  But they still pay millions more to get their athletic budget in tack because FBS is worth so much more in free advertising than FCS.  The MAC will pass the mvc even in basketball soon because all the mvc has now in terms of bball is UNI and Wichita, and Wichita St is probably gone by 2020 and the mvc will be dirt.  The mac has superceded it because of fbs.

    FBS schools in the low G5 leagues lose less money at football than FCS do.  Any FCS school has to look seriously at FBS if they want a national profile.  If the fcs profile is satisfied with a Fargo and a Green Acres profile, fcs is the way to go.  UND and NDSU should be at a higher or equal level to Ball St, Bowling Green, Miami, Akron, C Mich, E Mich, Troy, Akron, Apps St, Ga Southern, Coastal, La Monroe, Ark St, San Jose St, Nevada, Wyoming etc.  Only history prevented that.  UND used to play many of those fbs schools in DII days like San Diego St, Old Dominion, Ark St, Troy, La Tech etc, but they moved to DI much earlier when upgrading to FBS was easier.  When the next CFP contract is signed, a G5 league could get even more, if eight teams are in the playofffs.

    This has been discussed here so much but remedial classes are always necessary for bizon  trolls.

    Who wouldn't want a national profile like Ark St, ULL, ULM, Troy, etc.? I  can't believe how much national exposure they get from their FBS programs. They get no national exposure from their horrible football programs and conferences. If the BSC/WAC would happen, those schools may get an extra guarantee game or two every year to help their bottom line, but that is it. There would be no ESPN contract. They would be lucky to keep any TV contract as good as the ROOT contract they have now. 

  14. 19 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    "Show" is strong. They produce a daily two or three minute "UND Sports Today" program that a station can easily run a couple times during the day (normally drive times). That's what they do now at least. That could change.

    I hear that now on WDAY here in Fargo, or at least did. That is kind of a nice daily update to keep you up to date on all of the schools sports.

  15. 10 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    What exactly are you not saying "I told you so" on? The affiliation deal was up for bid in Fargo, KFGO wanted the rights and sounds like they are doing to dedicate some major airtime to UND. Very excited to see that they are going to do a daily show, though I'm guessing material might run a little thin at times.

    The only thing I'm hoping is that UND has a strong buyout clause in it this time around.

    What daily show are they doing? That would be new.

  16. 23 minutes ago, Siouxphan27 said:

    Actually, what's sad is you are upset and offended people are making silly, innocent jokes to the point you are monitoring Sioux sports day and night 

    Carson on the other hand is normal and has a sense of humor; he knew he would get ribbed for this and is enjoying every minute of it; he wouldn't have tweeted it if he was devoid of a sense of humor, as you appear to be. 

    Sad life.   


    23 minutes ago, Siouxphan27 said:

    Actually, what's sad is you are upset and offended people are making silly, innocent jokes to the point you are monitoring Sioux sports day and night 

    Carson on the other hand is normal and has a sense of humor; he knew he would get ribbed for this and is enjoying every minute of it; he wouldn't have tweeted it if he was devoid of a sense of humor, as you appear to be. 

    Sad life.   

    I am sure he tweeted it out just so people would make it a bash my former school kind of thing. I am sure he is laughing his a$$ off with the humor on this thread.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Siouxphan27 said:

    Why would we be jealous of getting locked in a bathroom?   Must be an SU thing. 

    Jealous of having a #2 draft pick, in any sport.

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  18. 2 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    The best part about Wentz playing for the Eagles is that if at any time he struggles even one bit the two most delusional asshole fan bases in sports will go head to head against each other.  

    Pretty sad for a fanbase with so little to hope for with their own team that they are puling for a ND kid that played for a rival to fail. 

    • Downvote 4
  19. 12 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    8 am Sunday morning and you are trolling ...sad life.

    Sad life is trying to make fun of a ND kid, a good one and smart one at that, about tweeting about a funny and innocent thing that happened to him.  Pretty pathetic. 

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  20. 5 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    don't know the answer to that but ask old dominion, ga southern, ga state, coastal Carolina, texas state, nmsu, appy state, unc-charlotte, ut-san Antonio, and other dozen or so schools looking waiting for an fbs invite....

    They are waiting for an invite to an actual established FBS conference, not an invite to an FBS wannabee conference.of a group of FCS schools and a failed FBS drop down school.

  21. 9 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Financial boon is probably strong given that only maybe the top 10 or so FBS schools are profitable. 

    Personally, I'd just hope for "bleeding far less" because quite honestly, that's all the rest can hope for. 

    OK, then how will moving to FBS improve the finances at all? 

  22. 1 hour ago, CMSioux said:

    The sad thing is these trolls cannot understand that this is a UND site and sometimes people just want to have a little fun and poke a rival. They are like the guy who walks into your tailgate spot with a Moo. U shirt on and wonders why the conversation stops. If you know anything about Philly fans this will come back to haunt him after his first bad game. I wonder if the trolls are going to monitor the Eagle fan board and respond to every Wentz comment 


    Thats funny, you think people tailgate at UND games.

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  23. 21 hours ago, Cratter said:

    I don't want to take too much away from moo u's honeymoon.

    You add up all the pro money and it's like 10:1? But lets let them try and shine for once.

    Which pro sport is by far the most popular? Which UND NHL'er has been talked about more on ESPN and other national TV networks than Wentz? 

    • Downvote 4
  24. 6 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Agree that an FSN TV deal would be an overwhelmingly positive development.  But a move to FBS would make it even more positive financially.

    While the Schmaltz decision is big, UND doesn't control it and he has only one more year max anyway.  When Schmaltz makes a final decision, UND will issue a press release.

    Signing Hennessey could be part of an FSN deal.  Barry signing longer term is a possibility.  Jones signing an extension I hope not.

     New boards at the Ralph won't make a difference to recruits or fans but probably needed.  There is a toilet in the Ralph that should be replaced too.  Guess therections will be a press release on that too.

    Can you please explain how moving to FBS will be such a huge financial boon to UND?

  25. On 6/14/2016 at 11:24 AM, homer said:

    I don't 100% agree with SV but please explain how a conference that is smaller in total schools with those schools being more aligned in academic focus and athletic focus is disastrous?   I'd argue that a 13 team conference or a conference made up of mostly directional schools is more dangerous to an athletic department.   

    I agree with you that a smaller conference with 8 like minded schools will be better than the current BSC of 13 or 14 schools. However, going to an 8 team conference with the schools mentioned would be fine in FCS but a disaster in FBS. You will be in a conference with a majority of schools that do not have the resources or commitment to be competitive at the FBS level, The 2 schools that have been FBS basically say they don't want to move down because they will lose their guarantee game money that keeps their programs afloat. The schools moving from FCS to FBS will see their expenses go up but revenues stay flat. Not exactly a recipe for success. 

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