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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. 2 hours ago, homer said:

    The western FBS conferences would not be as apposed to it as you imply.   If the push continues to be strength of schedule for the postseason, they need more options than the MWC.  

    If strength of schedule is an issue, FBS teams will schedule MVFC schools before any WCA/BSC combo or Sun Belt team for that matter. 

  2. 2 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    If a league has eight FBS teams that are fully transitioned and are full members, the NCAA will declare it an FBS league.  Pretty simple, but not to someone who has never read the NCAA manual.

    A new FBS  league wouldn't get a cut of the CFP though, as that contract is negotiated with the FBS leagues and not the NCAA.  A renegotiated contract is upcoming in the mid 2020's.  That may be bigger money for G5's than now.

    Where are the eight fulky transitioned FBS members in a new WAC? Isn't that saying 8 currenr FBS schools can form a new league? Not one FBS and 7 FCS schools.

  3. 13 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I think NMSU was realistic on tickets and guarantees. Their home schedule won't look the same and FCS teams don't get paid the guarantees that FBS teams get. 

    I think they're fooling themselves if they don't think they'll take a hit on Donors. Maybe not immediately, but if they go anything under 8-4 in their first year in FCS the donors will punish them. 

    What donors are they worried about? It looks like they get a litle over $500,000 between big donors and their clubs for supporters. They have a major problem with revenue in both FB ticket revenue and donations. 

  4. 3 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    It already is a rule for the WAC and you and other bizon trolls are apparently are too dim witted to realize that.

    I am not saying it is not a rule the WAC can use. But you had rock solid information that this rule change was going to happen. Now all of a sudden it isn't necessary. Are you saying the people that were feeding you this info at the NCAA didn't know a rule change wasn't necessary? They found out from the Idaho report just like you did? Or was there never really going to be a rule change in the first place? 

  5. 5 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Bizon trolls have been deranged by this thread and have been saying for more than a year and FBS Big Sky move can't happen.  But yet when it is revealed that the WAC can indeed make invitactions from FCS to FBS, which proved this thread more than legitimate, they are still in denial.

    The bizon trolls always take the word of administrators at face value, as they always have taken Chapman and Bresciani at their word, and one should never do that.  The UAB president dropped football, and then intense pressure from students, alumni, and Birmingham not only brought it back, but gave it a new stadium.  UAH dropped hockey, but then it was resurrected after intense pressure.  Idaho may also be attempting to fake out the WAC schools, who may be opposed to any changes.  Stay tuned.

    So this big NCAA rule change that you guaranteed was coming this summer isn't going to happen now? This rule change was just to allow BCS conference schools to make the move to FBS so now that they have this WAC avenue it is being scrapped? I didn't realize the BSC weilded that kind of power. Why didn't they just tell the !NCAA they wanted to move on their own. Why wait for Idaho to drop down? It sounds like the NCAA would have jumped at the demand of the powerful BSC.

  6. 25 minutes ago, bison73 said:

    But you said there were going to be rule changes to allow FCS teams to move up. This was supposed to happen by mid-month. Its getting pretty close. :)

    No, that was before he knew what he now has learned from the Idaho study that he didn't know before that. You have to follow along. Now there is going to be a 16 team new FBS WAC with teams from Washington to Arizona to Georgia to Long Island, NY. But it will only be for a few years, then they will split up. It is not that hard to believe, these kind of things happen all the time.


  7. 25 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    I meant six teams added to the WAC with Wichita St as football only.

    The Big Sky has to keep its autobid for FCS, so it must keep six FCS teams.  

    The WAC can make money granting FBS slots to schools such as Liberty, JMU, Kennesaw St, Jacksonville St, Stony Book, Dalaware, Albany etc and playing them for a few years.  Charge them a million each for an entrance fee and then get them for an exit fee too.  Would compensate for a lack of CFP money until 2024.  The eastern teams when they are exited and FBS can reform the CAA as an FBS league too, and participate in CFP money with the new contract.

    The FBS transition in the second year requires four home games against FBS schools.  A second year FBS transition school counts for an FBS opponent, so eastern teams would be useful without bringing the FCS Big Sky below six teams.

    UTRGV will count for FCS as soon as it get a team going, but Dixie St and Azusa Pacific only will count as soon as they are fully DI.

    Idaho will recant it's FCS move as recruiting gears up, so it might not be this week.


    Your theory gets more far fetched every week. I do believe that nearly every FCS teams from all corners of the country have now been mentioned to make your plan come together. When is the big rule change annoucement from the NCAA coming? How much more time before Idaho announces the move back to FBS if not this week? Are they waiting for someone to care that they dropped down in the first place?  

  8. 9 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Now that baseball at UND is officially gone and will not be resurrected, that also should slam the door on UND to the Slummit / MVFC.  

    I think Faison slammed that door when he tried to make Douple the fall guy for having to change the nickname.


    • Downvote 2
  9. 2 hours ago, VMeister said:

    Sarcasm!  You clever bastard.

    Wow. Somebody figured it out. Kind of shoots the theory that MSU wanted an FBS guy to help them with the pending move to FBS.

  10. 48 minutes ago, MoSiouxFan said:

    The guy from Utah that they first offered the job to must have been super impressive because Costello has a great resume and he looks like a super hire.

    Come on, you can't be serious! Costello is only an Associate AD at a Slummit school. He can't be qualified to run a BSC athletic department.:cool:

  11. On May 7, 2016 at 9:42 PM, SiouxVolley said:


    The other Big Sky prez's will respond coolly to that and say that they need to raise money for scholarships and facilities, but secretly they have been planning for it for years.  The six schools that will commit to FBS to satisfy Idaho's demands are Montana, Montana St, EWU, UND, NAU.  But Wichita St will commit to FBS as an affiliate, so that makes eight.  USD even will state they are interested.  Denver will come forward as wanting to be affiliated with an FBS .



    Your math is about as good as your theory. Your 6 BSC conference teams to the FBS only adds up to 5. You forgot to make up another team that is interested to replace NMSU, who is obviously not interested.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 2 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

    The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.

    The Univ of Idaho was aware of this study long before they made the move down to FCS annoucement. They obviously looked at the report and didn't think the WAC/BSC FBS combo was feasible. Why play FCS caliber teams in an old FCS conference in FCS stadiums and call it FBS? Is telling your fans we are bringing in Cal Poly, UND, Northern Arizona, etc, but telling them they are FBS schools going to excite their fans and get them to come to games, pay more for tickets and donate more money than just playing them as FCS schools? No. Why have the extra expense for 22 more schollys, coaching staff salaries that are at least 4 or 5 times more than your average BSC conference school, etc. They decided it makes no sense. Or they are very stupid. It is the Univ of Idaho after all. Any FBS conference that is relying on the Univ of SD to join them to make the move is starting out on very shaky ground. 

    • Upvote 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    watered down-see football championship subdivision in the encyclopedia.

     Well, there have been some schools that have moved up in the last 6 or 7 years that have kind of watered FCS down, maybe one within say 75 miles of NDSU.:D 

    • Downvote 1
  14. 45 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

    Take Carson Wentz out of the equation and your 5 in a row and ESPN has no clue who you are. If they and others did our logos and names wouldn't be mixed up all the time. Prior to 2011 your football team meant nothing outside of ND and western Minnesota.

    Actually, ESPN did know who NDSU was before Wentz stepped on the field. They broadcasted this little program call "Gameday" a couple of times from Fargo before he played a down. They have been on the ESPN network of stations more than a dozen times in the last 4 or 5 years. They actually helped NDSU get an opponent for the opening game this year so they could come back and broadcast another NDSU football game this coming year. It isn't prior to 2011 anymore, even though you UND fans would like to go back to 2003 and start over from there. Maybe it would be a little different if you hadn't been late to the party. But unfortunately for you, that ship has sailed. 

  15. 21 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    and i like how you take a swipe at a couple of teams from a conference you are absolutely dying to get into...

    I want nothing to do with the MAC, WAC or Sun Belt, WAC/BSC bogus combo etc. I would be thrilled with the MWC, but it probably won.t happen. I am a realist. The only way a Dakota school goes FBS is in a watered down, FBS/FCS combo after the P5 split.

  16. 1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

    FBS schools get a lot more publicity than FCS ones.  Lower level FBS also get more revenue from P5 games, more P5 games, more TV revenue, and CFP revenue - although the WAC won't get any money until the CFP is renewed.

    Idaho got more publicity from saying their moving down than NDSU has gotten from winning an FCSU trophy.

    Yes, NMSU, Univ of Idaho, ODU, etc., they are in the National news all the time.:blink:  And the more watered down the G5(or G7) or whatever it ends up being, the less money the P5 will be willing to share with the have nots of FBS. If FBS football was so profitable, why wouldn't Idaho stay in FBS and collect those huge pay days 6 or 7 times a year. They aren't going to any playoff game anyway, why not just collect the paychecks and publicity of being that bottom feeder FBS program?

    Who do you suppose has gotten more national attention in the last 5 years, NDSU football or Ball State, ODU, EMU, BGSU, etc. I was watching an NBA playoff game a couple of weeks ago and the scroll on ESPN has NCAA FB news and it was Klieman signing a 6 year contract extension. How many times has NDSU football been takled about on the national sports scene in the last 4 months? 

  17. 9 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    On bozoville, posters are already denouncing a new FBS WAC.  Half the bizon fans base will be gone if you get your way.

    The only advantage I can see of going to an FBS WAC is it would be a lot easier to go undefeated in conference play than in an FCS MVFC. 

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  18. 42 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Fullerton will make a statement soon, as the WAC information is not publicly known.

    The Idaho and NMSU presidents can end their ruzes soon.

    So a few day ago after the Idaho prez announced the move down you said he did it to pressure the NCAA to make the rule change. Now you say the WAC and BSC can merge now without any rule changes. Which is it?

  19. 19 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Am only back for a couple games a year and for one game the tickets can cost up to $50.  Used an average ticket price of $40, but concede it's is much lower with season tickets.  The total take the REA gets though from men's hockey must be near $10 mill, including tickets, suite rental, parking, concessions, advertising etc.  

    Champions Club memberships make up a huge fraction of ticket sales as people pay from $135 to $50 k to be members.  

    My guess is the amounts in the Miller column are the actual ticket revenues not including the CC fees, which is given the the athletic department in the annual CC's donation. But why is the REA getting the revenue from football games being played in the Alerus Center? 

  20. 42 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The Herald article is wrong as sportswriters can't dig and don't know how to look into separate financial balance and income sheets for the REA and UND athletics.


    Selling almost 250 k hockey ticket a year is about 10 million

    Unless the Ralph can seat 25,000, they aren't taking in 10 million a year. At $420/ticket for the public and $335 for faculty and staff for season tickets, saying there are a little under 10,000 non students tickets, I would say ticket revenue is very close to Mr. Millers $3-4 million than your $10 million.

  21. 7 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Champions club has expenses to pay such as salaries, charter plane costs, paying the REA for some perks, food, Alerus room rental etc.

    The REA has had 20 games including exhibitions and playoffs.  The playoff money goes to the NCHC though.  Doesn't include suites and premium seating as income on UND's financials.

    Why is ticket revenue for football games in the Alerus Center going to the REA?

  22. 16 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The Herald article is wrong as sportswriters can't dig and don't know how to look into separate financial balance and income sheets for the REA and UND athletics.

    UND football on the UND athletics only shows revenue from the Champions club, as does hockey.  Those aren't tickets sold but fees to join the club.

    All tickets sold go to the REA Trust which funds the arena upkeep, pays REA salaries etc.

    Selling almost 250 k hockey ticket a year is about 10 million, plus the football tickets plus the basketball tickets, plus REA concessions, plus REA parking, plus REA advertising.  The total UND budget will increase substantially when the REA becomes UND property.  So UND athletics real budget is more than $35 million, but sportswriters don't understand and aren't trained on financials.

    It must not cost much in Champions Club dues for women's hockey tickets, but it must cost something, since there was a dollar figure for it. At $15/ticket with 5 to 6 thousand paying fans per game, that $410,000 figure for football tickets seems reasonable. Are There really 25 home mens hockey games a year? That seems high to me. And if the Champions Club is taking in $4.5 million a year and giving less than $3 million to UND athletics, what are they doing with the other $1.5 million?

  23. 52 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    It is called strategic thought, which I've never seen ndsu grads capable of.  If you ever aspired to be an executive, it's a required thought pattern.  Kelley had it but used it to deceive, as did Chapman.

    It is called pie in the sky pulled it out of my a@@ thought. UND has athletic budget concerns that moving to FBS won't help. UND's football ticket revenue in 2015 was $410,000. Moving to FBS with the same teams on the schedule will not remedy that. They will still have the same problems filling seats. NDSU takes in more for ONE home game than UND does for an entire season.


  24. 48 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    It is called strategic thought, which I've never seen ndsu grads capable of.  If you ever aspired to be an executive, it's a required thought pattern.  Kelley had it but used it to deceive, as did Chapman.

    Yes, if that Burgum fellow had just gone to UND he may have made it as an executive...:cool:


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