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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. On April 30, 2016 at 10:03 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    Schools that don't plan on FBS can move at no cost to the WAC, which will certainly take them and start an FCS league within it.

    If there ever was a realistic plan for the BSC to go at least partially FBS, why would Idaho announce now that they were going to join the BSC and drop down to FCS. Why wouldn't they play out the next two years in the Sun Belt and not announce a definite plan for  another year or two after the BSC has announced an FBS move? They would not announce a drop down now if they didn't think it was their only option. If there was a realistic chance for the BSC to go FBS, there is no way they make this announcement now and take the PR and recruiting hit and start paring down scholarships. My guess is that they are getting better info from the conference office than SV is getting.

  2. 10 hours ago, GDPritch said:

    Point on.  Like Wentz (size not an issue there), had some big-time FBS/P5 schools recruited him I'm sure he would of gone elsewhere besides NDSU or C Mich (?) I gotta think. 

    Most likely yes. There are exceptions though, it just depends on what the kid is looking for. Ellefson and Stick turned down Big 10 offers, but it doesn't happen very often.

  3. 13 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Davis is AAU so they are R1.  Poly isn't part of the UC system, but as mostly an engineering school, it has strong research and a good endowment.  FBS was always part of their plans when they each moved from DII.

    EWU has plans to expand its stadium with its Gateway Project.  Sac St may be getting a new MLS stadium, as the 49ers owners will build it when MLS expands to Sacramento.

    NAU and NCol have shown no inclination that they would spend money for FBS or better facilities.

    None of the BSC has shown much interest in moving to FBS. Now Fullerton is talking about 2 separate FCS divisions for BSC football. Maybe he isn't as tuned in to the upcoming rule changes from the NCAA as you are. Maybe you could fill him in. He isn't exactly helping to promote you dream. Maybe not every school in the BSC is in as good of shape financially as UND.

  4. 4 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    That why the whole moving to FCS is a ruse of a PR ploy.  Idaho can't afford to move down to FCS with those contracts.  The Indiana one was just signed recently.  Something is up with the NCAA rule changes.  Emmert knows Idaho's situation well since his previous job was at Washington, and he is rumored to want to help them.

    It sure is. I can already feel the outrage across the country of "How can we let the Univ of Idaho move down to FCS".:cool:

    Don't you have to actually have to have the public realize that you play FBS football to really try to play a PR move to get people outraged about moving down? 

    Now it sounds like Fullerton is talking about separate Big Sky divisions for football, but both divisions FCS.

  5. On April 17, 2016 at 6:21 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    WVU's President announced that the Big 12 won't be expanding.  The P5 doesn't want to lose G5 schools as they lose cheaper home games and they were waiting if a Big12 expansion would open up spots for Idaho and NMSU and UMass.  Expect a rule change this summer to allow FCS conference with orphan FBS teams to move up to FBS.

    So the P5 conferences are so worried about losing 3 bottom feeder FBS schools that they can beat up on theat they are willing to add 30+ FBS schools that have no business moving up? They would be willing to pull in another 30 schools to split up the revenue even further? It doesn't sound like the greedy P5 schools to me. The P5 conferences are encouraging scheduling other P5 schools to increase their strength of schedule anyway, I don't think losing 3 bottom feeder G5 schools will matter much when there have been more than 3 FCS schools to take their place in the last 2 or 3 years.

  6. 8 hours ago, Herd said:


    So, the Big Sky is going to be afforded opportunities that are exclusive to the Big Sky?   Is that what you are saying?   Just because Fullerton's a great guy, is that the reason?

    The NCAA has said no Moveup to many FCS conferences over the years.  Saying yes to the Big Sky sounds like a big lawsuit from the CAA and it's former members who had to jump though hoops and pay large sums of money to work their way to the FBS.   So if the Big Sky can join FBS, can the Pioneer League do it too?  What a great deal.

    But the other conferences don't have the Univ of Idaho Vandals. Get with it. The other FBS conferences won't be able to rest until they get the Vandals back into the fold. Haven't you read the message boards all over the country clammoring the get Idaho back in the FBS?:cool:

  7. 18 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Not sure if you saw the Wentz tweet over the weekend, congratulating UND on their Men's Hockey National Championship. Kid has absolute class, maybe take a lesson from the guy if you are going to come onto a Sioux message board and try to get in a pissing match over football programs.

    Majority of the people on this board have already acknowledged the ridiculous success your team has had. Yes, they have had many great player, including NFL talent. Does UND have that right now? No. Does that mean they won't get it? No. Remember there was a point in time where NDSU did not have 5 consecutive titles. I'm not saying UND, or any other team, will ever do what NDSU has not (maybe they will, maybe they won't), but UND has shown progress, so it is pretty asinine to really compare these two programs at the moment. If you want that argumentative garbage, go back to bisonville. You want to have a legitimate conversation about UND players and the direction of the program, then stick around.

    Sorry, I didn't imply that the size of NFL players contracts made other NFL players making lesss money insignificant in their accomplishments. Kuper and Kleinsasser were very good college and NFL players. And Ratelle is also and I sincerely hope he makes a team. And I think he will, I just hope somebody gives him a chance at LB. He and DeLuca would have made quite the LB combo if they were on the same team. I wish NDSU had him. Nobody would have been able to run on them.

  8. 3 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    According to bisonville, ESPN is pushing the NCAA to allow NDSU to move up to FBS because they love the bizon so much.

    When was the last time a schools at the FBS level has ever dropped down a level or dropped football?  UAB recanted and doesn't count.

    Nobody is trying to push the NCAA to allow NDSU to go FBS just like NOBODY outside of Idaho cares that The Univ of Idaho has no FBS home and has to drop down. Actually, very few people in Moscow, ID even care.

  9. 31 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Carson Wentz on Twitter: "Huge congratulations to the UND Men's hockey team! So cool. All we do is win here in this great state folks! Well deserved UND. #NoDak"

    Exceptional move by this kid. He deserves support from the entire state of North Dakota. With that, this still is a UND site and the majority of this thread's focus should be for Will Ratelle and his potential NFL future. 



    Will Ratelle may not get drafted, but he will make an NFL roster. It may be better for him to sign as a FA and pick the best situation for himself. He is just a very good FB player and I would hope somebody gives him a shot at LB.  He could be a London Fletcher like LB.

  10. 54 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

    How do you know this, got that DeLorean working Dr. Brown.

    Well, IF he goes #1 or #2, Mariotta got a little over $40 million at #2 last year.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Longtime fan said:

    He wasn't 250 when he arrived.  Will put in the time here at und to raise his numbers all around including speed.  Thanks for your input.

    Ok. 6'3" 220 lb linebackers don't go FCS very often. And you are welcome. I will keep it coming...

  12. 4 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

    Fargo has murders, robberies, and drug dealers. There was no riot in Grand Forks, a bunch of drunks tipped over 2 cars near UND. Its not like buildings were on fire and looting was going on.  Nice try.

    Well when you compare populations like most UND fans like to do when you consider support for their team, 2 cars overturned is like hundreds in Detroit. And a gathering of 500 people is like tens of thousands in Detroit which would be a major problem.:cool:

    • Downvote 1
  13. On 4/5/2016 at 10:43 PM, hlzy23 said:

    I'm willing to bet Kleinsasser's and Kuper's contracts were way more than all seven bison players combined. $$$$$$. That should tell you the quality of players. 

    And Wentz's first contract will be more than Kuper and Kleinsasser's combined. What are you saying? 

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  14. 12 hours ago, Longtime fan said:

    Really!?  Did he tell you that or are you presuming that since he is now a potential draft choice?   Let me know your insight please 

    How many 6'3" 250 LB linebackers sign at FCS schools? That is what he is trying to tell you. If he was that size he may have had P5 offers, and he may have taken one of those offers over a UND offer. 

  15. On 4/8/2016 at 6:00 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    The NCAA will make a rule change this summer where orphan FBS teams can join FCS conferences and they can all move up to FBS if enough transition properly.  That's why the Big Sky is so anxious to lock in Idaho football.  Since its the Frozen Four weekend, their isn't a lot of enthusiasm to talk about it now.  Bison and Jack fans are dead set against it and insist that it won't happen, because UND has a path to FBS then.  UND would need a stadium expansion, and alot of fans see that as too much of a stretch goal.

    This summer will be huge in Big Sky history.

    So the NCAA is going to change the rules for two FBS programs (Idaho and NMSU) that didn't have the support to be FBS in the first place? 

  16. 11 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    What?  Just stop posting here, please.

    What? I was agreeing with a Sioux fan that doesn't think an NDSU recruit is a D1 player at this time. Your fans are bringing up NDSU players and recruits. Expect them to be commented on if they do.

  17. 5 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The Slummit does not have the budgets to be more than an entry level DI conference, in spite of what bizon trolls say.

    Is that why you pay your head coach less than half of what the lower paid Summit teams pay theirs? Or less than a quarter of what ORU and Denver pay their Summit league HC's?

  18. 13 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    One had offers from Utah State, Drake, Colorado State, UNI, Utah, USC, Nebraska and UND. One has an offer from NDSU.

    As with most kids that height that go to mid-majors, they obviously both need(ed) work coming out of high school. However, there is clearly a difference in what college coaches are seeing in terms of potential. Just like everything else, recruiting is a crapshoot, only time will tell how it pans out (for both players).

    I agree the Dickinson kid doesn't look like a D1 player, but he doesn't look any worse than Werner did at the same point in his development.

  19. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    "players on active NFL rosters" I'd rather have two starters who are as good as anyone in the league at their positions like we had with Kuper and Kleinsasser. We have 0 right now obviously but that will change.

    Actually 5 of those 7 started at least 3 games last year, so most were more than "just on an active roster". You may be stretching it a little bit when you say Kuper and Kleinsasser were the best at their positions. They both had good runs, but I'm not sure they were Gronklike or Hutchinsonlike. Phil Hansen had just as good a run as either of them.

  20. On March 28, 2016 at 9:14 PM, darell1976 said:

    Must be one of those Bison fans who had a coma from 1993-2003.

    I'm sorry Darell, maybe I was in a coma those 10 years. Did I miss a huge influx of UND players going to the NFL?

    NDSU had 7 players on active NFL rosters at the end of last year. They could have 10 this year. When is the last time UND could say that? How far back do you have to go just to count the last 7 UND players that have been on active NFL rosters?

    • Downvote 1
  21. 14 minutes ago, Goon said:

    One of the nice things about DirecTV.

    I will admit, it is rare that Midco has an outage. But they did try to charge me for equipment I had turned in.

  22. 8 hours ago, 82SiouxGuy said:

    The fact that WDAY/WDAZ also has the channel for the CW, and possibly 1 more, that they could potentially broadcast on during those very busy weekends makes it very possible for them to handle the load from a broadcast time perspective. Whether you want to admit it or not, they can be a legitimate option if they want to be.

    They could be. It will be interesting to see if they make a serious bid. As an occasional college hockey viewer, UND hockey was a much more attractive product when the old WCHA was together. It has certainly lost some of its appeal. I know some will disagree, but I wonder if they have tracked viewership of UND hockey since the move? Does anyone know? By the way, I am a UND hockey fan. I really hope they are able to win it all this year. 

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