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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. Sounds like you're watching last night's game.
  2. Except for some issues during the exhibition game, I haven't had any issues, until now, with any of the UND broadcasts.
  3. Let's just be glad it was near the end of the period and they have the period break to get it working again. Hopefully they can get it back up within 15 minutes.
  4. Locked up for me, too.
  5. What was that about splitting up Parks and MacMillan?
  6. I'm not having any issues with the quality, perfectly clear the whole time. Just need to close the iris a bit, or the white-balance, as sprig mentioned.
  7. You'd have to disable Flash. Go to chrome:plugins and click the link to disable it. I just tried it and tried watching one of the On Demand Features, and it played the add just fine (not using flash) but when the actual segment started it said it wasn't supported on my device ("my device" being the latest version of Chrome on a Windows laptop). It worked fine on my iPad, though. Who knows what will happen during an actual real-time game stream.
  8. Flash must just be used for older browsers that don't support HTML5. I was able to watch the stream on my iPad, which doesn't support Flash. In fact, nothing should be using Flash at all anymore. That ship sailed a few years ago.
  9. I certainly wasn't complaining about the performance of the exhibition. I was just pointing out how much better it was and that they must have learned from that weekend. I hate to say it, but "as many people as possible" is simply how the internet works. With so many different platforms, browsers and other factors, it's nearly impossible to ensure that every user of anything on the internet will have the same experience. The best of developers will work as hard as possible to test all combinations of variables, but it's very difficult to do. The best they can do, in a case like this, is give a sample to view, and if the sample works you should be able to reliably say that the rest of the system will work. That's why you'll often see a video sample to see if it works before an event starts. Also, good customer service would, within a certain timeframe, offer a refund.
  10. Here's my experience: My UND Insider subscription from last year expires on 10/19 or 10/20. It automatically transferred over to NCHC.tv without a problem, all automatically. So, I was able to watch the exhibition and Friday's Bemidji game with last year's subscription (and next week's CC games, I assume). The exhibition game had some rebuffering issues. Quite a few actually. But the Bemidji game was flawless. Not a single instance where the feed dropped out. I was able to start it up on my iPad and Airplay it to my TV through the Apple TV, and it worked perfectly for the whole game. Hopefully that's the trend for the season.
  11. It's also on DirecTV channel 22 in the Twin Cities.
  12. They're the guys from here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118665/
  13. Looks really good right now. I got my UND Sports subscription last year a couple weeks into the season so I've still got a couple weeks left, which is nice so I can decide if I want to add the FCS channels to DirecTV (which aren't in HD), or if I want to get the streaming package and AirPlay everything. It's not quite HD, but much better than standard definition Fox College Sports.
  14. Audio? On MidcoSN or webcast? I still don't have anything on the webcast.
  15. Hopefully the book is more well-written than the description on Amazon.
  16. Works perfectly fine on Windows 8, IE10 for me.
  17. Snow shouldn't slow anybody down. You just have to be properly equipped: http://fcdn.mtbr.com/attachments/fat-bikes/852480d1386348251-lets-see-some-pics-190mm-9-zero-7-image.jpg
  18. You're joking, right? They a full figure skating event there after the 1994 Olympics with Nancy Kerrigan, and a bunch of the Olympic skaters. It was definitely on real ice.
  19. That's a crappy argument. Welcome to the real world. You don't get to pick your boss. You could get hired by somebody who then gets fired the next day. You're now required to work for the new guy. You can either work for him, or you can leave. Somebody else surely will take your job if you don't want it. You can't just boycott it because you don't like the guy and expect change without any repercussions.
  20. Thanks for the quick fix, Jim!
  21. And apparently one of our own "fans", too. He needs to be banned.
  22. I've been seeing the same thing for a few days. Exact same behavior. I should also add: thanks for the hard work, Jim. I know it's not fun dealing with this kinda stuff during off hours (especially if it's also what you do for work). So a huge thanks for all that you do.
  23. Who cares what they think? Skip the game.
  24. This "change" has been in effect since 2010-2011.
  25. No Sioux/Union dreams for me, but I had a Sioux/Gopher dream where we took care of them pretty handily.
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