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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. Am I the only one who thinks throwing a fish on the ice and having a go-kart Zamboni driving around the ice is kind of an amateur thing to do after every game's first goal?
  2. Make that 5-3 Gophers. Gophers just scored 3 goals in 39 seconds.
  3. That can vary from person to person. One of the main side-effects of mono is an enlarged spleen. Once enlarged it can burst much more easily. If Olson had that issue, they wouldn't allow him to have contact until the swelling goes down. It's possible you didn't have to go through that. I had mono after my senior year of high school and I won't only really down for a couple days, but you really do have to be careful about making sure you get enough sleep. If you push yourself too hard too soon it definitely can relapse.
  4. And if it was UND, you'd be calling them classless. It goes both ways.
  5. The second one shouldn't have counted, in my opinion. This third one, I think it's a good goal, unfortunately.
  6. My feed is WAY behind. They were still celebrating Poolman's goal (hadn't dropped the puck yet) when you posted that.
  7. 2 for Embellishment, 2 for Unsportsmanlike Conduct and a 10 minute misconduct. Pattyn got Roughing instead of Embellishment
  8. Saw somebody get hurt in the corner and limp back to the bench but didn't see who.
  9. Ever been to an NHL game? Happens at those all the time.
  10. Absolutely should have been 5. That was textbook contact-to-the-head.
  11. I'm not having any issues with it freezing, but it keeps dropping down to a lower quality, and I've never had this problem before. It always comes back to high quality (except for right now), but it hangs out in a lower quality for quite some time before it comes back. And now it's back to high quality.
  12. What was Murphy doing out there on the PP?
  13. When I had a car that could run flex fuel I test it out, running E85 for a few months, then regular for a few months. Turned out due to the decreased gas mileage, the price of E85 needed to be significantly less than regular in order for it to be cost effective. I can't remember the exact percentage right now, if I remember right, E85 was almost always that exact percentage cheaper, meaning it wouldn't save me any money at all, but I would be inconvenienced by having to fill up quite a bit more often.
  14. A logo like one of those would really help bridge the old to the new. It still has the feel of the old logo, but it's something new. I could actually get on board with that one, and I haven't been a big fan of anything else I've seen or heard yet.
  15. 10 years isn't a long, long time. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4374309/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/first-michigan-wolverine-spotted-years/#.VLAHfnl0yUk Ok...maybe that's splitting hairs a bit.
  16. UM pulled off an OT win over RIT, 3-2 UAH beat UAA for their 5th win of the season. The last two seasons they had a combined 5 wins, and it's only January!
  17. I agree. I've never been a fan of Eichel for this exact reason.
  18. Russia's coach pulling a Gwoz!
  19. Last minute schedule changes and having to have students reschedule their finals? That's not exactly a trivial thing. It was pretty stupid of her to say that the football players should be responsible for reconfiguring the dome, though.
  20. If you don't follow it closely? Even if you do follow it closely it appears that way. Quite obvious, actually.
  21. You're right. I didn't look that deeply into it before.
  22. I don't know where you're seeing Twamley, or even Grand Forks. I see an address in Fisher, Minnesota. The person who registered it does have a @mail.business.und.edu address, though.
  23. Caggiula makes it 3-0
  24. No problems at all for me. Might even be better quality than home games.
  25. He's wrong. The goalie had the puck covered for at least two seconds, OD came in hard and sprayed the goalie. He had plenty of time to slow down or stop without such a hard spray. I think it was a perfectly valid call.
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