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  1. Haven't eaten there in a while but it used to be my favorite. What's changed?
  2. Just wanted to bump this before I try to convince myself to buy from ticketmaster and pay the awful fees.
  3. Would be a nice paring with Watford City. But probably need two classes before that would happen.
  4. There is some information available in the NDHSAA yearbooks. https://ndhsaa.com/about/yearbook
  5. I am looking for 6 tickets (possibly 8 ) for March 8. 4 kids and 2 adults (or 4 kids and 4 adults) so could split into two groups if necessary, but all together would be preferred. Doesn't matter where at in the building; last year we sat in the very top row. Just let me know what you have if you're interested in selling. Thank you.
  6. My understanding is that there were about 35 kids trying out for the one Jr. Gold team and the intentional was to keep about 25 of them. There should have been two High School teams this year.
  7. Well, this has been a fun time. Go SIOUX/HAWKS/UND! Might have to think about getting my season tickets again.
  8. Thanks for everything you do with this site. We appreciate it.
  9. We are moving on in Soccer: https://fightinghawks.com/news/2024/11/25/womens-soccer-university-of-north-dakota-announces-change-in-soccer-leadership.aspx
  10. That would seem to indicate that despite all the poor planning and long term decision making of late, especially regarding personnel, the people in charge at UND have learned nothing and are still not making an effort to be more on top of decision making.
  11. You're overestimating how much anyone on here cares about Bubba's record next year at this point in time I suspect.
  12. Well this is a completely disappointing first post in this new (or should I say old? as in same old same old...) thread for next season.
  13. How can that possibly be squared with the (apparently) subsequent decision to extend him? It makes no sense.
  14. Well it is late November and currently UND sits: Hockey: 5th out of 9 in the NCHC with a conference record of 2-2-0 and an overall record of 5-6-0. Football: 8th out of 11 in the MVFC with a conference record of 2-5 and an overall record of 5-6. Volleyball: 8th out of 9 in the Summit with a conference record of 2-13 and an overall record of 9-17. W Soccer: 8th out of 9 in the Summit with a conference record of 0-4-4 and an overall record of 4-8-6. W Softball: 6th of 7 in the Summit with a conference record of 6-12 and an overall record of 14-42. Basketball just got going.
  15. The buyout issue is a prime example of how poor the long term decision making has been in the athletic department. Year after year after year of poor decisions.
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