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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Next time I'm hungrry for Italian food on a tuesday night, I will just hop on my private jet and blast off to one of these destinations. Looks like GF and Olive Garden will "have to do" for me.
  2. Tony Hrkac was at the game last night to see Trupps move first hand. He was pretty happy after the game, seeing the Sioux win.
  3. Would have loved to see BSU pull it off, but they just didn't have the oomph (thats a word, right?).
  4. there is no other word to to describe Trupps moves, other than amazing. What skill.
  5. No confusion there JFR. Yes, I can have free pizza...if you want to call It free, since I do pay for the product before it's made into a pizza
  6. Congrats to Region 2 boys basketball player Philip Schanelic from Midway Minto on winning Mr. basketball 2011 Well deserved, Philip.
  7. We live in Thompson, really a quick trip, but with kids, and dogs at home, we decided to stay home and watch it on tv. Didn't want to take the chance of getting stuck in town. 1st game we've missed this year. It's really ugly outside right now, so I think we made the right decision.
  8. Dan, are you saying you remember how steep it is? And yes, I do have pictures.
  9. Good for #10 from GFRR, who didn't feel he had to dye his hair yellow.
  10. Try this number. 651-726-8240 and ask for Mickey. She does the tickets for the F5.
  11. ummm...what's a ground screw?
  12. He did get a goal in the game last night against the Wings, didn't he?
  13. You were just busy being a Bitch...Ice Bitch. And I mean that in the nicest way
  14. I've seen the thread subject have "sold" added to it once the tickets are gone. That is a good idea.
  15. And you haven't missed much...other than having lunch with me!
  16. Whew! I thought I was the only one that loves the smell of the arena. Minus the smell of the almonds. I love almonds, but cant eat them because of an allergy. I just can't stand the smell of the Bavarian almond stands. I hold my breath when I walk by it.
  17. Is Simpson just a healthy scratch? Or isn't he healthy.
  18. I remember the building too. Was always fun to see what would turn up on it next. I live in Thompson, and I don't remember seeing it there since we moved here, 12 years ago. I don't remember it's exact location, was it north of the Thompson exit?
  19. I don't usually look in to the Football thread here on SiouxSports (I'm more of a hockey gal), but passing some time this morning I came across this thread. I just finished reading Marlins blog, and it seems to me that Marlin is one hell of a fighter. He has a wife and kids that he plans on being around for and by the looks of it, he will be. Marlin, I thought the same thing about the Packers as you did. I was never a fan, but liked a couple players here and there. I read something not long ago about Aaron Rodgers, and that has turned my thoughts around about the team. I may not ever be a huge Pack fan, but I am a big fan of his. Also, after seeing a story on ESPN about the Matthews family, I'm a fan of theirs too. I'll be sending prayers your way, and look forward to seeing more posts on your blog. Wishing you all the best. Now, GO AND KICK CANCERS BUTT!! Siouxmama
  20. Make sure you tell Mr. RWD to bring books, and DVD's (or a map to the local establishments). Sioux-cia has disconnected her cable, due to her being AWOL from GF for so long.
  21. Yes he did. I remember him using that line.
  22. There has to be more to this. "He was 'found' walking"? What the hell! There must have been someone to give him a ride. Something isn't right here. Anyway, best of luck to Danny, and I hope he heels fast and complete. Frostbite is ugly stuff.
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